daˋ, daiˋ
Big, Huge, Great, Large, Important, Adult, Senior, (Dai4), Doctor, High Official
Word Links for words containing 大 (sorted via character pairs)
吸一大口氣 Take a big breath, Takes a big breath, Taking a big breath, Took a big breath
刻意吸一大口氣 Deliberately take a big breath, Deliberately takes a big breath, Deliberately taking a big breath, Deliberately took a big breath
又刻意吸一大口氣 Deliberately take another big breath, Deliberately takes another big breath, Deliberately taking another big breath, Deliberately took another big breath
大叫 Shouts
一邊大叫 On the other hand shouting, Shouting while also doing something else
痛得他大叫 He screamed in pain
痛得她大叫 She screamed in pain
大吼 Shout, Shouts, Shouted
近乎大吼 Nearly shouted, Nearly shouting
大吼了 Shouted
大吼一聲 Roared a single time
大吼了一聲後 Roared and then after
明天是大日子 Tomorrow is a big day, Tomorrow is the big day, Tomorrow is going to be a big day
大早 Early morning
一大早 At daybreak, Early in the morning
一大早路上 Getting on the road in the early morning
大量 Large quantity, Lots of, En masse, Mass
產出大量 Produce large quantities
能產出大量 Can produce large quantities
大量生產 Mass produce
大量繁殖 Reproduce, Multiply
一週洗兩次大量的衣服 Did a load of laundry twice a week
由大量的原子或分子組成 Composed of a large number of atoms or molecules
大門 Front gate, Front door
飯店大門 Hotel entrance
一扇有十二道鎖的大門 A gate with twelve locks
大門口 Main entrance
大眾 Public
大眾化 Popularize
屬於大眾化 Popular
受到大眾喜愛 Loved by the public, Public appeal
能受到大眾喜愛 Can be loved by the public, Have so much public appeal
大眾消費市場 Mass-market consumer
大眾消費市場的產品 Mass-market consumer products
大眼睛 Big eyes
睜大眼睛 Wide-eyed, Open eyes wide, With eyes wide open
瞪大眼睛 Stared at with wide open eyes, Glare, Glared at with wide open eyes
帶著金光的大眼 Large gold flecked eyes
漏血大肉袋 Big leaky bag of gore, Big leaky bag of meat
沒分別的漏血大肉袋 Big leaky bag of undifferentiated gore
胸大肌 Pectoralis Major
腰大肌 Psoas Major
臀大肌 Gluteus Maximus
內收大肌 Adductor Magnus
胸大肌胸骨部 Pectoralis Major Sternal Head
胸大肌鎖骨部 Pectoralis Major Clavicular Head
帶爪大腳 Wide clawed foot, Large clawed paw, Large clawed paws
沙土上留有帶爪大腳印的區域 Areas were large clawed paws left marks in the dirt, Areas were large clawed paw prints were left in the dirt
大體 Generally, On the whole, Otherwise, For the most part, Which by and large
大體上 Generally
大體上這觀念是 The general idea is
大樂透 Lottery, Lotto
大樂隊 Big band
大樂隊的樂聲 Sound of a big band
尋著大樂隊的樂聲 Following the sound of the big band
大約 About, Approximately, Roughly
大約是 Is about, Is approximately
大約有 Has approximately, Has about, Had approximately, Had about
大約四分之三 About three-quarters, Approximately three-quarters
大約每個小時都要跑一趟 Runs every hour or so
大彎刀 Machette, Scimitar, Scythe
大彎道 Big bend, Wide bend
沿著大彎道轉向南方 Followed the big bend to the south, Following the big bend, turned south
大學 University
師範大學 Teachers (normal) college, College for teachers, Teacher training college
立科技大學 University of Science and Technology
大學生 University student, College student
大學校園 University campus
大學的新側樓 New wing of the university
上大學想念哪個科系 Want to study what subject at university, Wants to study what subject at university, Wanted to study what subject at university
加州大學洛杉磯分校 UCLA
中國醫藥大學附設醫院 China Medical University Hospital
我在大學主修英國文學 I studied English Literature at University, I studied English Literature in college
大片 Large swath, Expanse of
一大片 A large swath, Large expanse
大片的葉子 Large leaves
一大片的黃色小花 A large swath of yellow flowers
大多 For the most part, Most of
大多少 How much larger?, How much bigger?
