
Definition, Pronunciation with char definition links


yiˋ taiˊ zhanˋ shiˊ beiˋ yongˋ ji¯

A short term spare device, Short term replacement device or piece of equipment

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Words and Phrases included in:

一臺 A

yiˋ taiˊ

暫時 Temporary

zhanˋ shiˊ

備用 Spare, Stand by, Alternative, Back up

beiˋ yongˋ

暫時備用 Short term spare, Temporary spare

zhanˋ shiˊ beiˋ yongˋ

暫時備用機 Short term spare device, Short term replacement device or piece of equipment

zhanˋ shiˊ beiˋ yongˋ ji¯


一-一 : > : > [一]-一臺 : >

十-士 : > : > [臺]-一臺 : >

十-車 : > : > [暫]-暫時 : >

口-日 : > : > [時]-暫時 : >

丿-亻 : > : > [備]-備用 : >

冂-⺆ : > : > [用]-備用 : >

十-木 : > : > [機]-用機 : >


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