Light, Shine, Bright, Ray, Honor, Used Up, Exhausted, Alone, Nude, Naked, Bare, Bald
Word Links for words containing 光 (sorted via character pairs)
光明 Light, Bright, Promising, Openhearted, Without guile, Guileless
光明之路 Shining path
光明磊落 Aboveboard
火光照映 Firelight, Light of the fire, Light of a fire
微弱的火光照映 Weak firelight, Faint light of the fire
在微弱的火光照映中 In the dim firelight, In the faint light of the fire
光以直線傳播 Straight line propagation of light, Rectilinear propagation of light
光以直線傳播的理論 Rectilinear propagation of light theory, Straight line propagation fo light theory
光線 Ray(s) of light
一束光線 A beam of light
可見光線 Visible beams of light, Beams of visible light
夜間光線 Night light
在黃昏的光線裡 In twilight, In the dim light of twilight
忘光光了 Completely forgot, No idea
金快光了 Running out of money
錢快光了 Running out of money, Was running out of money
光看 Just look, Just to look at
對著光看了 Looked at under the light, Looked at while facing the light
光看就很不舒服的 Uncomfortable to look at, Disturbing to look at
光看就很不舒服的穿刺工具 Penetrative tooling that is uncomfortable to look at, Penetrative tooling that is disturbing to look at, Tool that looks disturbingly penetrating, Tools that look disturbingly penetrating
光源 Light source
低光源條件 Low light conditions
光源調整鈕 Light source adjustment
在低光源條件下 In low light conditions
時光 Time, Time of day, Occasion
孩提時光 As a child, As a youth
消磨時光 Passed time, Killed time
愉快的時光 Happy occasion, Lovely time
愉快地消磨時光 Passed time pleasantly, Happily passed time
時光隧道 Time tunnel, Tunnel through time
曝光 Exposed, Exposure
包圍曝光 Bracketed exposure, Exposure bracketing
手動曝光 Manual exposure
正確曝光 Correct exposure
自動曝光 Auto-exposure, Automatic exposure
閃燈曝光 Flash Exposure (FE)
決定正確曝光 Determine the correct exposure
程式自動曝光 Programmed auto-exposure
自動包圍曝光 Automatic Exposure Bracketing
以決定正確曝光 To determine the correct exposure
自動景深自動曝光 Automatic Depth of Field with Auto Exposure
測量主體亮度以決定正確曝光 Measure subject brightness to determine correct exposure
曝光時 During exposure
自動曝光鎖 Auto-Exposure Lock
閃燈曝光鎖 Flash Exposure Lock
曝光補償 Exposure compensation
設定曝光補償 Setting Exposure Compensation
設定曝光參數 Set exposure parameters, Set exposure
如曝光時人物移動 If during exposure person moves
設定曝光參數以配合場景 Set exposure parameters to suit the scene, Set exposure to suit the scene
閃光 Flash of light
閃光燈 Flash unit, Flash
內置閃光燈 Built-in Flash
使用內置閃光燈 Using the Built-in Flash
照相機的閃光燈 Camera's flash
閃光燈攝影 Flash photography
不使用閃光燈拍攝人像 Portrait shooting without using flash
在禁止閃光燈攝影的場所 In areas where flash photography is prohibited
如內置閃光燈彈起 If built in flash pops up
內置閃光燈將會自動彈起 Built in flash will automatically pop up
必要時內置閃光燈將會自動彈起 If necessary the built in flash will automatically pop up
目光 Vision, Eyes, Sight, Gaze, Gazed, Glance, Glanced, Look, Looked
目光掃過 Look over, Looked over, Scan, Scanned
目光望向 Staring at, Staring towards, Gazing at
目光望向火中 Staring into the fire, Stared at the fire
他的目光始終沒離開發抖的老人 His eyes didn't leave the shivering old man, He kept his eyes on the shivering old man
眼光 Sight, Insight, Vision, Discernment, Discerning, Discern
斥責的眼光 Vituperative glances, Censorious looks, Reproving looks, Reproachful looks
引起好幾個保持站立的婦人斥責的眼光 Drawing censorious looks from several still standing women, Drawing disapproving looks from a few women who stayed standing
用另一種眼光看待 Look at from another perspective or point of view
月光 Moonlight
月光下閃爍的太平洋海面 Glittering moonlit surface of the Pacific ocean
月光河 Moonlight river
在月光下 Beneath the moonlight, In the moonlight
風光 Scenery, Elegant style, Refined taste, Glory
美麗的風光 Beautiful scenery, Beautiful view
風光的日子 Glory days
我風光的日子早晚會來的 Sooner or later my time will come, My time will come
陽光 Sunlight
把陽光 Caused the sunlight to
朝陽光 Towards the light, Into the light
眼睛適應了陽光 Eyes had adjusted to the sunlight
在陽光下 In the sunlight, beneath the sun lit sky
把陽光變得泛黃 Caused the sunlight to turn yellow, Yellowed the sunlight
陽光照不到的地方 Where the sun doesn't shine
探住了陽光照不到的地方 Poking where the shone doesn't shine, Someplace where the sun doesn't shine, Exploring places where the sun does not shine
白光 White light
刺目的白光 Pricks of white light
兩三萬顆獨立刺目的白光 Twenty or thirty thousand individual pricks of white light
測光 Measure, Measuring, Metering (measuring)
權衡式測光 Evaluative metering
測光模式 Light metering mode, Metering mode
更改測光模式 Changing (light) metering mode
通用測光模式 All-around metering mode, General metering mode
此模式為通用測光模式 This is an all-around metering mode
漏光 Empty, Empty out, Leak out, Become empty
漏光了 Leaked out, Emptied out
所有空氣都漏光了 All the air had leaked out
逆光 Backlit
逆光主體 Backlit subject, Backlit subjects
適用於人像及逆光主 Suitable for portraits and backlit subjects
燈光 Light(s), Lighting
暗暗的燈光 Dim lighting, Low lighting, Discrete lighting
暗暗的燈光下 Under the low lighting, Beneath the dim lighting
在檯燈的燈光下 In the lamplight, Beneath the lamplight
在檯燈的燈光下閃爍 Twinkled in the lamplight, Twinkling in the lamplight
認為那只是燈光作怪 Thinking that it was just a trick of the light
不光 Not the only one, Not only, Not just
不光彩 Ignominiously
但不光是他而已 But it wasn't just him, But it wasn't just about him
耳光 Slap on the face, Slap
打了幾個耳光 Slapped around
被喝醉的男友打了幾個耳光 Slapped around by a drunken boyfriend
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