
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 軀


Muscles Of The Trunk, (Cats: Anatomy next)

qu¯ ganˋ de˙ ji¯ rouˋ

軀 qu¯
Human Body

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Phone , Tone


軀幹 qu¯ ganˋ

肌肉 ji¯ rouˋ

Words that rhyme with 軀幹的肌肉 (yu-an)

Grouped by first phone

qu, ju, luu, nuu, yu

驅趕 qu¯ ganˇ

Exile, Drive away, Expel, Eject, Cast out

驅趕出 qu¯ ganˇ chu¯

Drive out, Driven out, Expel, Expelled

軀幹 qu¯ ganˋ

The trunk, Torso

軀幹的肌肉 qu¯ ganˋ de˙ ji¯ rouˋ

Muscles Of The Trunk

去幹嘛 quˋ ganˋ ma˙

Why go?, What's this about?, What's going on?, What are you doing?

去看 quˋ kanˋ

Go and see, Go to see

去看望 quˋ kanˋ wangˋ

Go to visit

去探望他 quˋ tanˋ wangˋ ta¯

Go to visit him

qu, ju, luu, nuu, yu

舉辦 juˇ banˋ

Hold an activity

舉辦了 juˇ banˋ le˙

Held (an event)

舉辦了音樂會 juˇ banˋ le˙ yin¯ yueˋ huiˋ

Held a concert

聚餐 juˋ can¯

Meet for lunch, Meet for dinner, Meet at a restaurant

居然 ju¯ ranˊ

Incredibly, To one's surprise

居然這麼陰險 ju¯ ranˊ zheˋ me˙ yin¯ xianˇ

Just how tricky, How tricky, How cunning, How deceitful

qu, ju, luu, nuu, yu

綠傘 luuˋ sanˇ

Green canopy

qu, ju, luu, nuu, yu

女扮男裝 nuuˇ banˋ nanˊ zhuang¯

Dress up as a man, Dresses up as a man, Dressing up as a man, Dressed up as a man, Dress up as men, Dress up as men

qu, ju, luu, nuu, yu

預感 yuˋ ganˇ

Premonition, Intuition

禦寒耳罩 yuˋ hanˊ erˇ zhaoˋ

Ear flaps for protecting against cold

愈看愈像 yuˋ kanˋ yuˋ xiangˋ

More and more it seemed, More and more seemed

預覽 yuˋ lanˇ


遇難 yuˋ nanˊ

Encounter difficulty, Encountered difficulty, Ran into trouble

雨傘 yuˇ sanˇ


Grouped in tone pairs

14, 12, 13, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

軀幹 qu¯ ganˋ

The trunk, Torso

軀幹的肌肉 qu¯ ganˋ de˙ ji¯ rouˋ

Muscles Of The Trunk

14, 12, 13, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

居然 ju¯ ranˊ

Incredibly, To one's surprise

居然這麼陰險 ju¯ ranˊ zheˋ me˙ yin¯ xianˇ

Just how tricky, How tricky, How cunning, How deceitful

14, 12, 13, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

驅趕 qu¯ ganˇ

Exile, Drive away, Expel, Eject, Cast out

驅趕出 qu¯ ganˇ chu¯

Drive out, Driven out, Expel, Expelled

14, 12, 13, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

雨傘 yuˇ sanˇ


14, 12, 13, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

舉辦 juˇ banˋ

Hold an activity

舉辦了 juˇ banˋ le˙

Held (an event)

舉辦了音樂會 juˇ banˋ le˙ yin¯ yueˋ huiˋ

Held a concert

女扮男裝 nuuˇ banˋ nanˊ zhuang¯

Dress up as a man, Dresses up as a man, Dressing up as a man, Dressed up as a man, Dress up as men, Dress up as men

14, 12, 13, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

聚餐 juˋ can¯

Meet for lunch, Meet for dinner, Meet at a restaurant

14, 12, 13, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

禦寒耳罩 yuˋ hanˊ erˇ zhaoˋ

Ear flaps for protecting against cold

遇難 yuˋ nanˊ

Encounter difficulty, Encountered difficulty, Ran into trouble

14, 12, 13, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

綠傘 luuˋ sanˇ

Green canopy

預感 yuˋ ganˇ

Premonition, Intuition

預覽 yuˋ lanˇ


14, 12, 13, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

去幹嘛 quˋ ganˋ ma˙

Why go?, What's this about?, What's going on?, What are you doing?

去看 quˋ kanˋ

Go and see, Go to see

去看望 quˋ kanˋ wangˋ

Go to visit

去探望他 quˋ tanˋ wangˋ ta¯

Go to visit him

愈看愈像 yuˋ kanˋ yuˋ xiangˋ

More and more it seemed, More and more seemed


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丶-自 : > : > [軀]-軀幹 : > [軀]-軀幹的肌肉 >

十-十 : > : > [幹]-軀幹 : > [幹]-軀幹的肌肉 >

丶-白 : > : > [的]-的肌 : > [的]-軀幹的肌肉 >

冂-月 : > : > [肌]-肌肉 : > [肌]-軀幹的肌肉 >

冂-冂 : > : > [肉]-肌肉 : > [肉]-軀幹的肌肉 >

軀幹的肌肉 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 軀

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