
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 尋


Be made fun of, Give others happiness at own expense

geiˇ renˊ xunˊ kai¯ xin¯

尋 xunˊ, xinˊ, xueˊ
Search, Look For, Seek, (xin2), Beg, Entreat, (xue2), Look around

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Phone , Tone


開心 kai¯ xin¯

Words that rhyme with 給人尋開心 (ei-en)

Grouped by first phone

gei, bei, fei, hei, lei, mei, nei, pei

給人奪走 geiˇ renˊ duoˊ zouˇ

Taken (from…)

給人尋開心 geiˇ renˊ xunˊ kai¯ xin¯

Be made fun of, Give others happiness at own expense

給人帶來 geiˇ renˊ daiˋ laiˊ

Allow a person to bring in, Allow people to bring in

給人感覺冷冰冰的 geiˇ renˊ ganˇ jueˊ lengˇ bing¯ bing¯ de˙

Cool feeling, Cool

gei, bei, fei, hei, lei, mei, nei, pei

背本 beiˋ benˇ

Bite the hand that feeds

被分心 beiˋ fen¯ xin¯

Be distracted

被分成四個 beiˋ fen¯ chengˊ siˋ ge˙

Divided into four

備份鑰匙 beiˋ fenˋ yaoˋ shi˙

Spare key or keys

被跟隨 beiˋ gen¯ suiˊ

Been followed

被人們 beiˋ renˊ men˙

By people, By mankind

被人家 beiˋ renˊ jia¯

By others, By someone

被人從飛機上丟下去的 beiˋ renˊ congˊ fei¯ ji¯ shangˋ diu¯ xiaˋ quˋ de˙

Thrown out of an airplane, Dropped from an airplane

被人毆打 beiˋ renˊ ou¯ daˇ

Being beaten up, Beaten

被人誤導了 beiˋ renˊ wuˋ daoˇ le˙


被認定 beiˋ renˋ dingˋ

Was assumed

被認為 beiˋ renˋ weiˊ

Believed to be

被認為有居住可能性的 beiˋ renˋ weiˊ youˇ ju¯ zhuˋ keˇ nengˊ xingˋ de˙

Believed to be habitable

被認為有居住可能性的行星 beiˋ renˋ weiˊ youˇ ju¯ zhuˋ keˇ nengˊ xingˋ de˙ xingˊ xing¯

Planets that are believed to be habitable

gei, bei, fei, hei, lei, mei, nei, pei

廢人 feiˋ renˊ


gei, bei, fei, hei, lei, mei, nei, pei

黑人 hei¯ renˊ

Black man, Black person

gei, bei, fei, hei, lei, mei, nei, pei

淚痕 leiˋ henˊ

Weeping streaks, Stains

gei, bei, fei, hei, lei, mei, nei, pei

沒笨蛋 meiˊ benˋ danˋ

No, dummy, No, silly

沒分別 meiˊ fen¯ bieˊ

Undifferentiated, Unrecognizable

沒分別的漏血大肉袋 meiˊ fen¯ bieˊ de˙ louˋ xieˇ daˋ rouˋ daiˋ

Big leaky bag of undifferentiated gore

每分鐘 meiˇ fen¯ zhong¯

Each minute, Every minute, Per minute

沒跟任何人說 meiˊ gen¯ renˋ heˊ renˊ shuo¯

Without saying a word to anyone, Not saying a word to anyone

每根 meiˇ gen¯

Each (finger)

每根線 meiˇ gen¯ xianˋ

Each line, Each thread

每根鉤子 meiˇ gen¯ gou¯ zi˙

Each hook

沒人 meiˊ renˊ

No one, Nobody

沒人住的 meiˊ renˊ zhuˋ de˙


沒人喜歡 meiˊ renˊ xiˇ huan¯

Nobody likes

沒人喜歡自以為聰明的傢伙 meiˊ renˊ xiˇ huan¯ ziˋ yiˇ weiˋ cong¯ mingˊ de˙ jia¯ huoˇ

Nobody likes a smartass

沒人在意 meiˊ renˊ zaiˋ yiˋ

Nobody cares, Nobody minds

沒人用 meiˊ renˊ yongˋ

No one is using

沒人用的 meiˊ renˊ yongˋ de˙

No one is using

沒人辦得到 meiˊ renˊ banˋ de˙ daoˋ

Never works

每人 meiˇ renˊ


每人各 meiˇ renˊ geˋ

Each and every, Everybody each, Each

美人 meiˇ renˊ

Beautiful person

美人魚 meiˇ renˊ yuˊ


沒什麼 meiˊ shenˊ me˙

It's nothing

沒什麼兩樣 meiˊ shenˊ me˙ liangˇ yangˋ

No difference, Not different at all, Usual

沒什麼天分 meiˊ shenˊ me˙ tian¯ fen¯

Very few talents, Not very talented

沒什麼差別 meiˊ shenˊ me˙ cha¯ bieˊ

No difference, No different

沒什麼特別的一點 meiˊ shenˊ me˙ teˋ bieˊ de˙ yiˋ dianˇ

Nothing special, At no particular point

沒什麼用 meiˊ shenˊ me˙ yongˋ

Of no use, No use

沒什麼錢 meiˊ shenˊ me˙ qianˊ

Isn't rich, Wasn't rich

沒真的 meiˊ zhen¯ de˙

Not really, Not actually

gei, bei, fei, hei, lei, mei, nei, pei

那本 neiˋ benˇ

This book, That book

那本書 neiˋ benˇ shu¯

That book, This book, The book

那人 neiˋ renˊ

That person, The person

gei, bei, fei, hei, lei, mei, nei, pei

培根 peiˊ gen¯


陪審團 peiˊ shenˇ tuanˊ


Grouped in tone pairs

32, 12, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 41, 42, 43, 44

給人奪走 geiˇ renˊ duoˊ zouˇ

Taken (from…)

