
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 像


As if pregnant

xiangˋ huaiˊ yunˋ yiˋ yangˋ

像 xiangˋ
Seem, Look Like, Resemble, Appearance, Picture, Portrait, Image, Alike, Be Like, Such As, E.G.

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Phone , Tone


懷孕 huaiˊ yunˋ

一樣 yiˊ yangˋ

Words that rhyme with 像懷孕一樣 (yang-wai)

Grouped by first phone

xiang, liang, yang

像懷孕一樣 xiangˋ huaiˊ yunˋ yiˋ yangˋ

As if pregnant

向外 xiangˋ waiˋ

Outwards, Towards the outside, Face outwards, Facing outwards, Facing out

向外伸展 xiangˋ waiˋ shen¯ zhanˇ

Stretch outwards, Stretch out to the side

向外抬起 xiangˋ waiˋ taiˊ qiˇ

Lift outwards, Lift out to the side

xiang, liang, yang

涼快 liangˊ kuaiˋ

Pleasantly cool

兩塊 liangˇ kuaiˋ

Two units, Two blocks

xiang, liang, yang

洋槐 yangˊ huaiˊ

Acacia, Locust Tree

Grouped in tone pairs

42, 22, 24, 34, 44

像懷孕一樣 xiangˋ huaiˊ yunˋ yiˋ yangˋ

As if pregnant

42, 22, 24, 34, 44

洋槐 yangˊ huaiˊ

Acacia, Locust Tree

42, 22, 24, 34, 44

涼快 liangˊ kuaiˋ

Pleasantly cool

42, 22, 24, 34, 44

兩塊 liangˇ kuaiˋ

Two units, Two blocks

42, 22, 24, 34, 44

向外 xiangˋ waiˋ

Outwards, Towards the outside, Face outwards, Facing outwards, Facing out

向外伸展 xiangˋ waiˋ shen¯ zhanˇ

Stretch outwards, Stretch out to the side

向外抬起 xiangˋ waiˋ taiˊ qiˇ

Lift outwards, Lift out to the side


丿-亻 : > : > [像]-像懷 : > [像]-像懷孕一樣 >

丶-忄 : > : > [懷]-懷孕 : > [懷]-像懷孕一樣 >

𠃌-乃 : > : > [孕]-懷孕 : > [孕]-像懷孕一樣 >

一-一 : > : > [一]-一樣 : > [一]-像懷孕一樣 >

十-木 : > : > [樣]-一樣 : > [樣]-像懷孕一樣 >

像懷孕一樣 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 像

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