
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 班


Didn't go to work, Missed work

meiˊ quˋ shangˋ ban¯

班 ban¯
Class, Grade, Seat, Position, Return, Work, Job, Shift, Duty, Team, Squad, Group, Rank, Distribute, Scheduled Runs, MW For School Class Or Scheduled Runs

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Phone , Tone


上班 shangˋ ban¯

去上班 quˋ shangˋ ban¯

Words that rhyme with 沒去上班 (ei-yu)

Grouped by first phone

mei, bei, dei, fei, gei, hei, lei, nei, pei, zhei

美女 meiˇ nuuˇ

Beautiful woman, Good-looking woman, The Beauty

沒去上班 meiˊ quˋ shangˋ ban¯

Didn't go to work, Missed work

mei, bei, dei, fei, gei, hei, lei, nei, pei, zhei

悲劇 bei¯ juˋ


倍率 beiˋ luuˋ


北區 beiˇ qu¯

North district

被驅趕出 beiˋ qu¯ ganˇ chu¯

Been driven out, Been exiled, Been expelled

被取笑為 beiˋ quˇ xiaoˋ weiˋ

Laughingly known as, Jokingly known as, Derisively, Mockingly

被雨洗得 beiˋ yuˇ xiˇ de˙

Washed by the rain, Cleaned by the rain

mei, bei, dei, fei, gei, hei, lei, nei, pei, zhei

得去 deiˇ quˋ

Should go

mei, bei, dei, fei, gei, hei, lei, nei, pei, zhei

菲律賓 fei¯ luuˋ bin¯


菲律賓的 fei¯ luuˋ bin¯ de˙


飛去 fei¯ quˋ

Fly away

廢墟 feiˋ xu¯


非預約 fei¯ yuˋ yue¯


mei, bei, dei, fei, gei, hei, lei, nei, pei, zhei

給舉了上 geiˇ juˇ le˙ shangˋ

Lift up, Lifts up, Lifted up

mei, bei, dei, fei, gei, hei, lei, nei, pei, zhei

黑玉 hei¯ yuˋ


mei, bei, dei, fei, gei, hei, lei, nei, pei, zhei

雷雨 leiˊ yuˇ

Thunder storm, Thunder storms

mei, bei, dei, fei, gei, hei, lei, nei, pei, zhei

那句 neiˋ juˋ

That (sentence)

內需 neiˋ xu¯

Domestic demand

mei, bei, dei, fei, gei, hei, lei, nei, pei, zhei

培育 peiˊ yuˋ

Cultivate, Grow, Raise, Breed

mei, bei, dei, fei, gei, hei, lei, nei, pei, zhei

這句話 zheiˋ juˋ huaˋ

This phrase

這句話的意思 zheiˋ juˋ huaˋ de˙ yiˋ si¯

The meaning of this sentence

Grouped in tone pairs

24, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

沒去上班 meiˊ quˋ shangˋ ban¯

Didn't go to work, Missed work

培育 peiˊ yuˋ

Cultivate, Grow, Raise, Breed

24, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

悲劇 bei¯ juˋ


菲律賓 fei¯ luuˋ bin¯


菲律賓的 fei¯ luuˋ bin¯ de˙


飛去 fei¯ quˋ

Fly away

非預約 fei¯ yuˋ yue¯


黑玉 hei¯ yuˋ


24, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

雷雨 leiˊ yuˇ

Thunder storm, Thunder storms

24, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

北區 beiˇ qu¯

North district

24, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

給舉了上 geiˇ juˇ le˙ shangˋ

Lift up, Lifts up, Lifted up

美女 meiˇ nuuˇ

Beautiful woman, Good-looking woman, The Beauty

24, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

得去 deiˇ quˋ

Should go

24, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

被驅趕出 beiˋ qu¯ ganˇ chu¯

Been driven out, Been exiled, Been expelled

廢墟 feiˋ xu¯


內需 neiˋ xu¯

Domestic demand

24, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

被取笑為 beiˋ quˇ xiaoˋ weiˋ

Laughingly known as, Jokingly known as, Derisively, Mockingly

被雨洗得 beiˋ yuˇ xiˇ de˙

Washed by the rain, Cleaned by the rain

24, 14, 23, 31, 33, 34, 41, 43, 44

倍率 beiˋ luuˋ


那句 neiˋ juˋ

That (sentence)

這句話 zheiˋ juˋ huaˋ

This phrase

這句話的意思 zheiˋ juˋ huaˋ de˙ yiˋ si¯

The meaning of this sentence


丶-氵 : > : > [沒]-沒去 : > [沒]-沒去上班 >

十-土 : > : > [去]-去上 : > [去]-沒去上班 >

丨-卜 : > : > [上]-上班 : > [上]-沒去上班 >

一-王 : > : > [班]-上班 : > [班]-沒去上班 >

沒去上班 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 班

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