ziˇ, zi˙
Son, Child, Noun Suffix, Particle, Grain, Egg, Seed, From 11Pm To 1Am, Rat
Word Links for words containing 子 (sorted via character pairs)
子彈 Bullet, Round
閃過了子彈 Dodged a bullet
發出去的子彈 The shot, The bullet shot
子彈似的 Like a bullet
子彈分析 Ballistics
子彈的射程 Bullet range, Projectile range
像子彈打中奶油 Like a bullet through butter
子彈的射程實在短 The bullets had a short range
子彈的射程實在短得令人失望 The bullets had a disappointingly short range
一下子就過去了 Flew by, Went by quickly
上午的時間一下子就過去了 The morning went by quickly
一下子就衝到十一 Goes all the way up (past 10) to 11, (on a scale of 1 to 10) goes all the way up to 11
哨子 Whistle
金哨子 A gold whistle, The gold whistle, Golden whistle
吹響哨子 Blew the whistle, Blown the whistle
哨子的聲音又響又亮 The sound of the whistle was loud and distinctive
日子 Day, Days
好日子 Good day
熬日子 Experience hard times
過日子 To live
風光的日子 Glory days
明天是大日子 Tomorrow is a big day, Tomorrow is the big day, Tomorrow is going to be a big day
過自己的日子 Live one's life
毀了他得意的日子 Ruined his day
毀了她得意的日子 Ruined her day
一般日子裡 Normally, On an average day, During an average day
日子一天天過去 As the days went by
我風光的日子早晚會來的 Sooner or later my time will come, My time will come
影子 Shadow, Shadows, Trace, Traces, Vague impression, Vague impressions
自己的影子嚇到 Scared of one's own shadow
點子 Idea
好點子 Good idea, Good ideas
怪點子 Weird idea
各種點子 Various ideas, Ideas
賣廣告的點子 Idea of selling advertising
有一大堆好點子 Had plenty of good ideas
肚子 Belly
拉肚子 Loose bowels, Diarrhea
圓滾滾的肚子 Round belly
肚子圓 Round belly, Belly is round, With a round belly
肚子痛 Belly ache, Stomach ache
吞進肚子裡 Consume, Swallow
肚子餓了 Was hungry
他肚子餓了 He was hungry
她肚子餓了 She was hungry
肚子圓滾滾 Belly is round, Round belly
有一肚子的氣 A belly full of gas, Harbor resentment, Harbored resentment
趴在肚子上頭 Lie on the belly, Lie belly down
吐光肚子裡的東西 Vomit everything up, Spew one's guts out
掩飾他們肚子的深色背心 Dark waistcoats that masked their bellies, Their belly deemphasizing dark vests
腦子 Brain
腦子清醒 Clear headed
任何腦子清醒的人都不敢 None in their right mind would dare, Anyone clear headed wouldn't dare
腦子的活動讓他興奮異常 The workings of his mind excited him, Exhilarated by the workings of his mind
腦子清醒的人 Clear headed person
任何腦子清醒的人 Anyone clear headed, Anyone in their right mind
膽子 Courage, Bravery, Audacity
有膽子就試試看 Try if you dare, Come on if you think you've got the guts, Come and have a go
膽子突然變小了 Courage suddenly disappeared
一陣子 A while, For a while
好一陣子 For a long while
再陪我一陣子 Stay with me for a while, Stick around for a while
繼續做一陣子 Continue working for a while
至少好一陣子 At least for a while, For a while at least
躺了好一陣子 Lay for a while
女子 Woman
成年女子 Woman, Adult woman
風塵女子 Prostitute
一位痴情女子 An infatuated woman
一名神秘女子 A mysterious woman
位嬌小的美洲亞裔女子 A petite American-Asian woman
成年女子怎麼不見了 Why is the woman not here?
