索引 suoˇ yinˇ
To index, Index, Indexes, Indexing, Indexed
Index, Indexed, Indexes, Indexing, To index
索 Ask, Ask for, Cable, Decide, Demand, Exhaust, Expose, Final, Inquire, Laws, Need, Regulations, Rope, Rules, Search, Search for, Squeeze, Suspend, Tighten, Twist, Unearth
引 Attract, Cause, Entice, Guide, Introduce, Lead, Make, Pull, Quote, Retire, Unit Of Length
Words with shared element:
moˊ xingˊ jiˊ qiˊ suoˇ yinˇ
A model and its index | The model and its index | Models and their indexes
woˇ men˙ keˇ yiˇ duiˋ moˊ xingˊ jiˊ qiˊ suoˇ yinˇ jinˋ xingˊ peiˋ zhiˋ
Configure the model and its indexes | Configure the model and its indexing
suoˇ yongˋ moˊ xingˊ de˙ zhengˋ queˋ xingˋ hanˋ suoˇ yinˇ
Correctness and indexing of the model being used | Correctness and indexing of the models being used
moˊ xingˊ de˙ youˇ xiaoˋ de˙ suoˇ yinˇ huaˋ
Effective indexing of a model | Effective indexing of the model | Effective indexing of models
moˊ xingˊ de˙ youˇ xiaoˋ suoˇ yinˇ
Effective indexing of the model | Effective indexing of a model | Effective indexing of models
jiuˋ yueˋ rongˊ yiˋ duiˋ woˇ men˙ suoˇ xueˊ de˙ neiˋ rongˊ jinˋ xingˊ suoˇ yinˇ
The easier it is to index what we learn
rongˊ yiˋ beiˋ suoˇ yinˇ hanˋ xueˊ xiˊ
Easily indexed and learned | Easy to index and learn
gengˋ rongˊ yiˋ beiˋ suoˇ yinˇ hanˋ xueˊ xiˊ
Easier to index and learn
Shared elements with:
索居, 索賠, 索具, 索引, 索馬里, 索然, 索性, 索取, 巴索羅繆, 思索, 不假思索, 幾內亞比索, 繩索, 纜索, 線索, 絞索, 利索, 正確性和索引, 的正確性和索引, 科索沃, 有效索引, 布基納法索, 被索引和學習, 容易被索引和學習, 更容易被索引和學習, 導火索, 艾普索波, 葛索, 萊索托, 模型及其索引, 梅索, 檢索, 套索, 套索捉住, 搜索, 四處搜索, 摸索, 探索, 探索法, 隨著它探索其界限, 庫拉索島引:
引號, 引用, 引出, 引經據典, 引發, 引向, 引言, 引誘, 引導, 引導變化的流動, 引進, 引人注意, 引人注目, 引人入勝, 引入, 引領, 引燃, 引爆, 引著, 引擎, 引擎空轉, 引到, 引力, 引起, 引起的, 右單引號, 左單引號, 吸引, 吸引力, 被吸引, 比魔法更吸引, 會比魔法更吸引他, 會比魔法更吸引她, 呼朋引伴, 右雙引號, 左雙引號, 長篇引, 牽引, 重力的牽引, 繁徵博引, 索引, 被索引和學習, 有效索引, 容易被索引和學習, 更容易被索引和學習, 正確性和索引, 模型及其索引, 的正確性和索引, 適當地引導我們的感官, 指引Copyright©2025 Neil Keleher.
All rights reserved.