
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 己


Perhaps realizing that they had stepped out of bounds

huoˋ xuˇ shiˋ fa¯ xianˋ ziˋ jiˇ yueˋ jieˋ le˙

己 jiˇ
Self, Sixth, 6

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Phone , Tone


或許 huoˋ xuˇ

許是 xuˇ shiˋ

發現 fa¯ xianˋ

自己 ziˋ jiˇ

越界 yueˋ jieˋ

越界了 yueˋ jieˋ le˙

Words that rhyme with 或許是發現自己越界了 (wo-yu)

Grouped by first phone

huo, duo, guo, suo, tuo, wo, zhuo

火炬 huoˇ juˋ


獲取 huoˋ quˇ

Gather, Take in, Capture, Obtain, Harvest

或許 huoˋ xuˇ

Perhaps, Maybe

或許不會 huoˋ xuˇ buˊ huiˋ

Maybe not, Perhaps not

或許你忘了 huoˋ xuˇ niˇ wangˋ le˙

Perhaps you have forgotten

或許可以 huoˋ xuˇ keˇ yiˇ


或許我該 huoˋ xuˇ woˇ gai¯

Perhaps I should

或許是發現 huoˋ xuˇ shiˋ fa¯ xianˋ

Perhaps realizing that

或許是發現自己越界了 huoˋ xuˇ shiˋ fa¯ xianˋ ziˋ jiˇ yueˋ jieˋ le˙

Perhaps realizing that they had stepped out of bounds

或許這會造成不同 huoˋ xuˇ zheˋ huiˋ zaoˋ chengˊ buˋ tongˊ

And maybe that made it different, Maybe that made a difference

huo, duo, guo, suo, tuo, wo, zhuo

奪取 duoˊ quˇ

Seize, Snatch, Take, Strive for

多於 duo¯ yuˊ

More than

多餘 duo¯ yuˊ

Surplus, Superfluous, Redundant, Extra, Unnecessary

多餘的水 duo¯ yuˊ de˙ shuiˇ

Excess water

躲雨 duoˇ yuˇ

Escape the rain, Avoid the rain

huo, duo, guo, suo, tuo, wo, zhuo

過濾 guoˋ luuˋ

Filter, Sort through, Choose from

過濾器 guoˋ luuˋ qiˋ


過濾掉 guoˋ luuˋ diaoˋ


過濾時 guoˋ luuˋ shiˊ

When filtering

過濾面具 guoˋ luuˋ mianˋ juˋ

Filter mask

過去 guoˋ quˋ

Formerly, In the past, Former, Old, Pass, Pass by, Passed, Go over, Go over there, Ended, Was over, Pass away

過去幾十年 guoˋ quˋ jiˇ shiˊ nianˊ

Past few decades

過去幾天 guoˋ quˋ jiˇ tian¯

Spent several days, Spent a few days

過去時 guoˋ quˋ shiˊ

Past Tense

過去的事 guoˋ quˋ de˙ shiˋ

Past events, Situations from the past

過去都讓它過去 guoˋ quˋ dou¯ rangˋ ta¯ guoˋ quˋ

The past is the past, It's all water under the bridge

國與國的關係 guoˊ yuˇ guoˊ de˙ guan¯ xiˋ

Inter-country relations

國語 guoˊ yuˇ

Mandarin, National Language

國語文 guoˊ yuˇ wenˊ

Mandarin Chinese, Chinese

過於 guoˋ yuˊ


過於傾斜 guoˋ yuˊ qing¯ xieˊ

Was leaning excessively

過於沉重 guoˋ yuˊ chenˊ zhongˋ

Far too heavy

huo, duo, guo, suo, tuo, wo, zhuo

索居 suoˇ ju¯

Live alone, Hermit like

索具 suoˇ juˋ

Rig, Apparatus

索取 suoˇ quˇ

Ask for

所需 suoˇ xu¯

Needs, Requirements

所需的 suoˇ xu¯ de˙

Necessary, All necessary

所需的數量 suoˇ xu¯ de˙ shuˋ liangˋ

Required amount

所需處理 suoˇ xu¯ chuˇ liˇ

Had to handle

所需要的 suoˇ xu¯ yaoˋ de˙


所需要的量 suoˇ xu¯ yaoˋ de˙ liangˋ

The amount required

所預料 suoˇ yuˋ liaoˋ

Expected, Anticipated

huo, duo, guo, suo, tuo, wo, zhuo

拖去 tuo¯ quˋ

Dragged to, Towed to, Hauled away

huo, duo, guo, suo, tuo, wo, zhuo

臥具 woˋ juˋ


我去過 woˇ quˋ guoˋ

I went to

我去過北京 woˇ quˋ guoˋ beiˇ jing¯

I went to Beijing

我去過圖書館 woˇ quˋ guoˋ tuˊ shu¯ guanˇ

I was at the library.

我去過郵局 woˇ quˋ guoˋ youˊ juˊ

I went to the post office.