君子 Gentleman
偽君子 Hypocrite
一個徹徹底底的偽君子 An absolute hypocrite
說這句話就會是一個徹徹底底的偽君子 To say this would be the height of hypocrisy, Saying this was the height of hypocrisy
孩子 Kids, Children, Offspring
女孩子 Girl
小孩子 Child
男孩子 Boy, Boys
三個孩子 Three children
接回孩子 Pick up children from school
那個孩子 That child
你只是個小孩子 You're just a child, You're just a kid
妳只是個小孩子 You're just a child, You're just a kid
那些其他的孩子 Those other kids
你那時只是個小孩子 At the time you were just a child
只有週末才能陪孩子 Only have time to spend with their kids on the weekends
孩子們 Children, Offspring
孩子房 Kid's room
我不是小孩子了 I am not a child
孩子還小 Children are still young
孩子出來吧 Son, come out, Come out son
男孩子之間 Among the boys
派個小孩子過來 Send a kid, Sends a child, Sent a child
孩子們都高叫願意 The children all screamed yes
一個小孩子接了電話 A child answered the phone
原子 Atom
氧原子 Oxygen atom
甲原子 Atom A
碳原子 Carbon atom
鎂原子 Magnesium atom
一粒原子 A single atom
各種原子 Various atoms, Atoms
十萬個原子 One hundred thousand atoms
操控個別原子 Manipulate individual atoms
沒有一粒原子 Not a single atom
分子中所有原子 For all atoms within a molecule
依序平衡各種原子 Sequentially balance the various atoms
化學式中所含原子 Chemical formula's included atoms
粹取出所需的原子 Extract the necessary atoms, Extracting the desired atoms
含有多少莫耳氧原子 Contains how many moles of oxygen atoms
原子筆 Ballpoint pen
原子量 Atomic weight
甲的原子量 Atom A's atomic weight
碳的原子量 Atomic weight of carbon
鎂的原子量 Atomic weight of magnesium, Magnesium's atomic weight
依據道耳頓原子說 According to Dalton's atomic theory
其他元素的原子量 Atomic weights of other elements
分子中所有原子的原子量 The atomic mass for all atoms within a molecule
原子吐息 Atomic breath
原子吐息將 Atomic breath
原子與分子 Atoms and molecules
原子質量比 Atomic mass ratio
原子量訂法 Atomic weighing method
由大量的原子或分子組成 Composed of a large number of atoms or molecules
原子可以被放在選定的地方 Atoms can be placed in selected or predetermined locations
原子的質量 Atomic mass, The mass of an atom, An atom's mass
各原子質量 Each atomic mass
碳原子質量 Atomic mass of carbon
一個原子或分子的質量 The mass of an atom or molecule
分子中所有原子的原子量總和 The sum of atomic masses of all atoms within a molecule
分子量為分子中所有原子的原子量總和 Molecular weight is the sum of the atomic weights of all atoms within a molecule
房子 House, Building
冷房子 Cold building, Cold house
舊房子 Old house, Former home
蓋房子 Build a house, Build houses
跳房子 Hopscotch
獨棟房子 Townhouse
這一間房子 This house
以前住的房子 Former house, Old house, Former residence, Old home, Former home
城市最外圍的房子 Houses situated at the very fringe of the city, Houses at the very outskirts of the city
用煤餅升火暖冷房子 Heat a cold house with charcoal briquets
房子的側牆 Side of the house, Side of the building
騾子 Mule
五頭騾子 Five mules, The five mules
走下騾子 Dismount from a mule, Get off the mule, Got off the mule, Dismount, Dismounted
沒走下騾子 Didn't dismount, Didn't get off the mule, Didn't get of their mules
工作起來像頭騾子 Works like a mule
兔子 Rabbit
像兔子 Like a rabbit
一隻兔子 A rabbit
兩隻小兔子 Two rabbits
第二隻兔子 Second rabbit
等兔子出現 Waiting for a rabbit to appear
罐子 Can, Cannister, Jug, Jar
破罐子 Unchaste woman, Broken vessel, Person in poor health
將罐子踢開 Kicked the container out of the way
份子 Members
