
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 朗


Cleared up, Lightened, Gladdened

kai¯ langˇ qiˇ laiˊ

朗 langˇ
Clear, Shine, Bright, Resonant, With Resonance, Sonorous

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Phone , Tone


開朗 kai¯ langˇ

起來 qiˇ laiˊ

Words that rhyme with 開朗起來 (ai-ang)

Grouped by first phone

kai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, lai, mai, pai, sai, tai, zai

開場 kai¯ changˇ

Starts the show

開場白 kai¯ changˇ baiˊ

Prologue, Introduction

開放 kai¯ fangˋ

Open minded, Make open for public use

開放大眾參觀 kai¯ fangˋ daˋ zhongˋ can¯ guan¯

Open to the public, Open for the public to visit

開港 kai¯ gangˇ

Open port, Open harbour, Open ports

開港通商 kai¯ gangˇ tong¯ shang¯

Open port to trade

開朗 kai¯ langˇ

Clear up, Open, Lighten, Gladden, Broadminded, Outspoken, Cheerful, Happy

開朗起來 kai¯ langˇ qiˇ laiˊ

Cleared up, Lightened, Gladdened

開張 kai¯ zhang¯


kai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, lai, mai, pai, sai, tai, zai

愛唱歌 aiˋ changˋ ge¯

Loves singing, Loves to sing

矮胖 aiˇ pangˋ

Short and fat, Pudgy

矮胖的亞洲男孩 aiˇ pangˋ de˙ yaˋ zhou¯ nanˊ haiˊ

Pudgy Asian boy

哀傷 ai¯ shang¯

Feel sorrow, Mourn, Grieve, Be sad

愛上了 aiˋ shangˋ le˙

Fell in love, Fell in love with

愛上她 aiˋ shangˋ ta¯

Fall in love with her

愛上她了 aiˋ shangˋ ta¯ le˙

Fallen in love with her

kai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, lai, mai, pai, sai, tai, zai

白蒼 baiˊ cang¯

Pallid, Pale white

擺盪 baiˇ dangˋ


擺盪到 baiˇ dangˋ daoˋ


擺放 baiˇ fangˋ


拜訪 baiˋ fangˇ


拜訪他們 baiˋ fangˇ ta¯ men˙

Visit them

拜訪過 baiˋ fangˇ guoˋ


白浪 baiˊ langˋ

White crested waves (white breakers), White capped waves

敗仗 baiˋ zhangˋ


kai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, lai, mai, pai, sai, tai, zai

採訪 caiˇ fangˇ

Make inquiries, Investigate

才剛 caiˊ gang¯


才剛我看見他了三分鐘 caiˊ gang¯ woˇ kanˋ jianˋ ta¯ le˙ san¯ fen¯ zhong¯

I just saw him three minutes ago

才剛我看見他了三年 caiˊ gang¯ woˇ kanˋ jianˋ ta¯ le˙ san¯ nianˊ

I just saw him three years ago

才剛買 caiˊ gang¯ maiˇ

Just bought

踩上 caiˇ shangˋ

Step on, Steps on, Stepping on, Stepped on

kai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, lai, mai, pai, sai, tai, zai

戴上 daiˋ shangˋ

Put on, Wear

戴上了 daiˋ shangˋ le˙

Put on, Wear, Put it on, Wore it

戴上軍帽 daiˋ shangˋ jun¯ maoˋ

Put on a an army cap

kai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, lai, mai, pai, sai, tai, zai

蓋房子 gaiˋ fangˊ zi˙

Build a house, Build houses

改行 gaiˇ hangˊ

Turned, Changed into

蓋上紀念章 gaiˋ shangˋ jiˋ nianˋ zhang¯

With a commemorative stamp, Stamped with a commemorative stamp

蓋章 gaiˋ zhang¯

Seal, Stamp

kai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, lai, mai, pai, sai, tai, zai

海浪 haiˇ langˋ


海浪快速湧入 haiˇ langˋ kuaiˋ suˋ yongˇ ruˋ

Wavers quickly rushed in

海浪沖擊 haiˇ langˋ chong¯ jiˊ

Crashing waves

海浪沖擊岬角 haiˇ langˋ chong¯ jiˊ jiaˇ jiaoˇ

Waves crashing against a promontory

海上 haiˇ shangˋ

Off shore, Out to sea, On the sea

海上的 haiˇ shangˋ de˙

Off shore

kai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, lai, mai, pai, sai, tai, zai

來幫我 laiˊ bang¯ woˇ

Come (and) help me

來唱歌 laiˊ changˋ ge¯

Come to sing, Come and sing

來訪 laiˊ fangˇ

To visit

來讓它復活 laiˊ rangˋ ta¯ fuˋ huoˊ

To bring it back to life, To resurrect it

來彰顯 laiˊ zhang¯ xianˇ

To show, To demonstrate, To highlight

kai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, lai, mai, pai, sai, tai, zai

