
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 小


Like a poor man's heifer

xiangˋ qiongˊ kuˇ renˊ de˙ xiaoˇ muˇ niuˊ

小 xiaoˇ
Small, Young, Tiny, Minor, Insignificant, Humble, Prefix Used As A Term Of Endearment

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Phone , Tone


窮苦 qiongˊ kuˇ

窮苦人 qiongˊ kuˇ renˊ

小母牛 xiaoˇ muˇ niuˊ

Words that rhyme with 像窮苦人的小母牛 (yang-yong)

Grouped by first phone

xiang, jiang

像窮苦人的小母牛 xiangˋ qiongˊ kuˇ renˊ de˙ xiaoˇ muˇ niuˊ

Like a poor man's heifer

相擁 xiang¯ yong¯

Hugged, Huddled

相擁一起 xiang¯ yong¯ yiˋ qiˇ

Huddled together

相擁團圓 xiang¯ yong¯ tuanˊ yuanˊ

Hugged, Reunited

想用 xiangˇ yongˋ

Want to use

xiang, jiang

將用於對焦 jiang¯ yongˋ yuˊ duiˋ jiao¯

Can be used for focusing

Grouped in tone pairs

42, 11, 14, 34

像窮苦人的小母牛 xiangˋ qiongˊ kuˇ renˊ de˙ xiaoˇ muˇ niuˊ

Like a poor man's heifer

42, 11, 14, 34

相擁 xiang¯ yong¯

Hugged, Huddled

相擁一起 xiang¯ yong¯ yiˋ qiˇ

Huddled together

相擁團圓 xiang¯ yong¯ tuanˊ yuanˊ

Hugged, Reunited

42, 11, 14, 34

將用於對焦 jiang¯ yongˋ yuˊ duiˋ jiao¯

Can be used for focusing

42, 11, 14, 34

想用 xiangˇ yongˋ

Want to use

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