
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 身



gu¯ shen¯ yiˋ renˊ

身 shen¯
Body, Self, In Person, Torso, MW For Clothes

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Phone , Tone


一人 yiˋ renˊ

Words that rhyme with 孤身一人 (wu-en)

Grouped by first phone

gu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, lu, pu, ru, shu, wu, zhu, zu

股份 guˇ fenˋ


股份有限 guˇ fenˋ youˇ xianˋ

Limited shares (corporation)

股份有限公司 guˇ fenˋ youˇ xianˋ gong¯ si¯

Limited company, Limited, Ltd., Co.

骨盆 guˇ penˊ


骨盆區域 guˇ penˊ qu¯ yuˋ

Pelvic Region

骨盆帶 guˇ penˊ daiˋ

Pelvic Girdle

骨盆底 guˇ penˊ diˇ

Pelvic Floor, Floor of pelvis

骨盆的下側部份 guˇ penˊ de˙ xiaˋ ceˋ buˋ fenˋ

Pelvic Girdle Lower Portion

骨盆隔膜 guˇ penˊ geˊ moˊ

Pelvic Diaphragm

古人 guˇ renˊ

People in earlier times

故人 guˋ renˊ

Old friend

孤身一人 gu¯ shen¯ yiˋ renˊ


孤身一人的 gu¯ shen¯ yiˋ renˊ de˙

Isolated, Alone

gu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, lu, pu, ru, shu, wu, zhu, zu

簿本 buˋ benˇ

Note book

不分 buˋ fen¯

Regardless, Regardless of

不分享 buˋ fen¯ xiangˇ

Do not share

不分彼此 buˋ fen¯ biˇ ciˇ

Exchange services or goods between friends without asking for payment

部分諸侯對周王不滿 buˋ fen¯ zhu¯ houˊ duiˋ zhou¯ wangˊ buˋ manˇ

Some princes 諸侯 where unhappy with the King of Zhou 周王

部份 buˋ fenˋ

Part, Portion, Partial

部分 buˋ fenˋ

Portion, Portions, Part, Parts, Section, Sections

不跟 buˋ gen¯

Not with

不肯 buˋ kenˇ

Unwilling, Not willing

不肯向對方道歉 buˋ kenˇ xiangˋ duiˋ fang¯ daoˋ qianˋ

Not willing to apologize to the other party

不肯換 buˋ kenˇ huanˋ

Unwilling to change, Stubborn

不肯說話 buˋ kenˇ shuo¯ huaˋ

Wouldn't speak, Refused to talk

不肯配合 buˋ kenˇ peiˋ heˊ

Unwilling to cooperate

部門 buˋ menˊ

Department, Section, Class

不認為 buˊ renˋ weiˊ

Do not see, Do not believe, Not of the opinion

不忍讓 buˋ renˇ rangˋ

Could not forbear, Could not hold back from

不慎 buˊ shenˋ


不怎麼 buˋ zenˇ me˙

Not particularly

不怎麼擅長表達 buˋ zenˇ me˙ shanˋ changˊ biaoˇ daˊ

Not very articulate, Not very good with words

不怎麼樣 buˋ zenˇ me˙ yangˋ

Not very good

不怎麼真實 buˋ zenˇ me˙ zhen¯ shiˊ

Not really genuine

不怎麼開心 buˋ zenˇ me˙ kai¯ xin¯

Not very happy

不振 buˊ zhenˋ


不真的需要 buˋ zhen¯ de˙ xu¯ yaoˋ

Don't really need, Didn't really need

gu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, lu, pu, ru, shu, wu, zhu, zu

除塵資料 chuˊ chenˊ zi¯ liaoˋ

Dust delete data

處分 chuˇ fen¯

Punish, Take disciplinary action, Deal with

出門 chu¯ menˊ

Go out

出門了 chu¯ menˊ le˙

Went out, Went outside, Left the house, Left (the building)

出門去看朋友 chu¯ menˊ quˋ kanˋ pengˊ youˇ

Went out to see friends, Went out to go and see friends

出人意料 chu¯ renˊ yiˋ liaoˋ


出人意料的 chu¯ renˊ yiˋ liaoˋ de˙


出任 chu¯ renˋ

Serve as

出任務 chu¯ renˋ wuˋ

Carrying out a mission

出身 chu¯ shen¯

Birth, Origin, Background

出身自 chu¯ shen¯ ziˋ

From, Come from, Come out of

gu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, lu, pu, ru, shu, wu, zhu, zu

粗笨 cu¯ benˋ

Awkward, Clumsy

gu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, lu, pu, ru, shu, wu, zhu, zu

