
Definition, Pronunciation with char definition links


erˋ jia¯ erˋ dengˇ yuˊ duo¯ shaoˇ

How much is two plus two?, What is two plus two?

Click any character below for its definition.

Words and Phrases included in:

二加二 Two plus two

erˋ jia¯ erˋ

二等 Second class, Economy class

erˋ dengˇ

等於 Amounted to, Equal to, Same as, The equivalent of

dengˇ yuˊ

二加二等於 Two plus two equals

erˋ jia¯ erˋ dengˇ yuˊ

多少 How much?, How many?, How long?, More or less, Somewhat

duo¯ shaoˇ


一-二 : > : > [二]-二加 : >

十-力 : > : > [加]-加二 : >

一-二 : > : > [二]-二加 : >

丿-竹 : > : > [等]-二等 : >

丶-亠 : > : > [於]-等於 : >

丿-夕 : > : > [多]-多少 : >

人-小 : > : > [少]-多少 : >


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