
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 行


One space suit for flying operations

yiˊ taoˋ fei¯ xingˊ taiˋ kong¯ yi¯

行 xingˊ, xingˋ, hangˊ
Take action, Act, Go, Do, Work, Able, Capable, Ready, Walk, Travel, Road, Path, Baggage, Current, Prevailing, Publish, (Xing4), Conduct, Behaviour, (Hang2), Generation, Row, Line, Array, Series, Sequence, Profession, Trade, Business, Rank And File Of The Military, Financial Market, MW For Objects Arranged In Lines

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Phone , Tone


一套 yiˊ taoˋ

飛行 fei¯ xingˊ

太空 taiˋ kong¯

太空衣 taiˋ kong¯ yi¯

Words that rhyme with 一套飛行太空衣 (yi-ao)

Grouped by first phone

yi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi

已超過 yiˇ chao¯ guoˋ

Already more than

一到夏天 yiˊ daoˋ xiaˋ tian¯

In the summer time, When summer time arrives

一道 yiˊ daoˋ

Together, On the same path, A (problem)

一道一道 yiˊ daoˋ yiˊ daoˋ

Arrived one-by-one

一道小小的疤 yiˊ daoˋ xiaoˇ xiaoˇ de˙ ba¯

A small scar, A little scar

一道衝擊波 yiˊ daoˋ chong¯ jiˊ bo¯

A shock wave

一道道平行的 yiˊ daoˋ daoˋ pingˊ xingˊ de˙


一道道平行的小瀑布 yiˊ daoˋ daoˋ pingˊ xingˊ de˙ xiaoˇ baoˋ buˋ

Small parallel cascades

一道陷阱 yiˊ daoˋ xianˋ jingˇ

A trap

移到 yiˊ daoˋ

Transfer to, Confer to, Convey to

移到另一邊 yiˊ daoˋ lingˋ yiˋ bian¯

To the other side

異道 yiˋ daoˋ

Different viewpoints, Different points of view, Different route

一號 yiˊ haoˋ

1, Number 1

一號人物 yiˊ haoˋ renˊ wuˋ

Person, Individual

依靠 yi¯ kaoˋ

Rely on, Depend on, Support, Backing, Fall back

倚靠 yiˇ kaoˋ

Rely on, Lean on, Press against

一毛 yiˋ maoˊ

A hair, A dime

一毛不拔 yiˋ maoˊ buˋ baˊ

Stingy, Wouldn't spare a dime to help somebody

一矛穿心 yiˋ maoˊ chuan¯ xin¯

A spear through the heart

一艘 yiˋ sao¯

A (e.g. a boat or ship or vessel), One ship

一艘好船 yiˋ sao¯ haoˇ chuanˊ

A good ship

一套 yiˊ taoˋ

A set of, An act or set of actions for drawing in attention

一套理論 yiˊ taoˋ liˇ lunˋ

A theory

一套飛行太空衣 yiˊ taoˋ fei¯ xingˊ taiˋ kong¯ yi¯

One space suit for flying operations

一早 yiˋ zaoˇ


一早到那兒 yiˋ zaoˇ daoˋ naˋ erˊ

Get there early

臆造 yiˋ zaoˋ

Fabricate, Concoct, Make up

依照 yi¯ zhaoˋ

According to, In accordance with, Within the allotted time

依照指示 yi¯ zhaoˋ zhiˇ shiˋ

As instructed

一招 yiˋ zhao¯

A trick, A device, A move

yi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi

地堡 diˋ baoˇ


地道 diˋ daoˋ


締造 diˋ zaoˋ


yi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi

機堡 ji¯ baoˇ

Aircraft revetment, Protective parking area for aircraft

極好 jiˊ haoˇ


繫好 jiˋ haoˇ

Fasten, Do up

繫好安全帶 jiˋ haoˇ an¯ quanˊ daiˋ

Fasten your safety belts

記號 jiˋ haoˋ


祭袍 jiˋ paoˊ

Ceremonial robe, Ceremonial robes

極少 jiˊ shaoˇ


極少數 jiˊ shaoˇ shuˋ

Very few

及早 jiˊ zaoˇ

As soon as possible, ASAP, As early as possible, Before it is too late

急躁 jiˊ zaoˋ

Rash, Impatient, Peevish, Impetuous, Irritable

幾兆 ji¯ zhaoˋ

Omen, Augury, Portent, Sign

yi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi

離島 liˊ daoˇ

Outlying islands

力道 liˋ daoˋ

Force, Applied force

力道比剛剛強得多 liˋ daoˋ biˇ gang¯ gang¯ qiangˊ deˊ duo¯

Much stronger, Much harder, With more force

禮貌 liˇ maoˋ

Politeness, Decorum, Good manners

禮貌的提醒 liˇ maoˋ de˙ tiˊ xingˇ

Polite reminder, A polite reminder

禮貌警告 liˇ maoˋ jingˇ gaoˋ

Politely warn

立陶宛 liˋ taoˊ wanˇ


yi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi

蜜桃草莓微舒打 miˋ taoˊ caoˇ meiˊ wei¯ shu¯ daˇ

Peach And Strawberry Soda

yi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi

你到底什麼意思 niˇ daoˋ diˇ shenˊ me˙ yiˋ si¯

What do you mean?, What are you trying to get at?

