視 shiˋ
Regard, Visual, Vision, Optics, Inspect, Look at, Gaze, Watch, Consider, Use as a model, Imitate, Compare, Show, Receive
視閾 shiˋ yuˋ
Visual threshold, Minimum light threshold
視, 閾, 視閾-rhymes
shiˋ tongˊ yiˋ tiˇ
Treat impartially, Accord the same treatment to all, Unbiased
視, 同, 一, 體, 視同一體-rhymes
shiˋ tongˊ juˋ wenˊ
Regard as mere empty words, Not take seriously what someone has said
視, 同, 具, 文, 視同具文-rhymes
shiˋ geˋ renˊ nengˊ liˋ tiaoˊ
Adjust for individual ability, Adjust for individual competence
視, 個, 人, 能, 力, 調, 視個人能力調-rhymes
視迷 shiˋ miˊ
Enthusiast (e.g. train spotter)
視, 迷, 視迷-rhymes
shiˋ ruoˋ wuˊ wuˋ
Disregard, To see as nothing, To look at as unimportant
視, 若, 無, 物, 視若無物-rhymes
影視 yingˇ shiˋ
Film and television
影, 視
收視率 shou ˉ shiˋ luuˋ
收, 視, 率
無視 wuˊ shiˋ
To ignore, Ignore, Ignores, Ignoring, Ignored
無, 視
衛視 weiˋ shiˋ
Satellite TV
衛, 視
後視鏡 houˋ shiˋ jingˋ
Rear view mirror
後, 視, 鏡
主視眼 zhuˇ shiˋ yanˇ
Dominant eye
主, 視, 眼
窺視 kui ˉ shiˋ
Peek, Peep, Spy on, Watch, Watching, Peeking, Peeping, Spying on, Looking at
窺, 視
漠視 moˋ shiˋ
Despise, Ignore, Indifference, Underestimate, Consider unimportant
漠, 視
近視 jinˋ shiˋ
Myopia, Short-sighted, Near-sighted
近, 視
zuoˋ shiˋ buˋ guanˇ
Sit idly, Watch and do nothing
坐, 視, 不, 管
woˇ men˙ buˋ nengˊ zuoˋ shiˋ buˋ guanˇ
We can't just sit and do nothing
我, 們, 不, 能, 坐, 視, 不, 管
斜視 xieˊ shiˋ
Eye axis alignment
斜, 視
藐視 miaoˇ shiˋ
Spurn, Spurned, Disregard, Disregarded
藐, 視
yiˊ shiˋ tongˊ renˊ
Treat everyone the same, Treat everyone equally
一, 視, 同, 仁
珍視 zhen ˉ shiˋ
珍, 視
需視 xu ˉ shiˋ
Depending on, Subject to, Need to see, Need to look at
需, 視
erˇ shiˋ muˋ ting ˉ
耳, 視, 目, 聽
掃視 saoˇ shiˋ
To glance, Glance, Glances, Glancing, Glanced, To scan, Scan, Scans, Scanning, Scanned, To sweep eyes over, Sweep eyes over, Sweeps eyes over, Sweeping eyes over, Swept eyes over
掃, 視
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