
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 歷


In addition to my historical studies

jia¯ shangˋ woˇ duiˋ liˋ shiˇ de˙ yanˊ jiuˋ

歷 liˋ
Endure, Experience, Undergo, History, Historic, Pass Through, Pass, Elapse, Successive, Throughout, Each, Every, Calendar, Last

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Phone , Tone


加上 jia¯ shangˋ

歷史 liˋ shiˇ

歷史的 liˋ shiˇ de˙

研究 yanˊ jiuˋ

Words that rhyme with 加上我對歷史的研究 (ia-ang)

Grouped by first phone

jia, qia, xia

家常 jia¯ changˊ

Domestic, Daily aspects of family life

家當 jia¯ dangˋ

Property, Earnings

家剛成立的公司 jia¯ gang¯ chengˊ liˋ de˙ gong¯ si¯

A newly established company, A start-up

加上 jia¯ shangˋ

Plus, Additionally, In addition, Also, Combined with

加上去 jia¯ shangˋ quˋ

Add, Added

加上我對歷史的研究 jia¯ shangˋ woˇ duiˋ liˋ shiˇ de˙ yanˊ jiuˋ

In addition to my historical studies

加糖 jia¯ tangˊ

Add sugar

家長 jia¯ zhangˇ

Parents, Head of a family, Head of household

jia, qia, xia

恰當 qiaˋ dang¯

Appropriate, Apt, Fitting, Pertinent, Apposite

jia, qia, xia

下場 xiaˋ changˇ

Conclusion, Fate, The end, In the end, Play ball, Stage exit

下方 xiaˋ fang¯


下方的氣流 xiaˋ fang¯ de˙ qiˋ liuˊ


下方邊綠 xiaˋ fang¯ bian¯ luuˋ

Bottom fringe, Bottom edge

下放 xiaˋ fangˋ

Delegated, Place below, Placed below

下放了 xiaˋ fangˋ le˙

Placed below, Placed underneath

下崗 xiaˋ gangˇ

Laid off

洽商 xiaˊ shang¯

Discuss, Deliberate

Grouped in tone pairs

14, 11, 12, 13, 21, 41, 43, 44

家當 jia¯ dangˋ

Property, Earnings

加上 jia¯ shangˋ

Plus, Additionally, In addition, Also, Combined with

加上去 jia¯ shangˋ quˋ

Add, Added

加上我對歷史的研究 jia¯ shangˋ woˇ duiˋ liˋ shiˇ de˙ yanˊ jiuˋ

In addition to my historical studies

14, 11, 12, 13, 21, 41, 43, 44

家剛成立的公司 jia¯ gang¯ chengˊ liˋ de˙ gong¯ si¯

A newly established company, A start-up

14, 11, 12, 13, 21, 41, 43, 44

家常 jia¯ changˊ

Domestic, Daily aspects of family life

加糖 jia¯ tangˊ

Add sugar

14, 11, 12, 13, 21, 41, 43, 44

家長 jia¯ zhangˇ

Parents, Head of a family, Head of household

14, 11, 12, 13, 21, 41, 43, 44

洽商 xiaˊ shang¯

Discuss, Deliberate

14, 11, 12, 13, 21, 41, 43, 44

恰當 qiaˋ dang¯

Appropriate, Apt, Fitting, Pertinent, Apposite

下方 xiaˋ fang¯


下方的氣流 xiaˋ fang¯ de˙ qiˋ liuˊ


下方邊綠 xiaˋ fang¯ bian¯ luuˋ

Bottom fringe, Bottom edge

14, 11, 12, 13, 21, 41, 43, 44

下場 xiaˋ changˇ

Conclusion, Fate, The end, In the end, Play ball, Stage exit

下崗 xiaˋ gangˇ

Laid off

14, 11, 12, 13, 21, 41, 43, 44

下放 xiaˋ fangˋ

Delegated, Place below, Placed below

下放了 xiaˋ fangˋ le˙

Placed below, Placed underneath

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