
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 來


Like locusts in the same way coming and going

ruˊ huangˊ chongˊ ban¯ diˋ laiˊ laiˊ quˋ quˋ

來 laiˊ
Come, Do, Later, Ever Since, Bring, Return, Next, From, Verb substitute, Verb beginning, Verb ending

來 來 (hide char details)

Phone , Tone


蝗蟲 huangˊ chongˊ

般地 ban¯ de˙

Words that rhyme with 如蝗蟲般地來來去去 (wu-wang)

Grouped by first phone

ru, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, ku, lu, mu, pu, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

如蝗蟲般地來來去去 ruˊ huangˊ chongˊ ban¯ diˋ laiˊ laiˊ quˋ quˋ

Like locusts in the same way coming and going

乳霜 ruˇ shuang¯

Cream, Creams

ru, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, ku, lu, mu, pu, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

不光 buˋ guang¯

Not the only one, Not only, Not just

不光彩 buˋ guang¯ caiˇ


不慌不忙 buˋ huang¯ buˋ mangˊ

Without losing composure, Leisurely, Unhurriedly

不遑 buˋ huangˊ

Too busy

不遑多讓 buˋ huangˊ duo¯ rangˋ

Too busy to do one's self and so others help

ru, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, ku, lu, mu, pu, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

初創 chu¯ chuangˋ

Newly founded, New, Just beginning

ru, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, ku, lu, mu, pu, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

粗壯 cu¯ zhuangˋ

Stout, Thick, Muscular, Brawny, Brawn

粗壯的手臂 cu¯ zhuangˋ de˙ shouˇ biˋ

Thick arms

ru, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, ku, lu, mu, pu, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

獨創 duˊ chuangˋ

Original, Unique

ru, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, ku, lu, mu, pu, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

服裝 fuˊ zhuang¯

Costume, Garb, Clothing, Dress, Clothes

ru, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, ku, lu, mu, pu, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

古往今來 guˇ wangˇ jin¯ laiˊ

Through the ages, From ancient times (till now), Since time immemorial

固網 guˋ wangˇ

Fixed network

ru, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, ku, lu, mu, pu, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

枯黃 ku¯ huangˊ

Withered and yellowed, Dried out

褲裝 kuˋ zhuang¯

Trousers, Trouser suit

ru, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, ku, lu, mu, pu, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

路況 luˋ kuangˋ

Road conditions

盧旺達 luˊ wangˋ daˊ


ru, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, ku, lu, mu, pu, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

目光 muˋ guang¯

Vision, Eyes, Sight, Gaze, Gazed, Glance, Glanced, Look, Looked

目光掃過 muˋ guang¯ saoˇ guoˋ

Look over, Looked over, Scan, Scanned

目光望向 muˋ guang¯ wangˋ xiangˋ

Staring at, Staring towards, Gazing at

目光望向火中 muˋ guang¯ wangˋ xiangˋ huoˇ zhong¯

Staring into the fire, Stared at the fire

ru, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, ku, lu, mu, pu, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

鋪牀 pu¯ chuangˊ

Make up a bed

曝光 puˋ guang¯

Exposed, Exposure

曝光時 puˋ guang¯ shiˊ

During exposure

曝光補償 puˋ guang¯ buˇ changˊ

Exposure compensation

ru, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, ku, lu, mu, pu, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

曙光 shuˋ guang¯

Light of dawn

疏狂 shu¯ kuangˊ

Uninhibited, Unrestrained, Loose

ru, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, ku, lu, mu, pu, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

吐光肚子裡的東西 tuˋ guang¯ duˋ zi˙ liˇ de˙ dong¯ xi¯

Vomit everything up, Spew one's guts out

ru, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, ku, lu, mu, pu, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

五光十色 wuˇ guang¯ shiˊ seˋ

Multicolored beauty

無雙 wuˊ shuang¯

Peerless, Unique, Without equal

舞王式 wuˇ wangˊ shiˋ

Lord Of The Dance Pose, Natarajasana

武裝 wuˇ zhuang¯

Armed, Military uniform

武裝搶劫 wuˇ zhuang¯ qiangˇ jieˊ

Armed robbery

武裝的 wuˇ zhuang¯ de˙

Armed, Packing, Bearing arms

武裝衝突 wuˇ zhuang¯ chong¯ tuˊ

Armed conflict

ru, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, ku, lu, mu, pu, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

