
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 長


Added up to a length of

jia¯ qiˇ laiˊ changˊ duˋ gao¯ daˊ

長 changˊ, zhangˇ, zhangˋ
Long, Good At, Skilled, Forte, (Zhang3), Grow, Grow Up, Old, Senior, Chief, Head, Elder, Develop, (Zhang4), Surplus, Belongings

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Phone , Tone


起來 qiˇ laiˊ

加起來 jia¯ qiˇ laiˊ

長度 changˊ duˋ

Words that rhyme with 加起來長度高達 (ia-yi)

Grouped by first phone

jia, xia

加計 jia¯ jiˋ

Additional, Additional calculated

家裡 jia¯ liˇ

At home, In the house

家裡所有鑰匙 jia¯ liˇ suoˇ youˇ yaoˋ shi˙

Keys for the entire house

家裡窮 jia¯ liˇ qiongˊ

Family is poor, Impoverished family

加密 jia¯ miˋ

Encrypt, Encrypted

加密拷貝 jia¯ miˋ kaoˇ beiˋ

Encrypted copy

加密系統 jia¯ miˋ xiˋ tongˇ

Encryption scheme, Encryption schemes

加起來 jia¯ qiˇ laiˊ

Add up to, In total

加起來長度高達 jia¯ qiˇ laiˊ changˊ duˋ gao¯ daˊ

Added up to a length of

加起來長度高達兩萬一千哩 jia¯ qiˇ laiˊ changˊ duˋ gao¯ daˊ liangˇ wanˋ yi¯ qian¯ liˇ

Added up to a length of twenty-one thousand miles

家綺 jia¯ qiˇ


假期 jiaˋ qiˊ

Holiday, Vacation

加一向上箭號 jia¯ yiˊ xiangˋ shangˋ jianˋ haoˋ

Add an upward pointing arrow symbol

加一向下箭號 jia¯ yiˊ xiangˋ xiaˋ jianˋ haoˋ

Add a downward pointing arrow

加以 jia¯ yiˇ


嘉義市 jia¯ yiˋ shiˋ

Chiayi (or Jia Yi)

嘉義縣 jia¯ yiˋ xianˋ

Chiayi County

甲乙 jiaˇ yiˇ

A and B, First and second

甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸 jiaˇ yiˇ bingˇ ding¯ wuˋ jiˇ geng¯ xin¯ renˊ guiˇ

First, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth

jia, xia

下筆 xiaˋ biˇ

Start writing, Lower pen to paper

下底 xiaˋ diˇ

At the bottom

下級 xiaˋ jiˊ


夏季 xiaˋ jiˋ


夏季舒適 xiaˋ jiˋ shu¯ shiˋ

Summer comfort

蝦米 xia¯ miˇ

Dried Shrimps

下期 xiaˋ qiˊ

Next period

下棋 xiaˋ qiˊ

Play chess

下起一陣大雨 xiaˋ qiˇ yiˊ zhenˋ daˋ yuˇ

It started to rain heavily

俠義 xiaˊ yiˋ


下一次 xiaˋ yi¯ ciˋ

Next time

下一上班日 xiaˋ yiˊ shangˋ ban¯ riˋ

Next working day

下一代 xiaˋ yiˊ daiˋ

Next generation

下一個 xiaˋ yiˊ ge˙

The next

下一站 xiaˋ yiˊ zhanˋ

Next stop

下一頁 xiaˋ yiˊ yeˋ

Next page

嚇一跳 xiaˋ yiˊ tiaoˋ

Scared, Surprised, Jump in surprise

下一場聚會 xiaˋ yiˋ changˇ juˋ huiˋ

Next meeting

下一題 xiaˋ yiˋ tiˊ

Next question, Follow up question

下一齣 xiaˋ yiˋ chu¯

Next chapter, The next chapter

下意識 xiaˋ yiˋ shiˋ

Subconscious, Unconscious, Not consciously aware of

Grouped in tone pairs

13, 12, 14, 24, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

家裡 jia¯ liˇ

At home, In the house

家裡所有鑰匙 jia¯ liˇ suoˇ youˇ yaoˋ shi˙

Keys for the entire house

家裡窮 jia¯ liˇ qiongˊ

Family is poor, Impoverished family

加起來 jia¯ qiˇ laiˊ

Add up to, In total

加起來長度高達 jia¯ qiˇ laiˊ changˊ duˋ gao¯ daˊ

Added up to a length of

加起來長度高達兩萬一千哩 jia¯ qiˇ laiˊ changˊ duˋ gao¯ daˊ liangˇ wanˋ yi¯ qian¯ liˇ

Added up to a length of twenty-one thousand miles

家綺 jia¯ qiˇ


加以 jia¯ yiˇ


蝦米 xia¯ miˇ

Dried Shrimps

13, 12, 14, 24, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

加一向上箭號 jia¯ yiˊ xiangˋ shangˋ jianˋ haoˋ

Add an upward pointing arrow symbol

加一向下箭號 jia¯ yiˊ xiangˋ xiaˋ jianˋ haoˋ

Add a downward pointing arrow

13, 12, 14, 24, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

加計 jia¯ jiˋ

Additional, Additional calculated

加密 jia¯ miˋ

Encrypt, Encrypted

加密拷貝 jia¯ miˋ kaoˇ beiˋ

Encrypted copy

加密系統 jia¯ miˋ xiˋ tongˇ

Encryption scheme, Encryption schemes

嘉義市 jia¯ yiˋ shiˋ

Chiayi (or Jia Yi)

嘉義縣 jia¯ yiˋ xianˋ

Chiayi County

13, 12, 14, 24, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

俠義 xiaˊ yiˋ


13, 12, 14, 24, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

甲乙 jiaˇ yiˇ

A and B, First and second

甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸 jiaˇ yiˇ bingˇ ding¯ wuˋ jiˇ geng¯ xin¯ renˊ guiˇ

First, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth

13, 12, 14, 24, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

下一次 xiaˋ yi¯ ciˋ

Next time

13, 12, 14, 24, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

假期 jiaˋ qiˊ

Holiday, Vacation

下級 xiaˋ jiˊ


下期 xiaˋ qiˊ

Next period

下棋 xiaˋ qiˊ

Play chess

下一上班日 xiaˋ yiˊ shangˋ ban¯ riˋ

Next working day

下一代 xiaˋ yiˊ daiˋ

Next generation

下一個 xiaˋ yiˊ ge˙

The next

下一站 xiaˋ yiˊ zhanˋ

Next stop

下一頁 xiaˋ yiˊ yeˋ

Next page

嚇一跳 xiaˋ yiˊ tiaoˋ

Scared, Surprised, Jump in surprise

13, 12, 14, 24, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

下筆 xiaˋ biˇ

Start writing, Lower pen to paper

下底 xiaˋ diˇ

At the bottom

下起一陣大雨 xiaˋ qiˇ yiˊ zhenˋ daˋ yuˇ

It started to rain heavily

13, 12, 14, 24, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

夏季 xiaˋ jiˋ


夏季舒適 xiaˋ jiˋ shu¯ shiˋ

Summer comfort

下一場聚會 xiaˋ yiˋ changˇ juˋ huiˋ

Next meeting

下一題 xiaˋ yiˋ tiˊ

Next question, Follow up question

下一齣 xiaˋ yiˋ chu¯

Next chapter, The next chapter

下意識 xiaˋ yiˋ shiˋ

Subconscious, Unconscious, Not consciously aware of

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