
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 概


The same idea, The same concept, The same principle

tongˊ yangˋ de˙ gaiˋ nianˋ

概 gaiˋ
General, Roughly, Approximately, Summary, Outline, General Idea, Estimate, Without Exception, Categorically, Probability

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Phone , Tone


同樣 tongˊ yangˋ

同樣的 tongˊ yangˋ de˙

概念 gaiˋ nianˋ

Words that rhyme with 同樣的概念 (wong-yang)

Grouped by first phone

tong, dong, gong, hong, kong, rong, song, zhong, zong

同鄉 tongˊ xiang¯

Share a hometown, From same city, From same province

同樣 tongˊ yangˋ


同樣的 tongˊ yangˋ de˙

In the same manner, The same

同樣的概念 tongˊ yangˋ de˙ gaiˋ nianˋ

The same idea, The same concept, The same principle

tong, dong, gong, hong, kong, rong, song, zhong, zong

凍僵 dongˋ jiang¯

Frozen stiff

棟樑 dongˋ liangˊ


動量 dongˋ liangˋ


東想西想 dong¯ xiangˇ xi¯ xiangˇ

Constantly thinking about different things

動向 dongˋ xiangˋ

Trends, Tendencies

tong, dong, gong, hong, kong, rong, song, zhong, zong

公兩 gong¯ liangˇ

Hectogram, Weight measure

共享 gongˋ xiangˇ


供養 gongˋ yangˇ

Look after one's elders, Provisions given to one's elders, Look after one's child or children

供養自己 gongˋ yangˇ ziˋ jiˇ

Look after one's self, Fend for one's self

tong, dong, gong, hong, kong, rong, song, zhong, zong

洪亮 hongˊ liangˋ

Hong Liang

弘揚 hongˊ yangˊ

Carry forward

tong, dong, gong, hong, kong, rong, song, zhong, zong

空降 kong¯ jiangˋ


空想 kong¯ xiangˇ


tong, dong, gong, hong, kong, rong, song, zhong, zong

容量 rongˊ liangˋ


tong, dong, gong, hong, kong, rong, song, zhong, zong

頌揚 songˋ yangˊ

Praise, Laud, Extol, Praising, Lauding, Extolling

tong, dong, gong, hong, kong, rong, song, zhong, zong

中獎 zhongˋ jiangˇ

Win a prize, Have the winning number, Win a lottery, Win a prize in a lottery

重量 zhongˋ liangˋ


重量再大些 zhongˋ liangˋ zaiˋ daˋ xie¯


重量的不同 zhongˋ liangˋ de˙ buˋ tongˊ

Weight differences

重量級 zhongˋ liangˋ jiˊ


中槍 zhong¯ qiang¯

Been shot

中央 zhong¯ yang¯

Center, Middle, Central

中央之國 zhong¯ yang¯ zhi¯ guoˊ

Middle Kingdom

中央官 zhong¯ yang¯ guan¯

Central government

中央官學教育 zhong¯ yang¯ guan¯ xueˊ jiaoˋ yuˋ

Central Government Education

中央自動對焦點 zhong¯ yang¯ ziˋ dongˋ duiˋ jiao¯ dianˇ

Center auto focus point

中央集權 zhong¯ yang¯ jiˊ quanˊ

Centralized power

中央集權的建立 zhong¯ yang¯ jiˊ quanˊ de˙ jianˋ liˋ

Establishment of centralized authority

tong, dong, gong, hong, kong, rong, song, zhong, zong

總量 zongˇ liangˋ


Grouped in tone pairs

24, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

洪亮 hongˊ liangˋ

Hong Liang

容量 rongˊ liangˋ


同樣 tongˊ yangˋ


同樣的 tongˊ yangˋ de˙

In the same manner, The same

同樣的概念 tongˊ yangˋ de˙ gaiˋ nianˋ

The same idea, The same concept, The same principle

24, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

中槍 zhong¯ qiang¯

Been shot

中央 zhong¯ yang¯

Center, Middle, Central

中央之國 zhong¯ yang¯ zhi¯ guoˊ

Middle Kingdom

中央官 zhong¯ yang¯ guan¯

Central government

中央官學教育 zhong¯ yang¯ guan¯ xueˊ jiaoˋ yuˋ

Central Government Education

中央自動對焦點 zhong¯ yang¯ ziˋ dongˋ duiˋ jiao¯ dianˇ

Center auto focus point

中央集權 zhong¯ yang¯ jiˊ quanˊ

Centralized power

中央集權的建立 zhong¯ yang¯ jiˊ quanˊ de˙ jianˋ liˋ

Establishment of centralized authority

24, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

東想西想 dong¯ xiangˇ xi¯ xiangˇ

Constantly thinking about different things

公兩 gong¯ liangˇ

Hectogram, Weight measure

空想 kong¯ xiangˇ


24, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

空降 kong¯ jiangˋ


24, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

同鄉 tongˊ xiang¯

Share a hometown, From same city, From same province

24, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

弘揚 hongˊ yangˊ

Carry forward

24, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

總量 zongˇ liangˋ


24, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

凍僵 dongˋ jiang¯

Frozen stiff

24, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

棟樑 dongˋ liangˊ


頌揚 songˋ yangˊ

Praise, Laud, Extol, Praising, Lauding, Extolling

24, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

共享 gongˋ xiangˇ


供養 gongˋ yangˇ

Look after one's elders, Provisions given to one's elders, Look after one's child or children

供養自己 gongˋ yangˇ ziˋ jiˇ

Look after one's self, Fend for one's self

中獎 zhongˋ jiangˇ

Win a prize, Have the winning number, Win a lottery, Win a prize in a lottery

24, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

動量 dongˋ liangˋ


動向 dongˋ xiangˋ

Trends, Tendencies

重量 zhongˋ liangˋ


重量再大些 zhongˋ liangˋ zaiˋ daˋ xie¯


重量的不同 zhongˋ liangˋ de˙ buˋ tongˊ

Weight differences

重量級 zhongˋ liangˋ jiˊ



冂-冂 : > : > [同]-同樣 : > [同]-同樣的概念 >

十-木 : > : > [樣]-同樣 : > [樣]-同樣的概念 >

丶-白 : > : > [的]-的概 : > [的]-同樣的概念 >

十-木 : > : > [概]-概念 : > [概]-同樣的概念 >

人-人 : > : > [念]-概念 : > [念]-同樣的概念 >

同樣的概念 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 概

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