大多數 Most, The vast majority of
大多是 Mostly
與大多數 As with the vast majority of, Like most
大多數人 Most people, The vast majority of people
絕對會震撼到大多數人 A sure way to shock the vast majority of people
大多數導管 Most of the tubes
大多數時候 The majority of the time, On most days
大多數面帶微笑 Mostly smiling
和大多數那類人不一樣 Was different from the majority of people, Was different from most people
和大多數人的想法相反者 Contrary to what most people think, Contrary to what the majority think
大多數人比起來 Compared to most people
和世界大多數人比起來 Compared to most people in the world
意大利 Italy
義大利 Italy, Italian
澳大利亞 Australia
義大利油醋醬 Italian Style Vinaigrette
義大利濃縮咖啡 Espresso
跟侍者點了義大利濃縮咖啡 Ordered an espresso from the waiter
大街 Street, Streets
鬧區大街 Downtown street
在大街上 On the street
大街小巷 Streets and alleys
走過大街小巷 Through the streets
大笑 Laugh heartily, Hearty laughter
哄堂大笑 Roar of laughter
哈哈大笑 Laughed
放聲大笑 Laughed, Laughed loudly
激出大笑 Hearty laughter, Burst out laughing, Laugh out loud
爆出大笑 Laughed out loud
得意咯咯大笑 Chortle, Chortling
被這輕率的操作激出大笑 Were driven to laugh heartily by the curt maneuver, The curt maneuver drew hearty laughter
大筆 Large sum
一大筆 Bundle, Large some of money, Lots of money
賺了一大筆 Won a lot of money, Won a bundle, Made a bundle
一大筆錢 A large sum of money
大於 Greater than, More than
大於零的數 Numbers greater than zero
大於零的數稱為正數 Numbers greater than zero are called positive umbers
大衣 Coat
他拉開大衣 He opened his coat, He opened the coat
她拉開大衣 She opened her coat, She opened the coat
穿著破爛大衣 Wearing a tattered coat
吊大衣的鉤子 Coat hook
他伸手到大衣裡 He reached into his coat, He reached into his jacket
掛在吊大衣的鉤子上 Hang on a coat hook, Hangs on a coat hook, Hanging on a coat hook, Hanging on the coat hook, Hung on a coat hook
大部份 Large portion, Most of, Most
大部分 Largest portion, For the most part
大部分人 Most people
比大部分人 Compared to most people
大部份工程師 Most engineers
比大部分人壯 Stronger than most people
把他們大部分的法力放進一件物品 Place most of their magic into an object
大家 Everybody, Everyone, Every person, People in general, People
大家庭 Extended family
大家族 Great families, Great Family, Major families, Nobility
各大家族 The Great Families, Each of the Major Families
帶大家到 Took everybody to
大家都說 Everyone said
大家都跑出來 Everyone came running out
享受大家的讚美 Enjoying everybody's praise, Enjoying the adoration of everyone
向大家一一問好 Greeted everybody one by one
我們大家一起分擔 We all have to pitch in, We all have to do our part
清晰傳入大家耳中 Heard clearly by all
大家沒別的事好說了 People had nothing else to talk about
老師叫大家說出畢業以後要做什麼 The teacher asked everyone to say what they wanted to do after graduating, The teacher had asked everyone to declare what they wanted to do when they finished school
大家都知道 Everybody knows, Everybody knew, Apparently, Obviously
大家都不知道 Nobody knew, Nobody had a clue
跟大家一樣 Like everyone else
也跟大家一樣 Like everyone else
大家都嚇了一跳 Everybody jumped in fear, Everbody was startled
大家都來看他 Everybody came to see him
大家怎麼沒看見 How is it that nobody can see it
大道 Boulevard, Avenue
日落大道 Sunset Boulevard
大道理 Great truth, Great truths, High philosophy
如果沿著日落大道走 If following Sunset Boulevard, If going along Sunset Boulevard
日落大道西段 West Sunset Boulevard
從日落大道這裡 From here on Sunset Boulevard
離日落大道只有一街之遙 One block from Sunset Boulevard
大禮 Solemn ceremony
大禮帽 Tophat
將大禮帽甩上戴好 Swung their top hat on
戴大禮帽的美麗瘋子 Beautiful tophat wearing lunatic
大人 Adults
連大人 A succession of adults
負責任的大人 Responsible adult, Responsible adults
這算哪門子負責任的大人 What kind of responsible adult does this?