你到底他媽的在想什麼 niˇ daoˋ diˇ ta¯ ma¯ de˙ zaiˋ xiangˇ shenˊ me˙

What the fuck were you thinking?

你好 niˇ haoˇ


你好像沒提到 niˇ haoˇ xiangˋ meiˊ tiˊ daoˋ

You haven't mentioned, You don't seem to have mentioned

你好啊 niˇ haoˇ a¯


你逃不了的 niˇ taoˊ buˋ liaoˇ de˙

You can't escape, There is no escape, You won't get away

你早就知道 niˇ zaoˇ jiuˋ zhi¯ daoˋ

You know, You knew, You already know

你早就知道我們是為什麼來的 niˇ zaoˇ jiuˋ zhi¯ daoˋ woˇ men˙ shiˋ weiˋ sheˊ me˙ laiˊ de˙

You already know why we are here

你早就知道我會來 niˇ zaoˇ jiuˋ zhi¯ daoˋ woˇ huiˋ laiˊ

You knew I would come

妳早就知道 niˇ zaoˇ jiuˋ zhi¯ daoˋ

You know, You knew, You already know

妳早就知道我們是為什麼來的 niˇ zaoˇ jiuˋ zhi¯ daoˋ woˇ men˙ shiˋ weiˋ sheˊ me˙ laiˊ de˙

You already know why we are here

妳早就知道我會來 niˇ zaoˇ jiuˋ zhi¯ daoˋ woˇ huiˋ laiˊ

You knew I would come

yi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi

皮包 piˊ bao¯


癖好 piˇ haoˇ

Tendency, Addiction, Habitual inclination, Propensity

癖好玩意 piˇ haoˇ wanˊ yiˋ

Fetish, Fetishes, Addictive devices, Habitually used devices

疲勞 piˊ laoˊ

Fatigue, Weariness, Exhaustion

yi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi

起草 qiˇ caoˇ

To draft

祈禱 qiˊ daoˇ

Pray, Prayer

起到 qiˇ daoˋ

Play, Act as

七老八老 qi¯ laoˇ ba¯ laoˇ

Reference to someone who is old but still wears makeup

耆老 qiˊ laoˇ

Old and respected

旗袍 qiˊ paoˊ

Long gown, Long dress, Manchu style dress

起跑線 qiˇ paoˇ xianˋ

Starting line

氣泡 qiˋ paoˋ

Air bubble, Air bubbles

乞討 qiˇ taoˇ


yi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi

體操 tiˇ cao¯

Gymnastics, Calisthenics, Acrobatic

體操選手 tiˇ cao¯ xuanˇ shouˇ


踢到 ti¯ daoˋ


踢到了 ti¯ daoˋ le˙


堤道 tiˊ daoˋ


提到 tiˊ daoˋ

Mention, Mentions, Point out

提到了 tiˊ daoˋ le˙

Mentioned, Brought up (the subject of)

提到過的 tiˊ daoˋ guoˋ de˙


剃刀 tiˋ dao¯


提高 tiˊ gao¯

Improve, Lift, Raise, Heighten, Boost, Increase

提高船的高度 tiˊ gao¯ chuanˊ de˙ gao¯ duˋ

Raise the height of the ship, Give the ship more altitude

提高音量 tiˊ gao¯ yin¯ liangˋ

Raised voice, More loudly, Louder, With greater volume

提高音量說 tiˊ gao¯ yin¯ liangˋ shuo¯

With a raised voice said

體高 tiˇ gao¯

Height of a person

體貌 tiˇ maoˋ

Decorum, Figure and face, Refined features and manners

提早 tiˊ zaoˇ

Earlier than expected, Earlier than usual, Ahead of schedule

yi, di, ji, li, mi, ni, pi, qi, ti, xi

細胞 xiˋ bao¯

Cell, Cellular, Shell, Cocoon

細胞壁 xiˋ bao¯ biˋ

Cell wall, Cell walls

細胞膜 xiˋ bao¯ moˊ

Cell membrane

細胞質 xiˋ bao¯ zhiˊ

Cytoplasm, Solution that fills a cell and is mainly composed of water, salts and proteins

