
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 遍


Repeated, Said again

youˋ shuo¯ le˙ yiˊ bianˋ

遍 bianˋ
All Over, Ubiquitous, Everywhere, Throughout, ATime, MW For Number Of Times An Action Is Repeated

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Phone , Tone


說了 shuo¯ le˙

一遍 yiˊ bianˋ

Words that rhyme with 又說了一遍 (you-wo)

Grouped by first phone

you, diu, jiu

郵戳 youˊ chuo¯


有多 youˇ duo¯

Plenty, More than enough

有多久 youˇ duo¯ jiuˇ

How long has it been, How long since, How long ago

有多仔細 youˇ duo¯ zi¯ xiˋ


有多失望 youˇ duo¯ shi¯ wangˋ

Very disappointed, Extremely disappointed

有多少 youˇ duo¯ shaoˇ

How many?, How many are there?

有多少莫耳 youˇ duo¯ shaoˇ moˋ erˇ

Has how many moles?, How many moles?

有多少錢 youˇ duo¯ shaoˇ qianˊ

How much money there is

有多愉快 youˇ duo¯ yuˊ kuaiˋ

A lot of fun, A lot of fun was had, It was a lot of fun

有多聰明 youˇ duo¯ cong¯ mingˊ

How smart, How smart is it?

有多重 youˇ duo¯ zhongˋ

Weight, Weighs how much

有多重了 youˇ duo¯ zhongˋ le˙

Weight, Weighs how much

游過 youˊ guoˋ

Swim by, Swim past

遊過 youˊ guoˋ

Pass by

有過 youˇ guoˋ


有過敏反應 youˇ guoˋ minˇ fanˇ yingˋ

Have an allergic reaction (to)

由火塑成 youˊ huoˇ suˋ chengˊ

Shaped from fire, Made from fire

誘惑 youˋ huoˋ


優酪乳 you¯ luoˋ ruˇ


有說有笑 youˇ shuo¯ youˇ xiaoˋ

Talked and laughed together

又說了一遍 youˋ shuo¯ le˙ yiˊ bianˋ

Repeated, Said again

有所 youˇ suoˇ


有所不同 youˇ suoˇ buˋ tongˊ


有所悟 youˇ suoˇ wuˋ

To some extent, Somewhat

有所牽連 youˇ suoˇ qian¯ lianˊ

Involved, Implicated

優渥 you¯ woˋ


由我出 youˊ woˇ chu¯

I'll pay

有我能做的事情 youˇ woˇ nengˊ zuoˋ de˙ shiˋ qingˊ

There are things that I can do, I can do something about it

you, diu, jiu

丟過 diu¯ guoˋ

Throw, Toss, Throw across, Lose, Lost

丟過空蕩蕩的深溝 diu¯ guoˋ kong¯ dangˋ dangˋ de˙ shen¯ gou¯

Throw across the empty pit

you, diu, jiu

救過他不止一次 jiuˋ guoˋ ta¯ buˋ zhiˇ yi¯ ciˋ

Saved him more than once, Had saved him more than once, Had saved his life on more than one occasion

救過她不止一次 jiuˋ guoˋ ta¯ buˋ zhiˇ yi¯ ciˋ

Saved her more than once, Had saved her more than once, Had saved her life on more than one occasion

救火 jiuˋ huoˇ

Fight a fire, Fire-fighter

就我們所知 jiuˋ woˇ men˙ suoˇ zhi¯

For all we know

就我所知 jiuˋ woˇ suoˇ zhi¯

As far as I know, as far as I can tell

救我一命 jiuˋ woˇ yiˊ mingˋ

Save my life

就座 jiuˋ zuoˋ

Take a seat

Grouped in tone pairs

41, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

又說了一遍 youˋ shuo¯ le˙ yiˊ bianˋ

Repeated, Said again

41, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

丟過 diu¯ guoˋ

Throw, Toss, Throw across, Lose, Lost

丟過空蕩蕩的深溝 diu¯ guoˋ kong¯ dangˋ dangˋ de˙ shen¯ gou¯

Throw across the empty pit

優酪乳 you¯ luoˋ ruˇ


優渥 you¯ woˋ


41, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

郵戳 youˊ chuo¯


41, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

由火塑成 youˊ huoˇ suˋ chengˊ

Shaped from fire, Made from fire

由我出 youˊ woˇ chu¯

I'll pay

41, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

游過 youˊ guoˋ

Swim by, Swim past

遊過 youˊ guoˋ

Pass by

41, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

有多 youˇ duo¯

Plenty, More than enough

有多久 youˇ duo¯ jiuˇ

How long has it been, How long since, How long ago

有多仔細 youˇ duo¯ zi¯ xiˋ


有多失望 youˇ duo¯ shi¯ wangˋ

Very disappointed, Extremely disappointed

有多少 youˇ duo¯ shaoˇ

How many?, How many are there?

有多少莫耳 youˇ duo¯ shaoˇ moˋ erˇ

Has how many moles?, How many moles?

有多少錢 youˇ duo¯ shaoˇ qianˊ

How much money there is

有多愉快 youˇ duo¯ yuˊ kuaiˋ

A lot of fun, A lot of fun was had, It was a lot of fun

有多聰明 youˇ duo¯ cong¯ mingˊ

How smart, How smart is it?

有多重 youˇ duo¯ zhongˋ

Weight, Weighs how much

有多重了 youˇ duo¯ zhongˋ le˙

Weight, Weighs how much

有說有笑 youˇ shuo¯ youˇ xiaoˋ

Talked and laughed together

41, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

有所 youˇ suoˇ


有所不同 youˇ suoˇ buˋ tongˊ


有所悟 youˇ suoˇ wuˋ

To some extent, Somewhat

有所牽連 youˇ suoˇ qian¯ lianˊ

Involved, Implicated

有我能做的事情 youˇ woˇ nengˊ zuoˋ de˙ shiˋ qingˊ

There are things that I can do, I can do something about it

41, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

有過 youˇ guoˋ


有過敏反應 youˇ guoˋ minˇ fanˇ yingˋ

Have an allergic reaction (to)

41, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

救火 jiuˋ huoˇ

Fight a fire, Fire-fighter

就我們所知 jiuˋ woˇ men˙ suoˇ zhi¯

For all we know

就我所知 jiuˋ woˇ suoˇ zhi¯

As far as I know, as far as I can tell

救我一命 jiuˋ woˇ yiˊ mingˋ

Save my life

41, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 43, 44

救過他不止一次 jiuˋ guoˋ ta¯ buˋ zhiˇ yi¯ ciˋ

Saved him more than once, Had saved him more than once, Had saved his life on more than one occasion

救過她不止一次 jiuˋ guoˋ ta¯ buˋ zhiˇ yi¯ ciˋ

Saved her more than once, Had saved her more than once, Had saved her life on more than one occasion

就座 jiuˋ zuoˋ

Take a seat

誘惑 youˋ huoˋ



𠃌-又 : > : > [又]-又說 : > [又]-又說了一遍 >

丶-言 : > : > [說]-說了 : > [說]-又說了一遍 >

𠃌-了 : > : > [了]-說了 : > [了]-又說了一遍 >

一-一 : > : > [一]-一遍 : > [一]-又說了一遍 >

丶-辶 : > : > [遍]-一遍 : > [遍]-又說了一遍 >

又說了一遍 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 遍

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