給人尋開心 geiˇ renˊ xunˊ kai¯ xin¯

Be made fun of, Give others happiness at own expense

給人帶來 geiˇ renˊ daiˋ laiˊ

Allow a person to bring in, Allow people to bring in

給人感覺冷冰冰的 geiˇ renˊ ganˇ jueˊ lengˇ bing¯ bing¯ de˙

Cool feeling, Cool

每人 meiˇ renˊ


每人各 meiˇ renˊ geˋ

Each and every, Everybody each, Each

美人 meiˇ renˊ

Beautiful person

美人魚 meiˇ renˊ yuˊ


32, 12, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 41, 42, 43, 44

黑人 hei¯ renˊ

Black man, Black person

32, 12, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 41, 42, 43, 44

沒分別 meiˊ fen¯ bieˊ

Undifferentiated, Unrecognizable

沒分別的漏血大肉袋 meiˊ fen¯ bieˊ de˙ louˋ xieˇ daˋ rouˋ daiˋ

Big leaky bag of undifferentiated gore

沒跟任何人說 meiˊ gen¯ renˋ heˊ renˊ shuo¯

Without saying a word to anyone, Not saying a word to anyone

沒真的 meiˊ zhen¯ de˙

Not really, Not actually

培根 peiˊ gen¯


32, 12, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 41, 42, 43, 44

沒人 meiˊ renˊ

No one, Nobody

沒人住的 meiˊ renˊ zhuˋ de˙


沒人喜歡 meiˊ renˊ xiˇ huan¯

Nobody likes

沒人喜歡自以為聰明的傢伙 meiˊ renˊ xiˇ huan¯ ziˋ yiˇ weiˋ cong¯ mingˊ de˙ jia¯ huoˇ

Nobody likes a smartass

沒人在意 meiˊ renˊ zaiˋ yiˋ

Nobody cares, Nobody minds

沒人用 meiˊ renˊ yongˋ

No one is using

沒人用的 meiˊ renˊ yongˋ de˙

No one is using

沒人辦得到 meiˊ renˊ banˋ de˙ daoˋ

Never works

沒什麼 meiˊ shenˊ me˙

It's nothing

沒什麼兩樣 meiˊ shenˊ me˙ liangˇ yangˋ

No difference, Not different at all, Usual

沒什麼天分 meiˊ shenˊ me˙ tian¯ fen¯

Very few talents, Not very talented

沒什麼差別 meiˊ shenˊ me˙ cha¯ bieˊ

No difference, No different

沒什麼特別的一點 meiˊ shenˊ me˙ teˋ bieˊ de˙ yiˋ dianˇ

Nothing special, At no particular point

沒什麼用 meiˊ shenˊ me˙ yongˋ

Of no use, No use

沒什麼錢 meiˊ shenˊ me˙ qianˊ

Isn't rich, Wasn't rich

32, 12, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 41, 42, 43, 44

陪審團 peiˊ shenˇ tuanˊ


32, 12, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 41, 42, 43, 44

沒笨蛋 meiˊ benˋ danˋ

No, dummy, No, silly

32, 12, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 41, 42, 43, 44

每分鐘 meiˇ fen¯ zhong¯

Each minute, Every minute, Per minute

每根 meiˇ gen¯

Each (finger)

每根線 meiˇ gen¯ xianˋ

Each line, Each thread

每根鉤子 meiˇ gen¯ gou¯ zi˙

Each hook

32, 12, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 41, 42, 43, 44

被分心 beiˋ fen¯ xin¯

Be distracted

被分成四個 beiˋ fen¯ chengˊ siˋ ge˙

Divided into four

被跟隨 beiˋ gen¯ suiˊ

Been followed

32, 12, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 41, 42, 43, 44

被人們 beiˋ renˊ men˙

By people, By mankind

被人家 beiˋ renˊ jia¯

By others, By someone

被人從飛機上丟下去的 beiˋ renˊ congˊ fei¯ ji¯ shangˋ diu¯ xiaˋ quˋ de˙

Thrown out of an airplane, Dropped from an airplane

被人毆打 beiˋ renˊ ou¯ daˇ

Being beaten up, Beaten

被人誤導了 beiˋ renˊ wuˋ daoˇ le˙


廢人 feiˋ renˊ


淚痕 leiˋ henˊ

Weeping streaks, Stains

那人 neiˋ renˊ

That person, The person

32, 12, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 41, 42, 43, 44

背本 beiˋ benˇ

Bite the hand that feeds

那本 neiˋ benˇ

This book, That book

那本書 neiˋ benˇ shu¯

That book, This book, The book

32, 12, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 41, 42, 43, 44

備份鑰匙 beiˋ fenˋ yaoˋ shi˙

Spare key or keys

被認定 beiˋ renˋ dingˋ

Was assumed

被認為 beiˋ renˋ weiˊ

Believed to be

被認為有居住可能性的 beiˋ renˋ weiˊ youˇ ju¯ zhuˋ keˇ nengˊ xingˋ de˙

Believed to be habitable

被認為有居住可能性的行星 beiˋ renˋ weiˊ youˇ ju¯ zhuˋ keˇ nengˊ xingˋ de˙ xingˊ xing¯

Planets that are believed to be habitable


𠄌-糸 : > : > [給]-給人 : > [給]-給人尋開心 >

人-人 : > : > [人]-人尋 : > [人]-給人尋開心 >

𠃌-⺕ : > : > [尋]-尋開 : > [尋]-給人尋開心 >

口-門 : > : > [開]-開心 : > [開]-給人尋開心 >

丶-心 : > : > [心]-開心 : > [心]-給人尋開心 >

給人尋開心 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 尋

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