埋藏 maiˊ cangˊ

To bury

麥浪 maiˋ langˋ

Wavy motion of wind blown wheat

埋葬 maiˊ zangˋ

Bury, Burried

kai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, lai, mai, pai, sai, tai, zai

排放 paiˊ fangˋ

Emission, Causes emission (of), Arranged, Positioned

排行榜 paiˊ hangˊ bangˇ

Leaderboard, Ranking list

拍浪聲 pai¯ langˋ sheng¯

Clapping of waves, Buller of waves, Lapping of waves

派上用場 paiˋ shangˋ yongˋ changˇ

Be used, To be of use, Be of use

kai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, lai, mai, pai, sai, tai, zai

賽場 saiˋ changˇ


kai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, lai, mai, pai, sai, tai, zai

太棒 taiˋ bangˋ

Awesome, Excellent, Fantastic

太棒了 taiˋ bangˋ le˙

Awesome, Excellent, Fantastic

太倉促 taiˋ cang¯ cuˋ

So rushed

太常 taiˋ changˊ

Too often, Too frequently

太常了 taiˋ changˊ le˙

Too often, Too frequently

太長 taiˋ changˊ

Too long

太長了 taiˋ changˊ le˙

Too long

台上 taiˊ shangˋ

On the stage

抬上飛機 taiˊ shangˋ fei¯ ji¯

Loaded onto the plane, Loaded onboard the plane

臺上 taiˊ shangˋ

On the stage

kai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, lai, mai, pai, sai, tai, zai