我需要三十分鐘 woˇ xu¯ yaoˋ san¯ shiˊ fen¯ zhong¯

I need 30 minutes, Give me 30 minutes

我需要和你談談 woˇ xu¯ yaoˋ hanˋ niˇ tanˊ tanˊ

I need to talk with you

我需要請幾天假 woˇ xu¯ yaoˋ qingˇ jiˇ tian¯ jiaˋ

I need a few days off, I need to request some time off

huo, duo, guo, suo, tuo, wo, zhuo

捉魚 zhuo¯ yuˊ

Catch fish

Grouped in tone pairs

43, 12, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 42, 44

獲取 huoˋ quˇ

Gather, Take in, Capture, Obtain, Harvest

或許 huoˋ xuˇ

Perhaps, Maybe

或許不會 huoˋ xuˇ buˊ huiˋ

Maybe not, Perhaps not

或許你忘了 huoˋ xuˇ niˇ wangˋ le˙

Perhaps you have forgotten

或許可以 huoˋ xuˇ keˇ yiˇ


或許我該 huoˋ xuˇ woˇ gai¯

Perhaps I should

或許是發現 huoˋ xuˇ shiˋ fa¯ xianˋ

Perhaps realizing that

或許是發現自己越界了 huoˋ xuˇ shiˋ fa¯ xianˋ ziˋ jiˇ yueˋ jieˋ le˙

Perhaps realizing that they had stepped out of bounds

或許這會造成不同 huoˋ xuˇ zheˋ huiˋ zaoˋ chengˊ buˋ tongˊ

And maybe that made it different, Maybe that made a difference

43, 12, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 42, 44

多於 duo¯ yuˊ

More than

多餘 duo¯ yuˊ

Surplus, Superfluous, Redundant, Extra, Unnecessary

多餘的水 duo¯ yuˊ de˙ shuiˇ

Excess water

捉魚 zhuo¯ yuˊ

Catch fish

43, 12, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 42, 44

拖去 tuo¯ quˋ

Dragged to, Towed to, Hauled away

43, 12, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 42, 44

奪取 duoˊ quˇ

Seize, Snatch, Take, Strive for

國與國的關係 guoˊ yuˇ guoˊ de˙ guan¯ xiˋ

Inter-country relations

國語 guoˊ yuˇ

Mandarin, National Language

國語文 guoˊ yuˇ wenˊ

Mandarin Chinese, Chinese

43, 12, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 42, 44

索居 suoˇ ju¯

Live alone, Hermit like

所需 suoˇ xu¯

Needs, Requirements

所需的 suoˇ xu¯ de˙

Necessary, All necessary

所需的數量 suoˇ xu¯ de˙ shuˋ liangˋ

Required amount

所需處理 suoˇ xu¯ chuˇ liˇ

Had to handle

所需要的 suoˇ xu¯ yaoˋ de˙


所需要的量 suoˇ xu¯ yaoˋ de˙ liangˋ

The amount required

我需要三十分鐘 woˇ xu¯ yaoˋ san¯ shiˊ fen¯ zhong¯

I need 30 minutes, Give me 30 minutes

我需要和你談談 woˇ xu¯ yaoˋ hanˋ niˇ tanˊ tanˊ

I need to talk with you

我需要請幾天假 woˇ xu¯ yaoˋ qingˇ jiˇ tian¯ jiaˋ

I need a few days off, I need to request some time off

43, 12, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 42, 44

躲雨 duoˇ yuˇ

Escape the rain, Avoid the rain

索取 suoˇ quˇ

Ask for

43, 12, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 42, 44

火炬 huoˇ juˋ


索具 suoˇ juˋ

Rig, Apparatus

所預料 suoˇ yuˋ liaoˋ

Expected, Anticipated

我去過 woˇ quˋ guoˋ

I went to

我去過北京 woˇ quˋ guoˋ beiˇ jing¯

I went to Beijing

我去過圖書館 woˇ quˋ guoˋ tuˊ shu¯ guanˇ

I was at the library.

我去過郵局 woˇ quˋ guoˋ youˊ juˊ

I went to the post office.

43, 12, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 42, 44

過於 guoˋ yuˊ


過於傾斜 guoˋ yuˊ qing¯ xieˊ

Was leaning excessively

過於沉重 guoˋ yuˊ chenˊ zhongˋ

Far too heavy

43, 12, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 42, 44

過濾 guoˋ luuˋ

Filter, Sort through, Choose from

過濾器 guoˋ luuˋ qiˋ


過濾掉 guoˋ luuˋ diaoˋ


過濾時 guoˋ luuˋ shiˊ

When filtering

過濾面具 guoˋ luuˋ mianˋ juˋ

Filter mask

過去 guoˋ quˋ

Formerly, In the past, Former, Old, Pass, Pass by, Passed, Go over, Go over there, Ended, Was over, Pass away

過去幾十年 guoˋ quˋ jiˇ shiˊ nianˊ

Past few decades

過去幾天 guoˋ quˋ jiˇ tian¯

Spent several days, Spent a few days

過去時 guoˋ quˋ shiˊ

Past Tense

過去的事 guoˋ quˋ de˙ shiˋ

Past events, Situations from the past

過去都讓它過去 guoˋ quˋ dou¯ rangˋ ta¯ guoˋ quˋ

The past is the past, It's all water under the bridge

臥具 woˋ juˋ


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