幫派份子 Gang members
滋事份子 Troublemaker, Hooligan
狂熱份子 Fanatic, Fanatics, Zealot, Zealots, Extremist, Extremists
幫派的一份子 Part of a gang
一名落單的幫派份子 A single gang member
再也沒有什麼東西能比狂熱份子更危險了 There's nothing more dangerous than a fanatic, There's nothing more dangerous than a zealot
例子 Example, Instance, For instance
先舉個例子 Just to raise one example, Just to bring up one example
再舉個例子 To give another example
個子 Size of a person, Person's build, Height
大個子 Big person
小個子 Little person
個子小 Small size, Small in stature, Small in body
他個子高 He is tall, He was tall
我的個子小 I am very tiny
種子 Seed, Seeds
一把種子 A handful of seeds
播下種子 Sowing seeds
罌粟種子 Poppyseed, poppyseeds
一顆小種子 A tiny seed
這念頭的種子 The seed of this idea
罌粟種子大小 Poppyseed size, The size of poppyseeds
毯子 Blanket, Rug, Carpet
毯子拉上蓋到它們下巴 Pulled the blanket up to their chins
蒙在毯子下 Under a blanket, Covered by a blanket, Hiding under a blanket
把頭塞進毯子下 Stuck their head under the blanket
竹子 Bamboo
躲在大竹子內 Hidden within the large pieces of bamboo
將竹子劈成許多細枝條 Cut the bamboo into lots of slender strips
筷子 Chopsticks
動筷子 Use chopsticks
一根筷子 A chopstick
拿了一根筷子 Took a chopstick
用塑膠來做筷子 Using plastic to make chopsticks, Making chopsticks in plastic
筷子柄 Chopstick handle
簾子 Curtain, Curtains
簾子後面 Behind the curtain(s)
簾子拉開 Curtains pulled back
像簾子拉開的窗戶般 Like windows with their curtains pulled back
籃子 Basket, Baskets
小籃子 Small basket, Little basket, Little baskets
這些籃子 These baskets
搜集紀念品的小籃子 Little baskets for collecting souvenirs, Little baskets for souvenirs, Little souvenir baskets
亭子 Pavilion
造一個亭子 Built a pavilion
上面有蓋的亭子 Covered pavilion, Open sided pavilion
造一個四面有柱子撐住上面有蓋的亭子 Built a pavilion with supporting pillars on four sides and a roof above
案子 Case, Cases
討論案子 Discuss the case
在這裡討論案子 Discuss the case here, Discusses the case here, Discussing the case here, Discussed the case here
窗子 Window
清洗窗子 Washing windows, Cleaning windows
遠處的窗子 Far window, Far windows
正爬進窗子裡 Climbing through the window
從窗子眺望水那邊 Looked out the window across the water
瘋子 Maniac, Crazy, Mad, Psychotic
一群瘋子 Group of maniacs, Crazy people
有些瘋子 Some maniacs
戴大禮帽的美麗瘋子 Beautiful tophat wearing lunatic
瘋子胡言亂語 Ravings of a lunatic
鼻子 Nose
捏了他的鼻子 Pinched his nose
她就忍不住皺了下鼻子 Wrinkle her nose in distaste
鼻子尖 Pointy nosed, Long nosed
碰一鼻子灰 Rejected, Meet with rejection, Rebuffed
鼻子被打斷了 Broken nose
你把我的鼻子打斷了 You broke my nose
好把我的鼻子打斷了 You broke my nose
在你鼻子前方幾吋 A few inches in front of your nose
你把我的鼻子打斷了啦 You broke my nose
在你鼻子前方幾吋的一點 A point a few inches in front of your nose
就像灰塵飄進鼻子裡讓人打噴嚏一樣 It was the same as dust getting into someone's nose causing them to sneeze
身子 Body
起身子 Get up
他的身子 His body
光著身子 Naked
蜷起身子 Curl up
赤裸著身子 Naked, Naked body
覺得好像光著身子 Felt naked
赤裸著身子坐在馬桶上 Sitting naked on the toilet
袖子 Sleeve, Sleeves
用袖子擦了擦裂開的嘴唇 Wiping his burst lip with his sleeve, Using her sleeve to wipe her burst lip
釘子 Spike, Nail
碰釘子 Meet with rejection, Rebuffed, Rebuked
釘子頭 Nailhead
將釘子旋下 Tighten a screw, Tighten screws, Tighten a bolt, Tighten bolts down
鉤子 Hook, Hooks
每根鉤子 Each hook
