Very, Very Much, Is, Are, Highly, Extremely
Word Links for words containing 很 (sorted via character pairs)
很晚 Late, Very late
很晚才下班 Finished work late, Get off work late
時間很晚了 It's very late, It's gotten very late, It's already very late
夜裡很晚的時候 Late at night
很累人 Very tiring
已經很累了 Very tired, Is very tired
這樣算很累人 Calculating like this is tiring, This is tiring
我很累 I am tired
他的胳臂很壯 His arms are strong, His arms were strong
她的胳臂很壯 Her arms are strong, Her arms were strong
很好 Good, Very good, Really good
我很好 I'm fine, I'm all right
感覺很好 Felt good, It was nice that
這樣很好 This was good, Which was good
他們人很好 They are good folks, They're good people
很好吃 Delicious
很好呀 Great, Good, Perfect
很好心 Kind, Very kind, Kind-hearted, Well-intentioned
很好玩 Amusing, Very funny
我很好奇 I am curious, I am interested
很好入口 Very good taste, Sits in the mouth well
很好心地 Kindly, Very kindly, Kind-heartedly
很好的保全 Good security, Pretty good security
不是很了解 Don't really understand, Doesn't really understand
他連自己說的話都不是很了解 He doesn't understand what he's saying
我很了解他們 I know them well
很長一段時間 A long time
沒有花很長的時間 It didn't take too long, Don't take too long
猶豫了很長一段時間 Hesitated a long time
還有很長的路 Still a long way to go, A long road ahead, Still a long way off
到實際應用彷彿還有很長的路 Practical applications seemed a long way off
手指頭很長很長 Long fingered
很危險 Very dangerous
妳的處境很危險 Your circumstances are dangerous, You are in danger
鞋帶不綁好是很危險的 Untied shoelaces can be dangerous, An untied shoelace can be dangerous
很多 Many, Very many, A lot of
有很多 There are many
貴很多 Much more expensive
刺激很多 A lot more exciting
危險很多 A lot more dangerous
原因很多 For many reasons, This was for many reasons
好玩很多 A lot more fun
比米貴很多 Much more expensive than rice
聽起來好像很多 Sounds like a lot
麵粉的價格比米貴很多 Flour was much more expensive than rice
很多事 Many things
很多人 A lot of people, Lots of people
做很多事 Doing many things
有很多人 There are a lot of people, Lots of people, A lot of people
出了很多力 Expended a lot of effort, Worked hard, Earned through hard work
抄了很多書 Transcribed many books
曾有很多年 Had for many years
種了很多樹 Planted many trees
讀了很多書 Read many books
還有很多有 One of many
很多事情 Lots of things
在很多情況 In many situations
基於很多原因 For many reasons
很多廉價旅館 A lot of cheap hotels
臉上很多皺紋 A lined face, A wrinkled face
問了她很多問題 Asked her a lot of questions
還有很多其他人 As well as many others, Along with many others
有很多人記得看見我 Plenty of people remember seeing me
還是花很多時間上健身房 Still spent a lot of time at the gym
這女人的很多事情是他不明白的 There was a lot he didn't know about her
很多分類 Many types
有很多分類 There are many types
很多方法 Many methods, Many techniques
有很多方法 There are many methods
很多水果 Lots of fruit
桌子上有很多水果 There is lots of fruit on the table
做很多家事 Do many chores
很多人有家人 Lots of people have family
我們沒有要求你做很多家事 We don't ask you to do a lot of chores
花很多時間 Spend a lot of time, Spends a lot of time
曾有很多年時間 For a period of many years, had
退役後曾有很多年時間 For many years after leaving the army, had
很多種類的花 Many kinds of flowers
很多與你有同感的人 Many who feel the same way as you
以前做了很多對不起你的事 Wronged you in a lot of ways in the past
很多民眾坐在外面 Many people sit outside
平常很多民眾坐在外面 Usually there are lots of people sitting outside
很久 For a long time, It's been a long time
聊很久 Talk for a long time, Have or had a long conversation
沒有持繼很久 Did not last very long
那似乎已經過了很久 That seemed so long ago
很久以前 A long time ago, Once upon a time
很久很久以前 A very long time ago
洗很久的澡 Take a long bath, Take a long shower
很久沒見面了 It's been a while! Long time no see!
