
Definition, Pronunciation with char definition links


shen¯ tiˇ queˋ shiˊ youˇ zhongˇ deˊ daoˋ xiu¯ xiˊ de˙ ganˇ jueˊ

Feel rested, Feels rested, Feeling rested, Felt rested

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身體 Body

shen¯ tiˇ

確實 Real, True, certain, Really, Indeed, Certainly, Of course

queˋ shiˊ

有種 Have a kind of

youˇ zhongˇ

得到 Get, Gets, Getting, Got, Receive, Receives, Receiving, Received, Obtain, Obtains, Obtaining, Obtained, Succeed in getting, Succeed, Succeeds, Succeeding, Succeeded

deˊ daoˋ

休息 Rest

xiu¯ xiˊ

得到休息 Rested, Had a rest

deˊ daoˋ xiu¯ xiˊ

感覺 Sensation, Take in sensory information, Notice, Feel, Sense, Perceive, Noticed, Felt, Sensed, Perceived

ganˇ jueˊ

得到休息的感覺 Feel rested, Feels rested, Feeling rested, Felt rested

deˊ daoˋ xiu¯ xiˊ de˙ ganˇ jueˊ


丶-自 : > : > [身]-身體 : >

冂-骨 : > : > [體]-身體 : >

一-石 : > : > [確]-確實 : >

丶-宀 : > : > [實]-確實 : >

十-𠂇 : > : > [有]-有種 : >

丿-禾 : > : > [種]-有種 : >

丿-彳 : > : > [得]-得到 : >

一-一 : > : > [到]-得到 : >

丿-亻 : > : > [休]-休息 : >

丶-自 : > : > [息]-休息 : >

丶-白 : > : > [的]-的感 : >

丶-弋 : > : > [感]-感覺 : >

厂-臼 : > : > [覺]-感覺 : >


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