這是大人的事 This is grown-up stuff
大人多數留在飛船上 Most of the grown ups stayed on the airship, Most of the adults remained on the spaceship
大公 Duke, Lord, Impartiality
大公司 Large company, Big company, Major company
大公無私 Impartiality
在大公司裡 In a big company
大小 Size, Big and small, Grown ups and children
月亮大小 Moon sized, The size of a moon
相同大小 Same size, Same sized
血球大小 Corpuscle sized
罌粟種子大小 Poppyseed size, The size of poppyseeds
只有棺材般的大小 About the size of as a coffin, About as big as a coffin
可以控制火焰大小 To control the size of the flame, To control flame size
好像只有棺材般的大小 Seemed about as big as a coffin
大小的 Sized
大小不一的 Various sized, Various sizes, Of various sizes
大小不一的聚落 Various sized settlements
樹大蔭大 Bigger trees provide more shade, Greater power makes it easier to protect ones interests
大一點 A little bigger
把孔切磨得大一點 Ream out the hole to a slightly larger size
稍微大一點了 A little bit older, A little bit bigger, A little more grown up
現在你稍微大一點了 You're a little bit older now
支持大一統國家觀念 Support the concept of a unified country
大到 Big enough
由大到小 From largest to smallest, From general-to-specific
大到能隱匿其中 Big enough to hide in
體積大到令人痛苦 Painfully bulky
大到能隱匿其中的城市 A city big enough to hide in
聲音大到所有人都聽得見 Loud enough for everyone to hear
沒啥大不了 Nothing to write home about, Not that big
世界大不相同了 The world was very different, The world has changed, The world had changed
比郵票大不了多少 Not much bigger than a postage stamp, Not much bigger than postage stamps
樣子大不相同 Look very different, Looked very different, Changed a lot
跟他上次來的樣子大不相同 Looked very different from the last time he came, Had changed a lot since last he came
大雨 Heavy rain
下起一陣大雨 It started to rain heavily
下過一陣大雨 A heavy rainfall
大雨過後 After the heavy rain
大雨還是下個不停 The heavy rain continued, It continued to rain heavily, non-stop
大型 Massive, Large, Large scale
具有大型 Highly
大型看板 Billboard
大型研究機構 Large research organizations or institutions
放出大型電流 Electrocute with high current
大石 Large rock
大石塊 Big stone block, Big stone blocks
大石頭 Big rock
被大石壓 Crushed by a big rock
心裡的大石頭 The stone in my heart
大步 Stride
大步走過 Strode past, Strode through
大步的走向 Walked towards, Deliberately headed off in the direction of
一大堆 A whole lot, A big pile
做出一大堆 Make a whole lot, Produce a whole lot
有一大堆好點子 Had plenty of good ideas
大聲 Loud
大聲地 Loudly
大聲說 Loudly said, Said loudly
大聲叫著 Shout loudly, Shouted loudly
大聲尖叫 Scream loudly, Screaming loudly, Screaming
大聲光流晶 Large mediatron
大力 Vigorously
大力士 Hercules
大力吐氣 Exhaled strongly
他從鼻孔大力吐氣 He exhaled strongly through his nose, He blasted out air through his nostrils
大大 Big
大大的 Big…
睜得大大 Open really big, Opened really big
大大一聲 Loud noise
大大咧咧 Carelessly
大大圓眼鏡 Large, round glasses, Large, round spectacles
大大的石頭 Big stone, Big rock, Big boulder
一個大大的愛心 A big heart (shape)
現在事情大大不一樣了 Things are very different now, Things were a lot different now
大概 Probably, In general, Generically, Sort of
大概而已 Near enough, Roughly, More or less
大概不會太晚 Probably sooner rather than later
大概會持續如此 Would probably stay like this
大概從沒聽說過 Probably never heard of
你大概從沒聽說過 You've probably never heard of
大樓 Tall building
實驗大樓 Lab building, Test building
摩天大樓 Skyscraper, Skyscrapers
辦公大樓 Office building, Office buildings
舊辦公摩天大樓 Office skyscrapers, Office buildings
大樓的碎片 Building debris
最大 Biggest
會最大 Will be greatest, Will be largest, Will be biggest
最大力 Strongest
最大的 Biggest
最大的不同 The biggest difference
最大的不同是 The biggest difference is, The biggest difference was
有一個最大的缺點 Has one big downside, Had one big downside
注意最大的壓力點 Notice the point of greatest pressure
他跟朋友最大的不同是他知道這輩子要做什麼 The biggest difference between him and his friends was that he knew what she wanted to do with his life
她跟朋友最大的不同是她知道這輩子要做什麼 The biggest difference between her and her friends was that she knew what she wanted to do with her life
絕大 Extremely large
絕大多數 Mostly
絕大多數是廢物 It was mostly garbage