但那都是很久以前的事了 But that was a long time ago
很短時間 Short period of time
在很短時間內 In a short period of time
任何東西在很短時間內都可長成 Anything could be grown in a short period of time
我很佩服他把你從監獄裡救了出來 I appreciate him for getting you out of prison, I appreciate that he got you out of jail
很吝嗇 Miserly, Penurious, Niggardly
很窮或很吝嗇 Poor or stingy, Poor or miserly
這不是說他很窮或很吝嗇 It's not that he's poor or stingy, It's not that he was poor or mean
這不是說她很窮或很吝嗇 It's not that she's poor or mean, It's not that she was poor or mean
令他很高興 Caused him to be very happy, Made him very happy
很高興看到 Nice to see, Glad to see, I'm glad to see
那個塔很高 That tower is tall, That tower was tall, That tower was high
到了很高的水平 Reached a very high level
很高興有人打擾 Was happy for the interruption
跟他不算很熟 Didn't know him that well, Doesn't know him that well, Had not known him that well
跟她不算很熟 Didn't know her that well, Doesn't know her that well, Had not known her that well
他們是很討厭的人 They are hateful people, They are loathsome people, They were nasty people, They were dislikable people
很窮 Poor
很窮或很吝嗇 Poor or stingy, Poor or miserly
這不是說他很窮或很吝嗇 It's not that he's poor or stingy, It's not that he was poor or mean
這不是說她很窮或很吝嗇 It's not that she's poor or mean, It's not that she was poor or mean
很感謝 Thankful Grateful, Obliged
我很感動 Inspired me, Moved me, Encouraged me
我會很感謝 I would be grateful, I would be much obliged, I would really appreciate it
很痛 Is painful, Is sore
也很痛 Is also sore, Was also sore
嘴巴很痛 Mouth is sore, Mouth was sore
感覺很痛 Hurting, Felt pain
這點他很清楚 About this he was very clear
你很清楚自己在幹什麼 You know what you are doing
看起來你很清楚自己在幹什麼 It looks like you know what you are doing
很忙 Very busy, Quite busy, Extremely busy
最近很忙 Recently been busy
我其實很忙 I'm actually quite busy, I'm actually rather busy
很快 Quickly, Suddenly, Soon
但很快 But quickly
光速很快 The speed of light is very fast
那也很快 That was also very quick, Then it will be soon, Then it won't be long
很快地 Quickly, Very fast
很快樂 Very happy
很快一刷 With a quick brush, With a quick wipe
但只要很快一刷 But all that was needed was a quick wipe, But with a quick brush
很快地說 Said very quickly
很快就想通了 Was quickly convinced, Didn't have to ponder for too long
時間很快就過去了 Time passed quickly
很快就來到 Soon
可是很快來了 But soon came, But soon arrived
他很快就會來 He will come soon, He will arrive soon, He will soon join us
她很快就會來 She will come soon, She will arrive soon, She will soon join us
很合理的回應 A very reasonable response
在我看來是很合理的回應 In my opinion it was a very reasonable response, It was a very reasonable response in my opinion
很少 Very few, Rarely, Seldom, Infrequently
通常錢很少 Usually didn't pay well
很少人 Very few people, Few people
很少去 Very seldom, Very seldom go
很少數 Very few
只有很少數 Only a few
很少見到 Vary rarely seen
很少有人來 Very few people come over, Don't have many people over
很少被人食用 Rarely eaten by people, Rarely eaten
很少拿著照相機 Seldom takes a camera along
台灣只有很少數地方的氣候適合種植小麥 There are only a few places in Taiwan where the climate is suitable for growing wheat
很美 Beautiful, Very beautiful
臀部很美 Callipygious, Beautifully buttocked, Having finely developed buttocks
很美好 Idyllic
不是很美好 Not perfect, Less than idyllic
一輛很美的車子 A beautiful car
這是一輛很美的車子 This was a beautiful car, It was a beautiful car
很難 Difficult
很難解釋的概念 A difficult concept to explain
很難做 Difficult to do, Demanding
很難受 Difficult, Difficult to take
很難看 Difficult to look at, Ugly, Look angry, Looks angry, Looking very put off, Looked very angry
很難行 Treacherous, Difficult to walk, Had difficulty walking
很難說 Hard to say
很難讀 Hard to read, Really hard to read, Difficult to read
很難過 Very sad, Very sorry
不是很難做 Not very demanding, Not very difficult to do
觀看很難受 Difficult to watch, Uncomfortable to watch
在一旁觀看很難受 Difficult to watch, Uncomfortable to watch
很難想像 Difficult to imagine