吊大衣的鉤子 Coat hook
掛在吊大衣的鉤子上 Hang on a coat hook, Hangs on a coat hook, Hanging on a coat hook, Hanging on the coat hook, Hung on a coat hook
鏡子 Spectacles, Glasses, Mirror, To mirror
碰了鏡子 Touched the mirror
鋼製的鏡子 Steel mirror
在鏡子前 In front of the mirror
鏡子裡的映像 Image in the mirror, Reflection in the mirror
一個反射在鏡子裡的人形 A figure reflected in a mirror, A reflected figure in a mirror, A reflected image in a mirror
分子 Molecule, Molecularly
公分子 Common numerator
水分子 Water molecule
高分子 Polymer, Macromolecule
彈道分子 Ballisticule
恐怖分子 Terrorist
知識分子 Intellectuals, Scholars, Free thinking and independent
純碳分子 Pure carbon molecule
織物分子 Fabric molecule, Fabric molecules, Fabricule, Fabricules
原子與分子 Atoms and molecules
分子式 Molecular formula
分子數 Mass divided by atomic mass or molecular mass, Molecular number or number of molecules
分子的 Molecular
分子量 Molecular weight
某一種化合物的分子量 A certain compound's molecular weight
分子中所有原子的原子量 The atomic mass for all atoms within a molecule
分子器件 Molecular device, Molecular widget, Molecular devices
分子模型 Molecular model
分子結合 Molecular bond
分子解體線 Molecular disassembly line
分子秩序完美 Eutactic, Characterised by precise molecular order
高分子聚合物 Polymer
分子中所有原子 For all atoms within a molecule
哪一個分子數較多 Which molecular number is bigger
分子秩序完美的環境 Eutactic environment
由大量的原子或分子組成 Composed of a large number of atoms or molecules
分子間連續碰撞的平均自由路徑 Mean free path, Average distance over which a moving particle changes direction or energy as a result of successive collisions with other particles
分子質量 Molecular mass
分子的質量 Molecular mass
一個原子或分子的質量 The mass of an atom or molecule
分子輸送帶 Molecular conveyor belt
一束分子輸送帶 A bunch of molecular conveyor belts
分子質量的比較數值 Relative molecular mass
分子量是各分子質量的比較數值 Molecular weight is the relative value of a molecules molecular mass, Molecular weight is a molecule's relative molecular mass
分子中所有原子的原子量總和 The sum of atomic masses of all atoms within a molecule
分子量為分子中所有原子的原子量總和 Molecular weight is the sum of the atomic weights of all atoms within a molecule
粒子 Particle
帶電粒子 Charged particle
都是極小的粒子 Are all tiny particles, Are both tiny particles, Are tiny particles
粒子加速器 Particle accelerator
瓶子 Bottle
半瓶水的小瓶子 Half a bottle of water
裝了半瓶水的小瓶子 Small bottle half filled with water
放進瓶子裡 Put into the bottle
像氣體逃出瓶子般 Like gas escaping from a bottle
卷子 Test paper, Examination paper
我的卷子 My test paper
老師不小心瞄到我的卷子 Teacher accidentally saw my test paper
電子 Electron
正電子 Positron
電子版 Electronic edition, Digital edition
電子信箱 Email
電子儀器 Electronic equipment
電子滑步 Electric slide
電子郵件盒 Email-box
電子技術人員 Computer Technician, Electronics Technician
電子郵件帳號 Email account
電子郵件 Email
回電子郵件 Email reply
收到了電子郵件 Received an email
電子顯微鏡 Electron microscope
電子掃描穿隧顯微鏡 Scanning tunneling microscopes
石子 Cobbles, Stones
圓石子 Cobblestone
小石子 Pebble, Stone
碎石子 Gravel, Macadam
著石子地 Touch the cobbles, Touched the cobbles
帽子 Hat
大帽子 Big hat, Big hats
還您帽子 To give back your hat
一頂好帽子 A good hat
戴著大帽子 Wear a big hat, Wearing a big hat, Wearing big hats
帽子拉得低低的 Hat pulled low, Pulled their hat down low
