逐漸 zhuˊ jianˋ
Increasing, Increasingly, Gradual, Gradually
Words with shared element: 逐漸
zhuˊ jianˋ zeng ˉ jia ˉ
To gradually increase | Gradually increase | Gradually increases | Gradually increasing | Gradually increased | To slowly increase | Slowly increase | Slowly increases | Slowly increasing | Slowly increased | To Increase | Increase | Increasing | Increased
zhuˊ jianˋ mingˊ baiˊ
Was sinking in | It was sinking in | Was gradually understanding
逐漸 | 明白
zhuˊ jianˋ xiangˋ dong ˉ kuoˋ zhang ˉ
Gradually expanding Eastwards | Gradually expanded towards the East
zhuˊ jianˋ shi ˉ quˋ duiˋ geˋ guoˊ de˙ yingˇ xiangˇ liˋ
Gradually losing authority over other states
yiˊ qieˋ zhuˊ jianˋ pin ˉ couˋ qiˇ laiˊ
It slowly comes together | The pieces gradually fall into place | The pieces fall into place
zhang ˉ naoˇ de˙ zhongˋ yaoˋ xingˋ caiˊ zhuˊ jianˋ beiˋ quˇ daiˋ
Camphor's importance was gradually supplanted | Camphor increasingly became less important
Frag (shared element) page
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