瀆懇 duˊ kenˇ

Bother you

獨門 duˊ menˊ

Unique, One-of-a-kind

獨身 duˊ shen¯


瀆神 duˊ shenˊ

Desecrate god, Disturb one's peace of mind

gu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, lu, pu, ru, shu, wu, zhu, zu

浮沈 fuˊ chenˊ

Floating, Rising and falling

夫人 fu¯ renˊ

Lady, Madam, Mrs, Wife or concubine (in ancient times)

婦人 fuˋ renˊ

Woman, Married woman, Female

富人 fuˋ renˊ

The rich

俯身 fuˇ shen¯

Lean, Leaned, Bent over

gu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, lu, pu, ru, shu, wu, zhu, zu

路人 luˋ renˊ

Traveller, Stranger

盧森堡 luˊ sen¯ baoˇ


gu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, lu, pu, ru, shu, wu, zhu, zu

鋪襯 pu¯ chenˋ

Cloth for patching

僕人 pu¯ renˊ


gu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, lu, pu, ru, shu, wu, zhu, zu

入門 ruˋ menˊ

Basic understanding, Grasp, Primer

gu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, lu, pu, ru, shu, wu, zhu, zu

書本 shu¯ benˇ


熟人 shuˊ renˊ

Old acquaintance

gu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, lu, pu, ru, shu, wu, zhu, zu

烏沉 wu¯ chenˊ

Dark colored, Dark

五分鐘內 wuˇ fen¯ zhong¯ neiˋ

Within 5 minutes

無人 wuˊ renˊ

Unmanned, Uninhabited, No one

無人任務 wuˊ renˊ renˋ wuˋ

Unmanned mission

誤認 wuˋ renˋ

Mistake for, Mistakenly identify

誤認為是 wuˋ renˋ weiˋ shiˋ

Mistakenly believe, Mistake for

誤認為是平靜 wuˋ renˋ weiˋ shiˋ pingˊ jingˋ

Mistaken for calmness

gu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, lu, pu, ru, shu, wu, zhu, zu

主人 zhuˇ renˊ

Owner, Master

主人公 zhuˇ renˊ gong¯

The hero

主任 zhuˇ renˋ


住人鎖櫃 zhuˋ renˊ suoˇ guiˋ

Human locker

助人 zhuˋ renˊ

Help people

諸神保佑 zhu¯ shenˊ baoˇ youˋ


gu, bu, chu, cu, du, fu, lu, pu, ru, shu, wu, zhu, zu

族人 zuˊ renˊ

Clansman, Tribesman

族人們 zuˊ renˊ men˙

Clansmen, Tribe

族人稱他 zuˊ renˊ cheng¯ ta¯

His fellow tribesmen call him

Grouped in tone pairs

11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

出身 chu¯ shen¯

Birth, Origin, Background

出身自 chu¯ shen¯ ziˋ

From, Come from, Come out of

孤身一人 gu¯ shen¯ yiˋ renˊ


孤身一人的 gu¯ shen¯ yiˋ renˊ de˙

Isolated, Alone

11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

出門 chu¯ menˊ

Go out

出門了 chu¯ menˊ le˙

Went out, Went outside, Left the house, Left (the building)

出門去看朋友 chu¯ menˊ quˋ kanˋ pengˊ youˇ

Went out to see friends, Went out to go and see friends

出人意料 chu¯ renˊ yiˋ liaoˋ


出人意料的 chu¯ renˊ yiˋ liaoˋ de˙


夫人 fu¯ renˊ

Lady, Madam, Mrs, Wife or concubine (in ancient times)