從架上拿回帽子和傘 Retrieve their hat and umbrella from the rack, Retrieved their hat and umbrella from the rack
桌子 Table, Desk
排桌子 Arranged tables, Set up tables
一張桌子 A table
兩張桌子 Two tables
每張桌子 Each table
留張桌子 Leave one table
兩張破舊的桌子 Two battered desks
桌子上 On the table
在桌子下 Underneath the table, Below the table
圍著桌子走一走 Strolled around the desk, Strolled around the table
桌子上有很多水果 There is lots of fruit on the table
輩子 Lifetime, Generation
一輩子 A lifetime, One's whole life, His whole life, Her whole life
他這一輩子 His whole life
這工作不能做一輩子 This job isn't forever
輩子從來 Whole life
一輩子多半時間 Most of a lifetime, Most of their life
這輩子都不愁吃穿了 Would never be short of money, Would never have to worry about food or clothing
你才會一輩子都忘不了 You'll never forget
妳才會一輩子都忘不了 You'll never forget
她知道這輩子要做什麼 She knows what she wants to do with her life, She knew what she wanted to do with her life
他跟朋友最大的不同是他知道這輩子要做什麼 The biggest difference between him and his friends was that he knew what she wanted to do with his life
她跟朋友最大的不同是她知道這輩子要做什麼 The biggest difference between her and her friends was that she knew what she wanted to do with her life
架子 Shelf, Frame, Rack, Stand, Outline, Skeleton, Framework
滿鞭杖的架子 Rack of whipping canes
紮了一個架子 Tied together a framework
牆上掛滿鞭杖的架子 Rack of whipping canes hanging on a wall
覆蓋在架子上綁牢 Placed over the top of of the frame and fastened securely in place
夾子 Binder, Folder
把夾子推到他面前 Push the binder in front of him, Pushes the binder in front of him, Pushed the binder towards him
林子 Trees, Woods, Forest
在林子裡沿著山側蜿蜒而上 Winding through trees up the hillside, Wound up the hillside through the woods
柱子 Post, Pillar, Pillars, Column, Columns
裂開的柱子 Cracked columns
柱子撐住 Supported by pillars
被柱子撐住 Was supported by a pillar, Was supported by posts
四面有柱子撐住 Supporting columns on four sides
綁在柱子上 Tied to a pillar, Tied to a post
造一個四面有柱子撐住上面有蓋的亭子 Built a pavilion with supporting pillars on four sides and a roof above
格子 Square(s), Grid, Trellis, Lattice, Checked, Checkered
格子呢 Tartan
格子呢裙 Tartan Skirt
長度到大腿中段的格子呢裙 Mid-Thigh Length Tartan Skirt
椅子 Chair, Chairs
一張椅子 A single chair, One chair
一張讀書用的椅子 A chair for reading
把椅子一轉 Turned the chair around, Spun the chair around, Gave the chair a spin
站在椅子上 Stood on a chair
拉了張椅子湊上 Pulled a chair up to
槓子 Carrying pole, Horizontal bar, Parallel bars
翻槓子 Do gymnastics on a horizontal bar, Do gymnastics on parallel bars
樣子 Appearance, Model, Pattern, Sample, Style
看樣子 Seems, Looks as if
她的樣子 Her appearance
一寸煩惱的樣子 Fretted, Look worried
汗水直流的樣子 Looking very sweaty
重現原來畫作的樣子 Reproducing the original painting
樣子的 Sample, Style, Appearance
樣子大不相同 Look very different, Looked very different, Changed a lot
跟他上次來的樣子大不相同 Looked very different from the last time he came, Had changed a lot since last he came
妻子 Wife, Wives
你妻子 Your wife
我妻子 My wife
你妻子去了哪裡 Where did your wife go?
妻子和年幼的兒子 Wife and young son
帶子 Tape, Strap
整理帶子環住他的頭 Positioned the straps around his head
整理帶子環住她的頭 Positioned the straps around her head
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