
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 破


Break the rules

poˋ huaiˋ gui¯ dingˋ

破 poˋ
Break, Split, Cleave, Damage, Wear Out, Expose, Solve, End, Defeat, Ruined, Destroyed

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Phone , Tone


破壞 poˋ huaiˋ

規定 gui¯ dingˋ

Words that rhyme with 破壞規定 (o-wai)

Grouped by first phone

po, mo

破壞 poˋ huaiˋ

Smash, Break, Destroy, Ruin, Sabotage, Sabotaging

破壞了 poˋ huaiˋ le˙

Smashed, Destroyed

破壞了他們的計畫 poˋ huaiˋ le˙ ta¯ men˙ de˙ jiˋ huaˋ

Ruined their plan, Foiled their plan

破壞了他的計畫 poˋ huaiˋ le˙ ta¯ de˙ jiˋ huaˋ

Ruined his plan, Foiled his plan

破壞了她的計畫 poˋ huaiˋ le˙ ta¯ de˙ jiˋ huaˋ

Ruined her plan, Foiled her plan

破壞力攻擊 poˋ huaiˋ liˋ gong¯ jiˊ

Punishing attack, Punishment

破壞規定 poˋ huaiˋ gui¯ dingˋ

Break the rules

po, mo

膜外 moˊ waiˋ

Outside of one's attention

Grouped in tone pairs

44, 24

破壞 poˋ huaiˋ

Smash, Break, Destroy, Ruin, Sabotage, Sabotaging

破壞了 poˋ huaiˋ le˙

Smashed, Destroyed

破壞了他們的計畫 poˋ huaiˋ le˙ ta¯ men˙ de˙ jiˋ huaˋ

Ruined their plan, Foiled their plan

破壞了他的計畫 poˋ huaiˋ le˙ ta¯ de˙ jiˋ huaˋ

Ruined his plan, Foiled his plan

破壞了她的計畫 poˋ huaiˋ le˙ ta¯ de˙ jiˋ huaˋ

Ruined her plan, Foiled her plan

破壞力攻擊 poˋ huaiˋ liˋ gong¯ jiˊ

Punishing attack, Punishment

破壞規定 poˋ huaiˋ gui¯ dingˋ

Break the rules

44, 24

膜外 moˊ waiˋ

Outside of one's attention


一-石 : > : > [破]-破壞 : > [破]-破壞規定 >

十-土 : > : > [壞]-破壞 : > [壞]-破壞規定 >

十-夫 : > : > [規]-規定 : > [規]-破壞規定 >

丶-宀 : > : > [定]-規定 : > [定]-破壞規定 >

破壞規定 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 破

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