naˋ, naˇ, neiˋ, neiˇ
Then, That, Which, Those, In That Case, How
Word Links for words containing 那 (sorted via character pairs)
那另一個缺少的成分 The other missing ingredient, That other missing ingredient
那另一個缺少的成分是什麼 What is the other missing ingredient?, What was the other missing ingredient
那是 That is
那是個 That is a, That was a, It was a
那是說 That is to say, That is
不管那是誰 No matter who it is, No matter who it was
那是什麼 What is that, What it is
不知道那是什麼 Don't know what it is
也不知道那是什麼 Wouldn't know it, Wouldn't know, Wouldn't recognize, Would be unable to recognize what it was
那是鼓聲 That's the sound of a drum, That's the sound of drumming
那是測驗嗎 Is that a test, Was that a test
那是說如果 That is saying if
那是頂好帽 It was a good hat
那是不可能的 That is impossible, That is not going to happen
那是以前的事了 That was then
不管那是什麼意思 Whatever that meant
那是一份驗屍報告 It was an autopsy report
那是又多一種邪惡 That's one more kind of evil, That's one more evil
那是幾個月以前的事 That was a few months ago
那是要等到怎樣你才要提 Then what is worth mentioning?
那是整個戰爭裡最為人津津樂道的一場仗 It was the most talked about battle of the whole war
那是他活該 He deserved it, It serves him right
那是她活該 She deserved it, It serves her right
那時 That time on, Then
那時候 That time, At that time
自那時起 Since then
說時遲那時快 Quickly, Suddenly, Before it was too late
你那時只是個小孩子 At the time you were just a child
那時他才第一次知道 And then he knew for the first time
那時我不知道她是誰 At the time I didn't know who she was
那股信任 That faith, That trust, That belief
那股信任讓 That faith was such that, That belief was such that
那緹 Latte
抹茶那緹 Mocha Latte
香草那緹 Vanilla Latte
烤杏果那緹 Roast Almond Latte
太妃榛果那緹 Toffee Nut Latte
炙燒黑糖那緹 Burnt Brown Sugar Latte
蜂蜜肉桂那緹 Honey And Cinnamon Latte
凡爾賽玫瑰那緹 Versailles Rose Latte
那兒 Here's, As, There
到那兒 Get there, Arrive there
仍在那兒 Still here, Still there
關在那兒 Locked up there
一早到那兒 Get there early
等不及到那兒 Couldn't wait to get there
簡直等不及到那兒 Simply couldn't wait to get there
他想要永遠待在那兒 He wanted to stay there forever
那兒以西是 To the west, From there to the west
在那兒睡覺時 While sleeping there
關在那兒示眾 Locked up there for public display,
他在那兒站了一會兒 He stood there for a while
看出那兒無法伸出援手 Saw no help there
那句 That (sentence)
最後那句 That last part
那句話 That sentence
最後蠻懊惱問了那句話 Ended up regretting having asked
那句話是什麼意思 What that phrase meant, What does that phrase mean
了解那句話是什麼意思 Understood the meaning of the phrase
那隻手 That hand
他空著的那隻手 His empty hand
抓起他空著的那隻手 Grabbed his empty hand
那隻蜘蛛 The spider, That spider
那隻揪緊的手 That single grabbing hand
在支撐的那隻腳上 On the supporting foot, Over the supporting foot
那他現在全身是疤嗎 Does he have scars all over his body now?, Is he scarred all over now?, Is his whole body scarred now?
那他不是學到寶貴的一課了嗎 Then you've learned a valuable lesson, haven't you?
那件 That single (item of…)
那件事是什麼 What that is, What it is, What that was
那件事 That stuff, That business, That matter
不是那件事 That's not it, It's not about that
那位 That person, That position
擁有強烈預感的那位先生 He of the powerful premonitions, That gentleman with the strong premonitions
那個 That
那個人 That person
那個門 That door
被他搶的那個人 The person he had mugged
如果我認識那個人 If I know that person, If that person is someone I know
那個孩子 That child
在那個時代 In those days, At the time
在那個當下 At that moment
沒那個必要 Didn't need to, Didn't have to
那個塔很高 That tower is tall, That tower was tall, That tower was high
那個死小孩 That bratt
在那個狀況下 Under the circumstances
那個字就是嗨 That word was hi, That word was hello
那個穿黑衣的人 The man in black
不常參加那個聚會 Didn't often attend that meeting
之前來過的那個地方 The same place as last time
那個小組之所以偶有佳作 The reason for that unit's occasional outstanding successes
等到只剩下那個女孩一個人了 Wait until the girl is alone
那個座位 That seat
坐那個座位 Take that seat, Sit in that seat
那個門走出去 Go out that door
從那邊那個門走出去 Go out through that door over there
他不理會上頭那個人的嘲諷 He ignored the goading of the person above
她不理會上頭那個人的嘲諷 She ignored the goading of the person above
那我們幹活吧 So let's do it, So let's get on with it then
那我們點菜吧 Then let's order, So let's order
那我要去哪裡 Then where do I go?