僕人 pu¯ renˊ


烏沉 wu¯ chenˊ

Dark colored, Dark

諸神保佑 zhu¯ shenˊ baoˇ youˋ


11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

書本 shu¯ benˇ


11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

出任 chu¯ renˋ

Serve as

出任務 chu¯ renˋ wuˋ

Carrying out a mission

粗笨 cu¯ benˋ

Awkward, Clumsy

鋪襯 pu¯ chenˋ

Cloth for patching

11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

獨身 duˊ shen¯


盧森堡 luˊ sen¯ baoˇ


11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

除塵資料 chuˊ chenˊ zi¯ liaoˋ

Dust delete data

獨門 duˊ menˊ

Unique, One-of-a-kind

瀆神 duˊ shenˊ

Desecrate god, Disturb one's peace of mind

浮沈 fuˊ chenˊ

Floating, Rising and falling

熟人 shuˊ renˊ

Old acquaintance

無人 wuˊ renˊ

Unmanned, Uninhabited, No one

無人任務 wuˊ renˊ renˋ wuˋ

Unmanned mission

族人 zuˊ renˊ

Clansman, Tribesman

族人們 zuˊ renˊ men˙

Clansmen, Tribe

族人稱他 zuˊ renˊ cheng¯ ta¯

His fellow tribesmen call him

11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

瀆懇 duˊ kenˇ

Bother you

11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

不認為 buˊ renˋ weiˊ

Do not see, Do not believe, Not of the opinion

不慎 buˊ shenˋ


不振 buˊ zhenˋ


11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

處分 chuˇ fen¯

Punish, Take disciplinary action, Deal with

俯身 fuˇ shen¯

Lean, Leaned, Bent over

五分鐘內 wuˇ fen¯ zhong¯ neiˋ

Within 5 minutes

11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

骨盆 guˇ penˊ


骨盆區域 guˇ penˊ qu¯ yuˋ

Pelvic Region

骨盆帶 guˇ penˊ daiˋ

Pelvic Girdle

骨盆底 guˇ penˊ diˇ

Pelvic Floor, Floor of pelvis

骨盆的下側部份 guˇ penˊ de˙ xiaˋ ceˋ buˋ fenˋ

Pelvic Girdle Lower Portion

骨盆隔膜 guˇ penˊ geˊ moˊ

Pelvic Diaphragm

古人 guˇ renˊ

People in earlier times

主人 zhuˇ renˊ

Owner, Master

主人公 zhuˇ renˊ gong¯

The hero

11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

股份 guˇ fenˋ


股份有限 guˇ fenˋ youˇ xianˋ

Limited shares (corporation)

股份有限公司 guˇ fenˋ youˇ xianˋ gong¯ si¯

Limited company, Limited, Ltd., Co.

主任 zhuˇ renˋ


11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

不分 buˋ fen¯

Regardless, Regardless of

不分享 buˋ fen¯ xiangˇ

Do not share

不分彼此 buˋ fen¯ biˇ ciˇ

Exchange services or goods between friends without asking for payment

部分諸侯對周王不滿 buˋ fen¯ zhu¯ houˊ duiˋ zhou¯ wangˊ buˋ manˇ

Some princes 諸侯 where unhappy with the King of Zhou 周王

不跟 buˋ gen¯

Not with

不真的需要 buˋ zhen¯ de˙ xu¯ yaoˋ

Don't really need, Didn't really need

11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

部門 buˋ menˊ

Department, Section, Class

婦人 fuˋ renˊ

Woman, Married woman, Female

富人 fuˋ renˊ

The rich

故人 guˋ renˊ

Old friend

路人 luˋ renˊ

Traveller, Stranger

入門 ruˋ menˊ

Basic understanding, Grasp, Primer

住人鎖櫃 zhuˋ renˊ suoˇ guiˋ

Human locker

助人 zhuˋ renˊ

Help people

11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

簿本 buˋ benˇ

Note book

不肯 buˋ kenˇ

Unwilling, Not willing

不肯向對方道歉 buˋ kenˇ xiangˋ duiˋ fang¯ daoˋ qianˋ

Not willing to apologize to the other party

不肯換 buˋ kenˇ huanˋ

Unwilling to change, Stubborn

不肯說話 buˋ kenˇ shuo¯ huaˋ

Wouldn't speak, Refused to talk

不肯配合 buˋ kenˇ peiˋ heˊ

Unwilling to cooperate

不忍讓 buˋ renˇ rangˋ

Could not forbear, Could not hold back from

不怎麼 buˋ zenˇ me˙

Not particularly

不怎麼擅長表達 buˋ zenˇ me˙ shanˋ changˊ biaoˇ daˊ

Not very articulate, Not very good with words

不怎麼樣 buˋ zenˇ me˙ yangˋ

Not very good

不怎麼真實 buˋ zenˇ me˙ zhen¯ shiˊ

Not really genuine

不怎麼開心 buˋ zenˇ me˙ kai¯ xin¯

Not very happy

11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

部份 buˋ fenˋ

Part, Portion, Partial

部分 buˋ fenˋ

Portion, Portions, Part, Parts, Section, Sections

誤認 wuˋ renˋ

Mistake for, Mistakenly identify

誤認為是 wuˋ renˋ weiˋ shiˋ

Mistakenly believe, Mistake for

誤認為是平靜 wuˋ renˋ weiˋ shiˋ pingˊ jingˋ

Mistaken for calmness


𠃌-了 : > : > [孤]-孤身 : > [孤]-孤身一人 >

丶-自 : > : > [身]-身一 : > [身]-孤身一人 >

一-一 : > : > [一]-一人 : > [一]-孤身一人 >

人-人 : > : > [人]-一人 : > [人]-孤身一人 >

孤身一人 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 身

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