zhuanˇ, zhuanˋ
Turn, Rotate, Revolve, Transport, Transfer, Convey, Move, Migrate, Indirect, Roundabout, (Zhuan4), Continually Rotate, Spin
Word Links for words containing 轉 (sorted via character pairs)
轉回 Returned back to, Turned back to
轉回來 Turned back to
轉回去面對 Turned back to face
轉回去面對他 Turned back to face him
轉變 Change
氣候轉變 Climate change
這些轉變 These changes, These shifts
從封建到中央集權的轉變 Transitioned from feudalism to centralized power, Transition form feudalism to centralized power, Transitioning from feudalism to centralized power
轉變成 Changed, Transformed
轉變為 Converting, Changing
農作物因氣候轉變和疾病而經常欠收 Crops are failing due to climate change and disease
轉了轉 Twisting, Twisted, Turning, Turned, Rolling, Rolled
轉了一圈 Did a turn, Did a spin, Did a twirl
小小轉了一圈 Did a little turn, Did a little spin, Did a little twirl
帶著他轉了一圈 Spun him around
帶著她轉了一圈 Spun her around
轉了過來 Turned around
已經轉了過來 Turned around
轉動 Rotating, Rotate, Turn, Revolve, Spin
不停轉動 Always turning, Always rotating, Ever spinning
身軀轉動 Full Body Twist
骨碌轉動 Swiveling around, Rolling around
反方向轉動 Rotate in opposite directions, Rotating in opposite directions
眼睛骨碌轉動 Eyes swiveling around, Eyes rolling around
轉輪流地轉動 Wheels turning and turning
轉動鑰匙 Turned the key
轉動門把 Turned the door knob
轉移 Transfer, Shift
向前轉移 Shift forwards, Shifts forwards, Move forwards, Moves forwards
轉移了 Transferred, Shifted, Switched, Branched, Changed
轉移到 Shifting to, Transferring to
把重量轉移到 Shift weight to
將身體重量轉移到 Shift body weight to, Shifting body weight to
轉移了話題 Switched topics
轉移重量到 Shift weight to, Shifting weight to, Shifted weight to
轉移重量到單腳 Shifting weight to one foot
把重量轉移到另一隻腳 Shift weight to the other foot
前後轉移重量 Shift weight forwards and backwards, Shifting weight forwards and backwards
前後轉移你的重量 Shift your weight forwards and backwards, Shifting your weight forwards and backwards
把重量轉移到單腳上 Shift weight to one foot, Shifting weight to one foot, Shifted weight to one foot
把重量轉移到另一隻腳時 While shifting weight to the other foot, As weight is shifted to the other foot
轉為 Transferred to
期盼轉為失落 Hope turned to loss
從紫色轉為黑色 Turning from purple to black
慢慢從紫色轉為黑色 Slowly turning from purple to black
轉向 Turned towards, Changed direction, Shifted direction, Shifted
轉向右邊 Turned right, Turned to the right, Turn right
沿著大彎道轉向南方 Followed the big bend to the south, Following the big bend, turned south
轉交 Send, Pass on, Forward
轉交給 Hand over to, Hands over to, Handing over to, Handed over to, Given to, Transferred to
轉身 Turned, Turned around, Twisted around
沒有轉身 Didn't turn around, Didn't turn
稍稍轉身 Turn slightly
他一個轉身 He turned
她一個轉身 She turned
轉身面對 Turned towards, Turned to face
轉身左蹬腳 Turn Body Left Heel Kick
轉身搬攔捶 Turn Body And Present Flowers And Strike
轉身走向門 Turned towards the door
稍稍轉身看著 Turned slightly to look
一會兒轉這一會兒轉那 Rotating this way and that way, Turning this way and that way
一會兒轉這一會轉兒那 Turning this way and that, Rotating this way and that
轉過 Turned
轉過來 Turn, Turns, Turned, Turn to, Turns to, Turning to, Turned to, Come back here, Get back here, Get over here