你一定很難想像 You probably find it difficult to imagine
很難控制 Difficult to control
這類元件很難控制 It was difficult to control these devices
很不好 Very bad
很不想 Did not want, Does not want
很不錯 Nice, Not bad at all, Really nice
這點很不好 This was not so good, Which was not so good
情況聽起來很不妙 The situation sounded bad
很不可靠 Not very reliable
很不起眼 Unexceptional, Unremarkable
很不想嗅到什麼 Did not want to smell anything, Did not want to smell something, Does not want to smell anything, Does not want to smell anything
光看就很不舒服的 Uncomfortable to look at, Disturbing to look at
外觀上很不令人愉快 Externally unappealing, Unpleasant to look at
一陣很不舒服的鼓漲感 An uncomfortable bulging sensation
一輛很不起眼的黑色腳踏車 An unremarkable black bicycle
像一個很不想嗅到什麼的人 Like a person eager not to sense a smell
光看就很不舒服的穿刺工具 Penetrative tooling that is uncomfortable to look at, Penetrative tooling that is disturbing to look at, Tool that looks disturbingly penetrating, Tools that look disturbingly penetrating
很不錯吧 Not bad
聽起來很不錯啊 That sounds good
很不好意思 Very sorry, Ashamed, Embarrassed
我很不好意思 I am sorry, I am ashamed
他很邪惡 He is evil
她很邪惡 She is evil
我不喜歡他是因為他很邪惡 I don't like him because he is evil
我不喜歡她是因為她很邪惡 I don't like her because she is evil
很可怕的生物 Terrifying creatures, Terrible creatures
這條命很可能撐不到 Probably won't last, Would probably die before
很喜歡她 Really like her, Really likes her, Really liked her
很喜歡飛行 Likes a lot to fly, Likes flying a lot
很大 Is great, Is large
聽起來很大 Sounded big
很大的畫 Big painting, Big picture
在畫一幅很大很大的畫 Painting a big, big picture
他年紀很大了 He was pretty old, He was getting on in years
不是很大牌的作家 Not a big-time author
在定義上有很大的不同 Have vastly different definitions, Are defined with vast differences
很棒 Great, Fantastic
感覺很棒 Feel great, Felt great, It was great
一定會很棒 It'll be wonderful, It'll be great
聽起來很棒 Sounded great
聽起來真的很棒 That sounds really good
很棒的 Great, Awesome
很棒的團隊 Good team, Great team
很有用 Helpful
很有趣 Interesting, Very interesting
很有限 Very limited
經歷很有趣 Led an interesting life, Had interesting lives, Led interesting lives
在各方面都很有用 Useful in all sorts of ways
很有一套 Had a procedure and stuck to it, Proceed methodically
很有可能 Very likely
很有才華 Very talented
很有活力 Full of life, Lively
很有道理 Very sensible, Very reasonable, Very true, Makes a lot of sense
對錢很有概念 Understands money, Has an understanding of money
不是很有品味的 Not very tasteful
很有趣而不只是怪異 Was interesting instead of just being weird
得很 More so than usual, More so than normal
怕得很 In great fear, Very afraid
爛得很 Lousy, Bad
搶手得很 In great demand
熟悉得很 Very familiar, Knew it by heart
聰明得很 Smart, Bright, Intelligent, Far from stupid
高興得很 Were happy, Were having a good time
傳得很快 Spread quickly, Travelled quickly
剪得很短 Close-cropped, Cut extremely short
學得很好 Learned well
擦得很亮 Polished, Well polished, Polished to a shine, Polished to a gleam, Polished brightly
看得很緊 Closely watched, Closely monitored
看得很重 Value, Regard as valuable
睡得很熟 Sound asleep, Sleeping soundly
說得很慢 Speak slowly, Speaks slowly, Spoke slowly
跑得很快 Runs fast
過得很好 Doing well, Doing very well
醒得很早 Woke up extra early, Work up early
開得很慢 Drive very slowly, Driving very slowly
他走得很慢 He walked slowly
他跑得很快 He is a fast runner, He can run fast
消耗得很快 Wore out quickly
隱藏得很好 Well hidden
因為她過得很好 Because she was doing well
一字一字說得很慢 Spoke slowly
做人態度變得很差 Developed a poor attitude, Developed a bad attitude
得很有方法 Methodically
睡得很好吧 Did you sleep well?, Are you well rested?
笑得很開心 Smiled happily
覺得很奇怪 Felt that it was very strange, Felt that it was odd
寫得很清楚了 Written very clearly, Clearly spelled out, Clearly stated
覺得很清涼 Feel cool, Feel comfortably cool
說明得很清楚 Describe clearly, Described clearly
把製造商的保證看得很認真 Take the manufacturer's guarantee seriously
從未把製造商的保證看得很認真 Had never taken the manufacturer's promise seriously
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