
Definition, Pronunciation with char definition links


huoˋ xuˇ shiˋ fa¯ xianˋ ziˋ jiˇ yueˋ jieˋ le˙

Perhaps realizing that they had stepped out of bounds

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Words and Phrases included in:

或許 Perhaps, Maybe

huoˋ xuˇ

許是 Could be

xuˇ shiˋ

發現 Discover, Discovers, Discovering, Discovered, Find, Finding, Found, Find out, Finding out, Found out, Realize, Realizing, Realized

fa¯ xianˋ

或許是發現 Perhaps realizing that

huoˋ xuˇ shiˋ fa¯ xianˋ

自己 Self, Oneself, Own, Their, Themselves, His, Her, Himself, Herself

ziˋ jiˇ

越界 Out of bounds

yueˋ jieˋ

越界了 Out of bounds, Stepped out of bounds

yueˋ jieˋ le˙

發現自己越界了 Realizing oneself had stepped out of bounds, Realizing they themselves had stepped over the line

fa¯ xianˋ ziˋ jiˇ yueˋ jieˋ le˙


丶-弋 : > : > [或]-或許 : >

丶-言 : > : > [許]-或許 : >

口-日 : > : > [是]-許是 : >

𠃌-癶 : > : > [發]-發現 : >

一-王 : > : > [現]-發現 : >

丶-自 : > : > [自]-自己 : >

𠃌-己 : > : > [己]-自己 : >

十-土 : > : > [越]-越界 : >

口-田 : > : > [界]-越界 : >

𠃌-了 : > : > [了]-界了 : >


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