
Definition, Pronunciation with char definition links


ziˋ jiˇ haoˊ wuˊ xuanˇ zeˊ de˙ ganˇ shouˋ

Feel like we have no choice

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Words and Phrases included in:

自己 Self, Oneself, Own, Their, Themselves, His, Her, Himself, Herself

ziˋ jiˇ

毫無 Without, Not at all, None, Not in the least, There is no

haoˊ wuˊ

選擇 Choice, Choose, Chooses, Choosing, Chose, Select, Selects, Selecting, Selected

xuanˇ zeˊ

毫無選擇 Have no choice

haoˊ wuˊ xuanˇ zeˊ

感受 Feel, Feelings

ganˇ shouˋ


丶-自 : > : > [自]-自己 : >

𠃌-己 : > : > [己]-自己 : >

丶-亠 : > : > [毫]-毫無 : >

丿-𠂉 : > : > [無]-毫無 : >

丶-辶 : > : > [選]-選擇 : >

十-扌 : > : > [擇]-選擇 : >

丶-白 : > : > [的]-的感 : >

丶-弋 : > : > [感]-感受 : >

丿-爫 : > : > [受]-感受 : >


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