
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 親


Close relative

qin¯ renˊ

親 qin¯, qingˋ
Love, Kiss, Intimate, Intimately, Near, Approach, Personally, Personal, In Person, Parents, Close Family, Relatives, (Qing4), Relatives Or Relatives By Marriage, In Laws

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 親人 (yin-en)

Grouped by first phone

qin, bin, jin, pin, xin, yin

勤奮 qinˊ fenˋ

Diligence, Attentiveness, Diligent, Attentive, Assiduous, Industrious, Implacable

親人 qin¯ renˊ

Close relative

沁人心脾 qinˋ renˊ xin¯ piˊ

Touch one's heart, Affect someone deeply

親身 qin¯ shen¯


親身體驗 qin¯ shen¯ tiˇ yanˋ

Personal experience, Firsthand experience

qin, bin, jin, pin, xin, yin

繽紛 bin¯ fen¯


qin, bin, jin, pin, xin, yin

盡本分 jinˋ benˇ fen¯

Do one's part

緊跟著 jinˇ gen¯ zhe˙


金門大橋 jin¯ menˊ daˋ qiaoˊ

Golden Gate Bridge

金門縣 jin¯ menˊ xianˋ

Kinmen County

緊身 jinˇ shen¯

Skin tight

緊身內衣 jinˇ shen¯ neiˋ yi¯


緊身衣 jinˇ shen¯ yi¯

Skin-tight clothing

謹慎 jinˇ shenˋ

Careful, Mindful, Carefully, Mindfully

謹慎地 jinˇ shenˋ de˙


謹慎小心 jinˇ shenˋ xiaoˇ xin¯

Discreet, Careful

金針花 jin¯ zhen¯ hua¯

Orange Day-Lily, Orange day-lily

qin, bin, jin, pin, xin, yin

聘任 pinˋ renˋ


qin, bin, jin, pin, xin, yin

新陳代謝 xin¯ chenˊ daiˋ xieˋ


新人 xin¯ renˊ

Newcomer, Novice

新任 xin¯ renˋ

Newly appointed

新任周王 xin¯ renˋ zhou¯ wangˊ

Newly appointed King of Zhou

信任 xinˋ renˋ

Trust, Believe, Have faith

心神 xin¯ shenˊ

Mood, State of mind

心神不定 xin¯ shenˊ buˊ dingˋ

Restless mood

心神不寧 xin¯ shenˊ buˋ ningˊ


qin, bin, jin, pin, xin, yin

陰沉沉 yin¯ chenˊ chenˊ


陰沉沉地 yin¯ chenˊ chenˊ de˙

Darkly, Gloomily

陰沉沉地說 yin¯ chenˊ chenˊ de˙ shuo¯

Said darkly, Said gloomily

因人而異 yin¯ renˊ erˊ yiˋ

Vary from person to person

引人入勝 yinˇ renˊ ruˋ sheng¯


引人注意 yinˇ renˊ zhuˋ yiˋ

Attract attention, Attention attracting presence, Presence

引人注目 yinˇ renˊ zhuˋ muˋ

Prominent, Noticeable, Conspicuous, Attention attracting

隱身 yinˇ shen¯


Grouped in tone pairs

12, 11, 14, 24, 31, 32, 34, 42, 43, 44

金門大橋 jin¯ menˊ daˋ qiaoˊ

Golden Gate Bridge

金門縣 jin¯ menˊ xianˋ

Kinmen County

親人 qin¯ renˊ

Close relative

新陳代謝 xin¯ chenˊ daiˋ xieˋ


新人 xin¯ renˊ

Newcomer, Novice

心神 xin¯ shenˊ

Mood, State of mind

心神不定 xin¯ shenˊ buˊ dingˋ

Restless mood

心神不寧 xin¯ shenˊ buˋ ningˊ


陰沉沉 yin¯ chenˊ chenˊ


陰沉沉地 yin¯ chenˊ chenˊ de˙

Darkly, Gloomily

陰沉沉地說 yin¯ chenˊ chenˊ de˙ shuo¯

Said darkly, Said gloomily

因人而異 yin¯ renˊ erˊ yiˋ

Vary from person to person

12, 11, 14, 24, 31, 32, 34, 42, 43, 44

繽紛 bin¯ fen¯


金針花 jin¯ zhen¯ hua¯

Orange Day-Lily, Orange day-lily

親身 qin¯ shen¯


親身體驗 qin¯ shen¯ tiˇ yanˋ

Personal experience, Firsthand experience

12, 11, 14, 24, 31, 32, 34, 42, 43, 44

新任 xin¯ renˋ

Newly appointed

新任周王 xin¯ renˋ zhou¯ wangˊ

Newly appointed King of Zhou

12, 11, 14, 24, 31, 32, 34, 42, 43, 44

勤奮 qinˊ fenˋ

Diligence, Attentiveness, Diligent, Attentive, Assiduous, Industrious, Implacable

12, 11, 14, 24, 31, 32, 34, 42, 43, 44

緊跟著 jinˇ gen¯ zhe˙


緊身 jinˇ shen¯

Skin tight

緊身內衣 jinˇ shen¯ neiˋ yi¯


緊身衣 jinˇ shen¯ yi¯

Skin-tight clothing

隱身 yinˇ shen¯


12, 11, 14, 24, 31, 32, 34, 42, 43, 44

引人入勝 yinˇ renˊ ruˋ sheng¯


引人注意 yinˇ renˊ zhuˋ yiˋ

Attract attention, Attention attracting presence, Presence

引人注目 yinˇ renˊ zhuˋ muˋ

Prominent, Noticeable, Conspicuous, Attention attracting

12, 11, 14, 24, 31, 32, 34, 42, 43, 44

謹慎 jinˇ shenˋ

Careful, Mindful, Carefully, Mindfully

謹慎地 jinˇ shenˋ de˙


謹慎小心 jinˇ shenˋ xiaoˇ xin¯

Discreet, Careful

12, 11, 14, 24, 31, 32, 34, 42, 43, 44

沁人心脾 qinˋ renˊ xin¯ piˊ

Touch one's heart, Affect someone deeply

12, 11, 14, 24, 31, 32, 34, 42, 43, 44

盡本分 jinˋ benˇ fen¯

Do one's part

12, 11, 14, 24, 31, 32, 34, 42, 43, 44

聘任 pinˋ renˋ


信任 xinˋ renˋ

Trust, Believe, Have faith


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親人 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 親

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