那我們有麻煩了 Then we're in trouble
那種 That kind of, Those kind of
是那種 It's the kind of, Is the kind of, Was the kind of
那種事 That kind of thing
那種名不見經傳 That kind of little known, Those kinds of little known, The kind of little known, The kind of anonymous
那種顫動的感覺 That fluttering sensation, That fluttering feeling
那種隨便流露感情的人 The type of person who casually expresses their feelings
學會讀那種完全不一樣的語言 Learn to read a whole other language
才不會犯那種錯誤 Didn't want to make the mistake of, Wasn't going to make the mistake of
她才不會犯那種錯誤 She didn't want to make the mistake of, She wasn't going to make the mistake of
那就 Then
那就是 That is, Which was, Namely
那就是個 Then that is a
那就努力跟上 Well, try and keep up
那就是為什麼 That's why
那就有擔不完的心了 Then there will be a lot to worry about, Then there will be endless worries
那就真的是 Then it truly is
那就是他們在做的事 That was what they were doing
他毫不懷疑那就是他們在做的事 He has no doubt that that was what they were doing
談過那方面的事 Talked about a particular subject, Had the talk, Talked about the birds and the bees
那麼 So then, That
怎麼那麼 How is it that
那麼做 Doing that, Doing it that way
那麼多 So many, So much, Too many
那麼慘 So bad, So miserable, So vicious
那麼深 That deeply, So deeply
那麼糟 That bad
那麼近 That close, So close
那麼醜 That bad, That ugly
沒那麼多 Not so much, Not much, Not so many, Not many
只有那麼多 There's only so much
不可能那麼小 Can't be that small
被打得那麼慘 Beaten so badly, Beaten so viciously, Such a vicious beating
那麼是什麼使 So what causes, So what makes, What leads to
他沒過得那麼糟 He wasn't doing that bad
站得離他那麼近 Stood so close to him, Was standing so close to him
距離安全那麼近 That close to safety, So close to safety
像肥皂泡泡那麼厚 Seemed about as thick as a soap bubble
頭髮被剪得那麼醜 Such a bad haircut, Hair had been cut so badly
儘管你知道了那麼多 Despite all that you knew, In spite of all that you knew
好像簡直不敢相信頭髮被剪得那麼醜 As if not believing how bad the haircut was
那麼敏感 So sensitive
那麼遲頓 So late, So inactive
沒那麼多人 Not so many people, Not many people
對那麼多事情 With respect to so many things
沒那麼好的事 It wasn't a good thing
那麼多張面孔 So many faces, All those faces
那麼平靜祥和 So quiet and peaceful
那麼遠的距離 That far a distance, That great a distance, That much distance
不至於那麼衝動 Couldn't be so rash as to
有那麼一個地方 There is such a place, There was such a place
那麼我們必須用 Then we must use, We must then use
生活怎麼那麼悲慘 How is it that life sucks so much
雖然他是那麼愛她 Even though he loved her so
那麼做不合乎生態學 That wasn't ecological, Doing it that way would not have been ecological
在那麼多下船的人裡面 In the crowd of people getting of the boat
猶豫了那麼百分之一秒 Hesitated for a split second
可是終究或許不是那麼幸運 But in the end perhaps not that lucky, But maybe not that lucky after all
那麼是什麼使一個人的生活比另一個有趣 What makes one person's life more interesting than another's?