可控制絕大多數的力量 Could for the most part control their ability
變大 Became bigger, Increased
變大了 Became bigger, Increased
失誤空間就變大了 Increased margin of error, Margin of error is then increased
強大 Strong and powerful, Very powerful
最強大 Strongest, Most powerful
功能強大 Powerful
極其強大 Extremely powerful, Immensely powerful
較為強大 More powerful
力量最強大 Most powerful
勢力最強大 Most powerful, Strongest
力量非常強大 Very powerful
功能極其強大 Extremely powerful in function
極為非常強大 Very, vey powerful, Powerful in the extreme
能會更加強大 Could get even stronger, Could grow, Could become more powerful
強大力道 Strong forces
力量強大無比 Extremely powerful
功能極其強大的電腦 Extremely powerful computer
巨大 Huge, Giant, Vast, Big, Large
般巨大 Sized, As large as
異常巨大 Unusually large
相當巨大 Quite large, Considerably larger
山一般巨大 Mountainous, Mountain-sized, Giant
巨大無比 Enormous
巨大矩陣 Vast grid, Giant matrix
用一個巨大水管 Use one giant pipe, Using one giant pipe
在中央的巨大噴水池裡 In the central great fountain
在半私人小隔間組成的巨大矩陣中 In a vast matrix of semiprivate cubicles
巨大抽象圖案 Huge abstract patterns
明明暗暗的巨大抽象圖案 Giant abstract patterns of light and dark
長大 Grow up, Grow, Grown, Bulging
沒長大 Have not grown bigger
長大衣 Long coat
長大茁壯 Grow big and strong
長大了一點 Grown a little bigger
在人長大之後 As people get older
在某些方面長大了許多 In some respects you are a lot older now
多大 Much bigger
你多大 How old are you, What's your age
雨有多大 Is it raining a lot?, How much is it raining?
不管雨有多大 No matter how much it rains
多大了 How big, Grown how big
沒多大用處了 Not much use, Not very useful
我對你來說就沒多大用處了 I'm not much use to you, I wouldn't be much use to you
偉大 Extraordinary, Great, Grand
偉大力 Vitali
偉大奧妙 Great, Extraordinary
偉大的舞廳 Grand ballroom
空前絕後的偉大殺手 The greatest killer ever known, The greatest killer of all time
很大 Is great, Is large
聽起來很大 Sounded big
很大的畫 Big painting, Big picture
在畫一幅很大很大的畫 Painting a big, big picture
他年紀很大了 He was pretty old, He was getting on in years
不是很大牌的作家 Not a big-time author
在定義上有很大的不同 Have vastly different definitions, Are defined with vast differences
放大 Magnify, Magnified, Magnifying, Zoom in, Zoomed in, Zooming in, Enlarge, Enlarged, Enlarging, Amplify, Amplified, Amplifying, Make bigger, Made bigger, Making bigger, Blow up, Blew up, Blowing up
比例放大 Enlarge
瞳孔放大 Pupil dilated, Dilated pupils
集中放大 Zoom in on, Zoomed in on
放大倍數 Magnification, Magnification level
放大檢視 Magnified view
開放大眾參觀 Open to the public, Open for the public to visit
才沒這麼大 Are not so big, Are not as big, Are not that big
哇雨下得這麼大 Wow! That's a lot of rain, Wow! That's a heavy rain
火大 Angry, Irritated
很火大 Incensed
更火大了 Angrier, More irritated
我更火大了 I am angrier, I am even more irritated
樹大蔭大 Bigger trees provide more shade, Greater power makes it easier to protect ones interests
不大 Not much
差別不大 Not much different
差距不大 Not too different, Not too far apart
可能性不大 It's unlikely
數目雖不大 It wasn't a huge amount
動作幅度不大 The movement was small
不大好 Not so good
看起來不大好 Doesn't look so good
今天看起來不大好 Doesn't look so good right now
不大在乎 Don't care much at all
更大 Even bigger
更大的 Even bigger, Even greater
更大筆的賠償 A bigger settlement
獲得更大筆的賠償 Receive a greater compensation
越大 Bigger
壓力越大 The greater the pressure
越來越大 Bigger and bigger
越大越好 The bigger the better
越變越大 Became Bigger and bigger, Grew and grew
雨越下越大 The rain fall gradually increases
一樣大 Just as big, As big as
船一樣大 Boat sized, As large as a boat
年紀和地球一樣大 As old as the earth
我的年紀和地球一樣大 I am as old as the earth
擴大 Amplify, Enlarge, Expand, Magnify, Increase
戰爭規模逐漸擴大 The increasing Scale of Warfare
國家行政體系的擴大 Expansion of the National Administrative System
較大 Bigger, Larger
比較大 Larger, Comparatively larger, Relatively larger
勢力較大 More powerful
年紀較大 Older
範圍較大 Larger scope
較大的 Larger
一個較大的 A larger
較大塊狀 Bigger chunks, Larger chunks
一位年紀較大的男士 An older man
勢力較大的國家之一 One of the more powerful nations
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