轉過頭 Turned around
調轉過來 Turn around, Turned around
他把臉轉過去 He turned his face
終於調轉過來 Finally turned around, Finally got turned around
轉過街角 Rounded a corner, Turned at a corner, Turned around a corner
轉過身去 Turned around, Spun around, Wheeled around
轉過去看著他 Turn to him, Turns to him, Turned to him
趕緊轉過去面對他 Quickly turn to face him, Quickly turning to face him, Quickly turned to face him
趕緊轉過去面對她 Quickly turn to face her, Quickly turning to face her, Quickly turned to face her
他把臉轉過去正面對著 He turned his face directly toward
轉頭 Turn, Turns, Turned
轉頭就跑 Turned and ran
轉頭對 Turns towards
轉頭看 Turn to, Turns to, Turned to
轉頭看向 Turn to, Turns to, Turned to
轉頭看著 Turned to look at, Turned to
轉到 Switch to, Change to, Rotated to, Transfer
把一筆款項轉到 Transfer funds, Transfer a sum of money
把所有的髒東西轉到 Transfer all of the dirt
幾乎能把所有的髒東西轉到 Could transfer almost all of the dirt to, Could transfer most of the dirt to
轉型 Change style, Change model, Change framework
而轉型為 And so change into, And so transform into
而轉型為農業社會 And so transforms into a society that is based on agriculture
轉換 Change, Switch, Transition
把重量轉換 Shift weight, Shifting weight
轉換到 Switched, Changed to
把重量轉換到 Shift weight to, Shifting weight to
把重量轉換到單腳 Shift weight to one foot
把重量轉換到單腳時 While shifting weight to one foot, As weight is shifted to one foot
轉輪 Wheel, Wheels, Manipulators
轉輪流地轉動 Wheels turning and turning
超顯微轉輪的矩陣 Grid of submicroscopic wheels
旋轉 Turn, Turns, Turning, Turned, Spin, Spins, Spinning, Spun, Rotate rotates, Rotating, Rotated
慢慢旋轉 Slowly turned, Turned slowly
朝下旋轉 Rotated downward, Turned downward
往另一邊旋轉 Turned the other way, Rotated in the opposite direction
旋轉出 Spun off, Spun out
旋轉的 Spinning, Turning, Revolving
旋轉一下 Turned a little, Rotated slightly
旋轉木馬 Merry-go-round
車門旋轉區域請勿站立 Please keep clear of the door turning area
旋轉影像 Rotate image
自動旋轉垂直影像 Auto-rotate vertical images
空轉 Idling, Spinning
引擎空轉 Idling engine, Idling
空轉著 Idling, Spinning
引擎空轉的巴士 Idling bus, Idling busses
迴轉 U-turn, Turn around
安全迴轉 Safely turn around, Make a safe U-turn
沒法安全迴轉 Unable to safely turn around, Unable to make a safe U-turn
速度太快沒法安全迴轉 Going to fast to safely turn, Going to fast to make a safe U-turn
逆轉 Reverse, Reversal, Deteriorated, Took a turn for the worst, Invert, Inverted
時間逆轉 Reverse chronology
逆轉物質的熵 Invert an object's entropy, Invert the entropy of a substance
一轉 A spin, A turn, Swiveled, Turned, Spun around
話鋒一轉 Change the topic of conversation
把椅子一轉 Turned the chair around, Spun the chair around, Gave the chair a spin
一轉身 Turn around, Turn, Turned around, Turned
扭轉 Twist, Turn
扭轉式 Twisting Pose
扭轉雙角式 Twisting Wide Leg Pose, Privrtta Prasaritta Padottanasana
臥扭轉放鬆式 Reclining Easy Twist, Parsva Sukhasana
三角扭轉伸展式 Revolving Triangle Pose, Privrtta Trikonasana
金字塔扭轉伸展式 Wide Leg Standing Twist, Privrtta Prasaritta Padottanasana
輾轉 Roll about, Toss and turn, Take a roundabout route, Take the scenic route
輾轉難眠 Sleep poorly, Slept poorly, Tossed and turned trying to sleep
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