
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 道


After a moment of silence said, After a silent pause said, Said at last

chenˊ moˋ pianˋ keˋ caiˊ shuo¯ daoˋ

道 daoˋ
Path, Direction, Way, Skill, Method, Principle, Spiritual Path, MW For Questions In School Texts And For Lines

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Phone , Tone


沉默 chenˊ moˋ

片刻 pianˋ keˋ

說道 shuo¯ daoˋ

Words that rhyme with 沉默片刻才說道 (en-o)

Grouped by first phone

chen, ben, shen

沈默 chenˊ moˋ

Quiet, Silent

沉沒 chenˊ moˋ

Sink, Drown

沉默 chenˊ moˋ

Silent, Quiet

沉默了 chenˊ moˋ le˙

Went quiet, Went silent

沉默了一會兒 chenˊ moˋ le˙ yiˋ huiˋ erˊ

Went quiet for awhile

沉默無語 chenˊ moˋ wuˊ yuˇ

Silent, Not saying anything, Without speaking

沉默無語地 chenˊ moˋ wuˊ yuˇ de˙

Silently, In silence, Without speaking, Wordlessly

沉默無語地走了 chenˊ moˋ wuˊ yuˇ de˙ zouˇ le˙

Walked silently, Walked in silence, Walked without speaking

沉默片刻才 chenˊ moˋ pianˋ keˋ caiˊ

After a moment of silence, After a silent pause

沉默片刻才說道 chenˊ moˋ pianˋ keˋ caiˊ shuo¯ daoˋ

After a moment of silence said, After a silent pause said, Said at last

沉默的 chenˊ moˋ de˙

Silent, Quiet

chen, ben, shen

奔波 ben¯ bo¯

Run around

chen, ben, shen

神婆 shenˊ poˊ

Sorceress, Witch

Grouped in tone pairs

24, 11, 22

沈默 chenˊ moˋ

Quiet, Silent

沉沒 chenˊ moˋ

Sink, Drown

沉默 chenˊ moˋ

Silent, Quiet

沉默了 chenˊ moˋ le˙

Went quiet, Went silent

沉默了一會兒 chenˊ moˋ le˙ yiˋ huiˋ erˊ

Went quiet for awhile

沉默無語 chenˊ moˋ wuˊ yuˇ

Silent, Not saying anything, Without speaking

沉默無語地 chenˊ moˋ wuˊ yuˇ de˙

Silently, In silence, Without speaking, Wordlessly

沉默無語地走了 chenˊ moˋ wuˊ yuˇ de˙ zouˇ le˙

Walked silently, Walked in silence, Walked without speaking

沉默片刻才 chenˊ moˋ pianˋ keˋ caiˊ

After a moment of silence, After a silent pause

沉默片刻才說道 chenˊ moˋ pianˋ keˋ caiˊ shuo¯ daoˋ

After a moment of silence said, After a silent pause said, Said at last

沉默的 chenˊ moˋ de˙

Silent, Quiet

24, 11, 22

奔波 ben¯ bo¯

Run around

24, 11, 22

神婆 shenˊ poˊ

Sorceress, Witch

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