喜好 xiˇ haoˋ

Like, Delight in, Fond of, Likes

喜好一樣 xiˇ haoˋ yiˊ yangˋ

Like the same things

嬉鬧 xi¯ naoˋ

Frolic, Play

稀少 xi¯ shaoˇ


洗澡 xiˇ zaoˇ

Bathe, Bathing, Wash

洗澡間 xiˇ zaoˇ jian¯


Grouped in tone pairs

24, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

急躁 jiˊ zaoˋ

Rash, Impatient, Peevish, Impetuous, Irritable

堤道 tiˊ daoˋ


提到 tiˊ daoˋ

Mention, Mentions, Point out

提到了 tiˊ daoˋ le˙

Mentioned, Brought up (the subject of)

提到過的 tiˊ daoˋ guoˋ de˙


一到夏天 yiˊ daoˋ xiaˋ tian¯

In the summer time, When summer time arrives

一道 yiˊ daoˋ

Together, On the same path, A (problem)

一道一道 yiˊ daoˋ yiˊ daoˋ

Arrived one-by-one

一道小小的疤 yiˊ daoˋ xiaoˇ xiaoˇ de˙ ba¯

A small scar, A little scar

一道衝擊波 yiˊ daoˋ chong¯ jiˊ bo¯

A shock wave

一道道平行的 yiˊ daoˋ daoˋ pingˊ xingˊ de˙


一道道平行的小瀑布 yiˊ daoˋ daoˋ pingˊ xingˊ de˙ xiaoˇ baoˋ buˋ

Small parallel cascades

一道陷阱 yiˊ daoˋ xianˋ jingˇ

A trap

移到 yiˊ daoˋ

Transfer to, Confer to, Convey to

移到另一邊 yiˊ daoˋ lingˋ yiˋ bian¯

To the other side

一號 yiˊ haoˋ

1, Number 1

一號人物 yiˊ haoˋ renˊ wuˋ

Person, Individual

一套 yiˊ taoˋ

A set of, An act or set of actions for drawing in attention

一套理論 yiˊ taoˋ liˇ lunˋ

A theory

一套飛行太空衣 yiˊ taoˋ fei¯ xingˊ taiˋ kong¯ yi¯

One space suit for flying operations

24, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

機堡 ji¯ baoˇ

Aircraft revetment, Protective parking area for aircraft

七老八老 qi¯ laoˇ ba¯ laoˇ

Reference to someone who is old but still wears makeup

稀少 xi¯ shaoˇ


24, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

幾兆 ji¯ zhaoˋ

Omen, Augury, Portent, Sign

踢到 ti¯ daoˋ


踢到了 ti¯ daoˋ le˙


嬉鬧 xi¯ naoˋ

Frolic, Play

依靠 yi¯ kaoˋ

Rely on, Depend on, Support, Backing, Fall back

依照 yi¯ zhaoˋ

According to, In accordance with, Within the allotted time

依照指示 yi¯ zhaoˋ zhiˇ shiˋ

As instructed

24, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

皮包 piˊ bao¯


提高 tiˊ gao¯

Improve, Lift, Raise, Heighten, Boost, Increase

提高船的高度 tiˊ gao¯ chuanˊ de˙ gao¯ duˋ

Raise the height of the ship, Give the ship more altitude

提高音量 tiˊ gao¯ yin¯ liangˋ

Raised voice, More loudly, Louder, With greater volume

提高音量說 tiˊ gao¯ yin¯ liangˋ shuo¯

With a raised voice said

24, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

疲勞 piˊ laoˊ

Fatigue, Weariness, Exhaustion

旗袍 qiˊ paoˊ

Long gown, Long dress, Manchu style dress

24, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

極好 jiˊ haoˇ


極少 jiˊ shaoˇ


極少數 jiˊ shaoˇ shuˋ

Very few

及早 jiˊ zaoˇ

As soon as possible, ASAP, As early as possible, Before it is too late

離島 liˊ daoˇ

Outlying islands

祈禱 qiˊ daoˇ

Pray, Prayer

耆老 qiˊ laoˇ

Old and respected

提早 tiˊ zaoˇ

Earlier than expected, Earlier than usual, Ahead of schedule

24, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

體操 tiˇ cao¯

Gymnastics, Calisthenics, Acrobatic

體操選手 tiˇ cao¯ xuanˇ shouˇ


體高 tiˇ gao¯

Height of a person

已超過 yiˇ chao¯ guoˋ

Already more than

24, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

你逃不了的 niˇ taoˊ buˋ liaoˇ de˙

You can't escape, There is no escape, You won't get away

24, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

你好 niˇ haoˇ


你好像沒提到 niˇ haoˇ xiangˋ meiˊ tiˊ daoˋ

You haven't mentioned, You don't seem to have mentioned

你好啊 niˇ haoˇ a¯


你早就知道 niˇ zaoˇ jiuˋ zhi¯ daoˋ

You know, You knew, You already know

你早就知道我們是為什麼來的 niˇ zaoˇ jiuˋ zhi¯ daoˋ woˇ men˙ shiˋ weiˋ sheˊ me˙ laiˊ de˙

You already know why we are here

你早就知道我會來 niˇ zaoˇ jiuˋ zhi¯ daoˋ woˇ huiˋ laiˊ

You knew I would come

妳早就知道 niˇ zaoˇ jiuˋ zhi¯ daoˋ

You know, You knew, You already know

妳早就知道我們是為什麼來的 niˇ zaoˇ jiuˋ zhi¯ daoˋ woˇ men˙ shiˋ weiˋ sheˊ me˙ laiˊ de˙

You already know why we are here

妳早就知道我會來 niˇ zaoˇ jiuˋ zhi¯ daoˋ woˇ huiˋ laiˊ

You knew I would come

癖好 piˇ haoˇ

Tendency, Addiction, Habitual inclination, Propensity

癖好玩意 piˇ haoˇ wanˊ yiˋ

Fetish, Fetishes, Addictive devices, Habitually used devices

起草 qiˇ caoˇ

To draft

起跑線 qiˇ paoˇ xianˋ

Starting line

乞討 qiˇ taoˇ


洗澡 xiˇ zaoˇ

Bathe, Bathing, Wash

洗澡間 xiˇ zaoˇ jian¯


24, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

禮貌 liˇ maoˋ

Politeness, Decorum, Good manners

禮貌的提醒 liˇ maoˋ de˙ tiˊ xingˇ

Polite reminder, A polite reminder

禮貌警告 liˇ maoˋ jingˇ gaoˋ

Politely warn

你到底什麼意思 niˇ daoˋ diˇ shenˊ me˙ yiˋ si¯

What do you mean?, What are you trying to get at?

你到底他媽的在想什麼 niˇ daoˋ diˇ ta¯ ma¯ de˙ zaiˋ xiangˇ shenˊ me˙

What the fuck were you thinking?

起到 qiˇ daoˋ

Play, Act as

體貌 tiˇ maoˋ

Decorum, Figure and face, Refined features and manners

喜好 xiˇ haoˋ

Like, Delight in, Fond of, Likes

喜好一樣 xiˇ haoˋ yiˊ yangˋ

Like the same things

倚靠 yiˇ kaoˋ

Rely on, Lean on, Press against

24, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

剃刀 tiˋ dao¯


細胞 xiˋ bao¯

Cell, Cellular, Shell, Cocoon

細胞壁 xiˋ bao¯ biˋ

Cell wall, Cell walls

細胞膜 xiˋ bao¯ moˊ

Cell membrane

細胞質 xiˋ bao¯ zhiˊ

Cytoplasm, Solution that fills a cell and is mainly composed of water, salts and proteins

一艘 yiˋ sao¯

A (e.g. a boat or ship or vessel), One ship

一艘好船 yiˋ sao¯ haoˇ chuanˊ

A good ship

一招 yiˋ zhao¯

A trick, A device, A move

24, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

祭袍 jiˋ paoˊ

Ceremonial robe, Ceremonial robes

立陶宛 liˋ taoˊ wanˇ


蜜桃草莓微舒打 miˋ taoˊ caoˇ meiˊ wei¯ shu¯ daˇ

Peach And Strawberry Soda

一毛 yiˋ maoˊ

A hair, A dime

一毛不拔 yiˋ maoˊ buˋ baˊ

Stingy, Wouldn't spare a dime to help somebody

一矛穿心 yiˋ maoˊ chuan¯ xin¯

A spear through the heart

24, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

地堡 diˋ baoˇ


繫好 jiˋ haoˇ

Fasten, Do up

繫好安全帶 jiˋ haoˇ an¯ quanˊ daiˋ

Fasten your safety belts

一早 yiˋ zaoˇ


一早到那兒 yiˋ zaoˇ daoˋ naˋ erˊ

Get there early

24, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

地道 diˋ daoˋ


締造 diˋ zaoˋ


記號 jiˋ haoˋ


力道 liˋ daoˋ

Force, Applied force

力道比剛剛強得多 liˋ daoˋ biˇ gang¯ gang¯ qiangˊ deˊ duo¯

Much stronger, Much harder, With more force

氣泡 qiˋ paoˋ

Air bubble, Air bubbles

異道 yiˋ daoˋ

Different viewpoints, Different points of view, Different route

臆造 yiˋ zaoˋ

Fabricate, Concoct, Make up

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