那麼絕望 That desperate
似乎沒有那麼絕望 Doesn't seem that desparate
沒有昨天那麼絕望 Not as hopeless as yesterday
沒那麼簡單 Isn't that simple, It was not that simple, It wasn't that easy
不過沒那麼簡單 But it wasn't that simple, It wasn't easy
那麼一秒鐘 For an instant, For a moment, For a second
擔心了那麼一秒鐘 Felt a moment of worry
那麼多力氣 So much strength, So much effort
浪費了那麼多力氣 Wasted so much effort
那麼我得提醒你 Then I must remind you
那麼我得提醒您 Then I must remind you
那還不簡單 That's not easy
那還是在狀況好的時候 And that was if conditions were right, And that was on a good day
那邊 That side, Over there
在那邊 There, Over there
眺望水那邊 Looked out across the water
從窗子眺望水那邊 Looked out the window across the water
在那邊的抽屜裡 In that drawer
輕輕朝高塔那邊盪 Swung gently toward the tower
從那邊那個門走出去 Go out through that door over there
那裡 There
在那裡 In there
不在那裡 Not there, It's not there
仍在那裡 Still there
已在那裡 Was there, Was already there
常去那裡 Often gone there
離開那裡 Get out of there, Leave that place
我會去那裡 I would go there
步行到那裡 Getting there, Walking there, Getting there on foot
留在了那裡 Still in there
從未真正去過那裡 Had never actually been there, Had never been there
他的拳頭已經等在那裡 His fist was already there
她的拳頭已經等在那裡 Her fist was waiting right there
常去那裡游泳 Often gone there to swim, Often gone swimming there
看不出那裡有什麼值得留影的地方 Could not see anything there that was photo worthy
那人 That person, The person
直視那人的眼睛 Look into the man's eyes, Looks into the man's eyes, Looked into the man's eyes
那會兒 Then, At that time
那會怎麼樣 What would happen?, What will happen?
那會在哪裡呢 So where?, So where then?
那類東西 That kind of thing, That sort of thing
和大多數那類人不一樣 Was different from the majority of people, Was different from most people
那類會想出道理來的人 The sort of person who could figure it out
那一刻 That time, That occasion, That moment
那一塊 That part, That piece
那一天 The day that, That day, Then one day
那一邊 That side
在那一刻 At that moment
當年那一段 That particular
差不多那一樣 Pretty much the same
從田的那一邊 From that side of the field, From one side of the field
最好的那一類 The very best
遊到海的那一頭 Travelling to that end of the sea
在他嘴上的那一點 The spot over his mouth
那一剎那 The instant, The moment
那一定是 This must be
從那一刻起 From then on
那一點之後 Beyond that point
那一天終究會來 The day would come, Then would come a day
為了那一晚特別借了 Had borrowed especially for that evening
那可不一定 Not necessarily, That isn't definite
那可就不妙了 That's not good, That would be bad, That's bad, That's just dandy
那可是我沒想到 I never thought of that, That had not occurred to me, I had not expected that
那可是我沒想到的作法 That approach had not occurred to me, That is an approach that I had not thought of
那天 That day
從那天起 From that day onwards
那天晚上 That evening
那天過後 The day after, After that day
那天沒回來 Didn't come back that day, Didn't come home that day
當那天來臨時 When that day arrived
後面那兩個 Those last two, Those latter two, The last two, The latter two, The two at the back
那些 Those
是那些 Are those
那些人 Those people
那些劍 Those swords, Those blades
那些話 Those words
聽你講那些話 Hearing you speak those words
口袋裡那些零錢 Pocket change, Loose change
那些其他的孩子 Those other kids
那些到底是什麼 What are those?, What the hell are those
把那些劍帶在身上 Carry those swords
他要過濾的那些街道 The streets that he had to sort through, The streets that he had to choose from
那些人是毫無顧忌的 They had no scruples
那些曾是人類的東西 Those things that had once been men
那些他們無權曉得的事 Those things they had no business knowing
那些想要把他們找回來的 Those who wanted them to return, The people who wanted their return
在她看過並經歷過那些事情後 After what she'd seen and been through
那城市永久籠罩 That city's eternal mask, That city's eternal cloak, That city's eternal pall
那城市永久籠罩的煤煙 That city's eternal pall of coal-smoke
那樣 That, Like that, In that way, In such a way
不是那樣 Wasn't like that
就像那樣 And just like that
為什麼那樣 Why that?
然後就像那樣 And then just like that
感覺就像是那樣 Seems like that, Feels like that
我們沒辦法像以前那樣 We can't go back to the way it was
那樣不對的 That wouldn't be right, It wouldn't be right, That would be wrong
那樣做是不對的 That was wrong to do, That would have been wrong
那樣做毫無意義啊 Doing that is pointless, It's pointless, There's no point
像訓練肌肉那樣地練習 Exercised it like a muscle
至少在我看來是那樣沒錯 At least that's what it looks like to me
最下層那排 Bottom row, Lowest row
最底下那排 Very bottom row, Bottom-most row
中間那排座位 Middle row of seats
最下層那排牢裡 In the lowest row of cells
那也可行 That could work, That could also work, That could work too
那也很快 That was also very quick, Then it will be soon, Then it won't be long
那輛 That (vehicle)
他搭的那輛巴士 His bus, The bus he took
他搭的那輛巴士剛好停在這裡 The bus he was on just happened to have stopped here
剎那 Split second, In an instant, Instantly, in that instant (cha nuoˊ)
一剎那 For a moment
那一剎那 The instant, The moment
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