燭光 zhuˊ guang¯


燭光場景 zhuˊ guang¯ changˇ jingˇ

Candle lit scene or scenes

柱狀圖表 zhuˋ zhuangˋ tuˊ biaoˇ

Bar chart, Bar graph

ru, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, gu, ku, lu, mu, pu, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

組裝 zuˇ zhuang¯

Assemble, Assembly

組裝出 zuˇ zhuang¯ chu¯

Put together, Assemble, Produce

Grouped in tone pairs

22, 12, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

如蝗蟲般地來來去去 ruˊ huangˊ chongˊ ban¯ diˋ laiˊ laiˊ quˋ quˋ

Like locusts in the same way coming and going

22, 12, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

枯黃 ku¯ huangˊ

Withered and yellowed, Dried out

鋪牀 pu¯ chuangˊ

Make up a bed

疏狂 shu¯ kuangˊ

Uninhibited, Unrestrained, Loose

22, 12, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

初創 chu¯ chuangˋ

Newly founded, New, Just beginning

粗壯 cu¯ zhuangˋ

Stout, Thick, Muscular, Brawny, Brawn

粗壯的手臂 cu¯ zhuangˋ de˙ shouˇ biˋ

Thick arms

22, 12, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

服裝 fuˊ zhuang¯

Costume, Garb, Clothing, Dress, Clothes

無雙 wuˊ shuang¯

Peerless, Unique, Without equal

燭光 zhuˊ guang¯


燭光場景 zhuˊ guang¯ changˇ jingˇ

Candle lit scene or scenes

22, 12, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

獨創 duˊ chuangˋ

Original, Unique

盧旺達 luˊ wangˋ daˊ


22, 12, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

乳霜 ruˇ shuang¯

Cream, Creams

五光十色 wuˇ guang¯ shiˊ seˋ

Multicolored beauty

武裝 wuˇ zhuang¯

Armed, Military uniform

武裝搶劫 wuˇ zhuang¯ qiangˇ jieˊ

Armed robbery

武裝的 wuˇ zhuang¯ de˙

Armed, Packing, Bearing arms

武裝衝突 wuˇ zhuang¯ chong¯ tuˊ

Armed conflict

組裝 zuˇ zhuang¯

Assemble, Assembly

組裝出 zuˇ zhuang¯ chu¯

Put together, Assemble, Produce

22, 12, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

舞王式 wuˇ wangˊ shiˋ

Lord Of The Dance Pose, Natarajasana

22, 12, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

古往今來 guˇ wangˇ jin¯ laiˊ

Through the ages, From ancient times (till now), Since time immemorial

22, 12, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

不光 buˋ guang¯

Not the only one, Not only, Not just

不光彩 buˋ guang¯ caiˇ


不慌不忙 buˋ huang¯ buˋ mangˊ

Without losing composure, Leisurely, Unhurriedly

褲裝 kuˋ zhuang¯

Trousers, Trouser suit

目光 muˋ guang¯

Vision, Eyes, Sight, Gaze, Gazed, Glance, Glanced, Look, Looked

目光掃過 muˋ guang¯ saoˇ guoˋ

Look over, Looked over, Scan, Scanned

目光望向 muˋ guang¯ wangˋ xiangˋ

Staring at, Staring towards, Gazing at

目光望向火中 muˋ guang¯ wangˋ xiangˋ huoˇ zhong¯

Staring into the fire, Stared at the fire

曝光 puˋ guang¯

Exposed, Exposure

曝光時 puˋ guang¯ shiˊ

During exposure

曝光補償 puˋ guang¯ buˇ changˊ

Exposure compensation

曙光 shuˋ guang¯

Light of dawn

吐光肚子裡的東西 tuˋ guang¯ duˋ zi˙ liˇ de˙ dong¯ xi¯

Vomit everything up, Spew one's guts out

22, 12, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

不遑 buˋ huangˊ

Too busy

不遑多讓 buˋ huangˊ duo¯ rangˋ

Too busy to do one's self and so others help

22, 12, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

固網 guˋ wangˇ

Fixed network

22, 12, 14, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

路況 luˋ kuangˋ

Road conditions

柱狀圖表 zhuˋ zhuangˋ tuˊ biaoˇ

Bar chart, Bar graph

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