在傍晚洗澡 zaiˋ bang¯ wanˇ xiˇ zaoˇ

Bathe in the early evening

在場 zaiˋ changˇ

Be on the scene, On the spot, At the location, Be present

在當天晚上 zaiˋ dang¯ tian¯ wanˇ shangˋ

In the evening, That same evening

在上 zaiˋ shangˋ

On the top

在上位 zaiˋ shangˋ weiˋ

In a high position, In high positions

在上床前 zaiˋ shangˋ chuangˊ qianˊ

Before going to bed

在上海 zaiˋ shangˋ haiˇ

In Shanghai

在上海開會期間 zaiˋ shangˋ haiˇ kai¯ huiˋ qiˊ jian¯

During the time of the conference in Shanghai

在上車前 zaiˋ shangˋ che¯ qianˊ

Before boarding, Before getting on

在上週二 zaiˋ shangˋ zhou¯ erˋ

On last Tuesday, Last Tuesday

在上面 zaiˋ shangˋ mianˋ

On top

在躺下前 zaiˋ tangˇ xiaˋ qianˊ

Before lying down

Grouped in tone pairs

13, 11, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

開場 kai¯ changˇ

Starts the show

開場白 kai¯ changˇ baiˊ

Prologue, Introduction

開港 kai¯ gangˇ

Open port, Open harbour, Open ports

開港通商 kai¯ gangˇ tong¯ shang¯

Open port to trade

開朗 kai¯ langˇ

Clear up, Open, Lighten, Gladden, Broadminded, Outspoken, Cheerful, Happy

開朗起來 kai¯ langˇ qiˇ laiˊ

Cleared up, Lightened, Gladdened

13, 11, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

哀傷 ai¯ shang¯

Feel sorrow, Mourn, Grieve, Be sad

開張 kai¯ zhang¯


13, 11, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

開放 kai¯ fangˋ

Open minded, Make open for public use

開放大眾參觀 kai¯ fangˋ daˋ zhongˋ can¯ guan¯

Open to the public, Open for the public to visit

拍浪聲 pai¯ langˋ sheng¯

Clapping of waves, Buller of waves, Lapping of waves

13, 11, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

白蒼 baiˊ cang¯

Pallid, Pale white

才剛 caiˊ gang¯


才剛我看見他了三分鐘 caiˊ gang¯ woˇ kanˋ jianˋ ta¯ le˙ san¯ fen¯ zhong¯

I just saw him three minutes ago

才剛我看見他了三年 caiˊ gang¯ woˇ kanˋ jianˋ ta¯ le˙ san¯ nianˊ

I just saw him three years ago

才剛買 caiˊ gang¯ maiˇ

Just bought

來幫我 laiˊ bang¯ woˇ

Come (and) help me

來彰顯 laiˊ zhang¯ xianˇ

To show, To demonstrate, To highlight

13, 11, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

埋藏 maiˊ cangˊ

To bury

排行榜 paiˊ hangˊ bangˇ

Leaderboard, Ranking list

13, 11, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

來訪 laiˊ fangˇ

To visit

13, 11, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

白浪 baiˊ langˋ

White crested waves (white breakers), White capped waves

來唱歌 laiˊ changˋ ge¯

Come to sing, Come and sing

來讓它復活 laiˊ rangˋ ta¯ fuˋ huoˊ

To bring it back to life, To resurrect it

埋葬 maiˊ zangˋ

Bury, Burried

排放 paiˊ fangˋ

Emission, Causes emission (of), Arranged, Positioned

台上 taiˊ shangˋ

On the stage

抬上飛機 taiˊ shangˋ fei¯ ji¯

Loaded onto the plane, Loaded onboard the plane

臺上 taiˊ shangˋ

On the stage

13, 11, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

改行 gaiˇ hangˊ

Turned, Changed into

13, 11, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

採訪 caiˇ fangˇ

Make inquiries, Investigate

13, 11, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

矮胖 aiˇ pangˋ

Short and fat, Pudgy

矮胖的亞洲男孩 aiˇ pangˋ de˙ yaˋ zhou¯ nanˊ haiˊ

Pudgy Asian boy

擺盪 baiˇ dangˋ


擺盪到 baiˇ dangˋ daoˋ


擺放 baiˇ fangˋ


踩上 caiˇ shangˋ

Step on, Steps on, Stepping on, Stepped on

海浪 haiˇ langˋ


海浪快速湧入 haiˇ langˋ kuaiˋ suˋ yongˇ ruˋ

Wavers quickly rushed in

海浪沖擊 haiˇ langˋ chong¯ jiˊ

Crashing waves

海浪沖擊岬角 haiˇ langˋ chong¯ jiˊ jiaˇ jiaoˇ

Waves crashing against a promontory

海上 haiˇ shangˋ

Off shore, Out to sea, On the sea

海上的 haiˇ shangˋ de˙

Off shore

13, 11, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

蓋章 gaiˋ zhang¯

Seal, Stamp

太倉促 taiˋ cang¯ cuˋ

So rushed

在傍晚洗澡 zaiˋ bang¯ wanˇ xiˇ zaoˇ

Bathe in the early evening

在當天晚上 zaiˋ dang¯ tian¯ wanˇ shangˋ

In the evening, That same evening

13, 11, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

蓋房子 gaiˋ fangˊ zi˙

Build a house, Build houses

太常 taiˋ changˊ

Too often, Too frequently

太常了 taiˋ changˊ le˙

Too often, Too frequently

太長 taiˋ changˊ

Too long

太長了 taiˋ changˊ le˙

Too long

13, 11, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

拜訪 baiˋ fangˇ


拜訪他們 baiˋ fangˇ ta¯ men˙

Visit them

拜訪過 baiˋ fangˇ guoˋ


賽場 saiˋ changˇ


在場 zaiˋ changˇ

Be on the scene, On the spot, At the location, Be present

在躺下前 zaiˋ tangˇ xiaˋ qianˊ

Before lying down

13, 11, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

愛唱歌 aiˋ changˋ ge¯

Loves singing, Loves to sing

愛上了 aiˋ shangˋ le˙

Fell in love, Fell in love with

愛上她 aiˋ shangˋ ta¯

Fall in love with her

愛上她了 aiˋ shangˋ ta¯ le˙

Fallen in love with her

敗仗 baiˋ zhangˋ


戴上 daiˋ shangˋ

Put on, Wear

戴上了 daiˋ shangˋ le˙

Put on, Wear, Put it on, Wore it

戴上軍帽 daiˋ shangˋ jun¯ maoˋ

Put on a an army cap

蓋上紀念章 gaiˋ shangˋ jiˋ nianˋ zhang¯

With a commemorative stamp, Stamped with a commemorative stamp

麥浪 maiˋ langˋ

Wavy motion of wind blown wheat

派上用場 paiˋ shangˋ yongˋ changˇ

Be used, To be of use, Be of use

太棒 taiˋ bangˋ

Awesome, Excellent, Fantastic

太棒了 taiˋ bangˋ le˙

Awesome, Excellent, Fantastic

在上 zaiˋ shangˋ

On the top

在上位 zaiˋ shangˋ weiˋ

In a high position, In high positions

在上床前 zaiˋ shangˋ chuangˊ qianˊ

Before going to bed

在上海 zaiˋ shangˋ haiˇ

In Shanghai

在上海開會期間 zaiˋ shangˋ haiˇ kai¯ huiˋ qiˊ jian¯

During the time of the conference in Shanghai

在上車前 zaiˋ shangˋ che¯ qianˊ

Before boarding, Before getting on

在上週二 zaiˋ shangˋ zhou¯ erˋ

On last Tuesday, Last Tuesday

在上面 zaiˋ shangˋ mianˋ

On top


口-門 : > : > [開]-開朗 : > [開]-開朗起來 >

丶-白 : > : > [朗]-開朗 : > [朗]-開朗起來 >

十-土 : > : > [起]-起來 : > [起]-開朗起來 >

十-木 : > : > [來]-起來 : > [來]-開朗起來 >

開朗起來 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 朗

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