
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 近


Walked up to the helicopter, Approached the helicopter

zouˇ jinˋ zhiˊ sheng¯ ji¯

近 jinˋ
Near, Close, Proximity, Approximately, Approximate, Intimate

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Phone , Tone


走近 zouˇ jinˋ

直升機 zhiˊ sheng¯ ji¯

Words that rhyme with 走近直升機 (ou-yin)

Grouped by first phone

zou, chou, gou, hou, kou, lou, shou, tou, zhou

走近 zouˇ jinˋ

Walked up to, Approached

走近直升機 zouˇ jinˋ zhiˊ sheng¯ ji¯

Walked up to the helicopter, Approached the helicopter

走進 zouˇ jinˋ

Enter, Entered, Walked into

走進了 zouˇ jinˋ le˙


走進自由的空氣中 zouˇ jinˋ ziˋ youˊ de˙ kong¯ qiˋ zhong¯

Walked into the free air

zou, chou, gou, hou, kou, lou, shou, tou, zhou

抽筋 chou¯ jin¯

Muscle cramp, Muscle spasm

抽筋拔骨 chou¯ jin¯ baˊ guˇ

With great reluctance, Reluctantly

抽筋緊繃 chou¯ jin¯ jinˇ beng¯

Tense and jerky

酬金 chouˊ jin¯

Cash in, Get paid

zou, chou, gou, hou, kou, lou, shou, tou, zhou

夠辛苦 gouˋ xin¯ kuˇ

Hard enough, Difficult enough

夠辛苦了 gouˋ xin¯ kuˇ le˙

Hard enough, Difficult enough

zou, chou, gou, hou, kou, lou, shou, tou, zhou

後勤 houˋ qin¯


zou, chou, gou, hou, kou, lou, shou, tou, zhou

口音 kouˇ yin¯


zou, chou, gou, hou, kou, lou, shou, tou, zhou

漏進 louˋ jinˋ

Funneled into

zou, chou, gou, hou, kou, lou, shou, tou, zhou

收信人 shou¯ xinˋ renˊ

Recipient, Addressee

手心 shouˇ xin¯


收音 shou¯ yin¯

Radio reception, Reception

收音機 shou¯ yin¯ ji¯


收音機播放的一首歌 shou¯ yin¯ ji¯ bo¯ fangˋ de˙ yiˋ shouˇ ge¯

A song playing on the radio

zou, chou, gou, hou, kou, lou, shou, tou, zhou

頭巾 touˊ jin¯


頭金髮 touˊ jin¯ faˇ

Gold colored hair, Blonde hair

zou, chou, gou, hou, kou, lou, shou, tou, zhou

軸心 zhouˊ xin¯


Grouped in tone pairs

34, 11, 14, 21, 31, 41, 44

走近 zouˇ jinˋ

Walked up to, Approached

走近直升機 zouˇ jinˋ zhiˊ sheng¯ ji¯

Walked up to the helicopter, Approached the helicopter

走進 zouˇ jinˋ

Enter, Entered, Walked into

走進了 zouˇ jinˋ le˙


走進自由的空氣中 zouˇ jinˋ ziˋ youˊ de˙ kong¯ qiˋ zhong¯

Walked into the free air

34, 11, 14, 21, 31, 41, 44

抽筋 chou¯ jin¯

Muscle cramp, Muscle spasm

抽筋拔骨 chou¯ jin¯ baˊ guˇ

With great reluctance, Reluctantly

抽筋緊繃 chou¯ jin¯ jinˇ beng¯

Tense and jerky

收音 shou¯ yin¯

Radio reception, Reception

收音機 shou¯ yin¯ ji¯


收音機播放的一首歌 shou¯ yin¯ ji¯ bo¯ fangˋ de˙ yiˋ shouˇ ge¯

A song playing on the radio

34, 11, 14, 21, 31, 41, 44

收信人 shou¯ xinˋ renˊ

Recipient, Addressee

34, 11, 14, 21, 31, 41, 44

酬金 chouˊ jin¯

Cash in, Get paid

頭巾 touˊ jin¯


頭金髮 touˊ jin¯ faˇ

Gold colored hair, Blonde hair

軸心 zhouˊ xin¯


34, 11, 14, 21, 31, 41, 44

口音 kouˇ yin¯


手心 shouˇ xin¯


34, 11, 14, 21, 31, 41, 44

夠辛苦 gouˋ xin¯ kuˇ

Hard enough, Difficult enough

夠辛苦了 gouˋ xin¯ kuˇ le˙

Hard enough, Difficult enough

後勤 houˋ qin¯


34, 11, 14, 21, 31, 41, 44

漏進 louˋ jinˋ

Funneled into


十-土 : > : > [走]-走近 : > [走]-走近直升機 >

丶-辶 : > : > [近]-走近 : > [近]-走近直升機 >

十-十 : > : > [直]-直升 : > [直]-走近直升機 >

丿-升 : > : > [升]-升機 : > [升]-走近直升機 >

十-木 : > : > [機]-升機 : > [機]-走近直升機 >

走近直升機 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 近

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