
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 轉


Change to, Changed to, Switch to, Switched to, Seque to, Segued to, Segued into

zhuanˇ jinˋ

轉 zhuanˇ, zhuanˋ
Turn, Rotate, Revolve, Transport, Transfer, Convey, Move, Migrate, Indirect, Roundabout, (Zhuan4), Continually Rotate, Spin

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 轉進 (wan-yin)

Grouped by first phone

zhuan, chuan, duan, guan, huan, kuan, zuan

轉進 zhuanˇ jinˋ

Change to, Changed to, Switch to, Switched to, Seque to, Segued to, Segued into

專心 zhuan¯ xin¯


zhuan, chuan, duan, guan, huan, kuan, zuan

穿緊身皮衣 chuan¯ jinˇ shen¯ piˊ yi¯

Wearing tight leather clothing

穿進 chuan¯ jinˋ

Entering into, Going into, Into

穿新衣裳 chuan¯ xin¯ yi¯ shang˙

Wear new clothes, Put on new clothes

zhuan, chuan, duan, guan, huan, kuan, zuan

短信 duanˇ xinˋ

Text message, SMS

zhuan, chuan, duan, guan, huan, kuan, zuan

關心 guan¯ xin¯

Concern, Concerned about

zhuan, chuan, duan, guan, huan, kuan, zuan

還您帽子 huanˊ ninˊ maoˋ ziˇ

To give back your hat

歡心 huan¯ xin¯

Heart, Favor, Love

換新 huanˋ xin¯

Renew, Replace, Replace with new

煥新 huanˋ xin¯

Shiny new, Bright new

煥新的 huanˋ xin¯ de˙

Shiny new, Bright new

幻音 huanˋ yin¯

Imaginary voices or sounds

zhuan, chuan, duan, guan, huan, kuan, zuan

寬心 kuan¯ xin¯

Feel relieved, Felt relieved

zhuan, chuan, duan, guan, huan, kuan, zuan

鑽進 zuan¯ jinˋ

Delved into, Drilled into

Grouped in tone pairs

34, 11, 13, 14, 22, 41

短信 duanˇ xinˋ

Text message, SMS

轉進 zhuanˇ jinˋ

Change to, Changed to, Switch to, Switched to, Seque to, Segued to, Segued into

34, 11, 13, 14, 22, 41

穿新衣裳 chuan¯ xin¯ yi¯ shang˙

Wear new clothes, Put on new clothes

關心 guan¯ xin¯

Concern, Concerned about

歡心 huan¯ xin¯

Heart, Favor, Love

寬心 kuan¯ xin¯

Feel relieved, Felt relieved

專心 zhuan¯ xin¯


34, 11, 13, 14, 22, 41

穿緊身皮衣 chuan¯ jinˇ shen¯ piˊ yi¯

Wearing tight leather clothing

34, 11, 13, 14, 22, 41

穿進 chuan¯ jinˋ

Entering into, Going into, Into

鑽進 zuan¯ jinˋ

Delved into, Drilled into

34, 11, 13, 14, 22, 41

還您帽子 huanˊ ninˊ maoˋ ziˇ

To give back your hat

34, 11, 13, 14, 22, 41

換新 huanˋ xin¯

Renew, Replace, Replace with new

煥新 huanˋ xin¯

Shiny new, Bright new

煥新的 huanˋ xin¯ de˙

Shiny new, Bright new

幻音 huanˋ yin¯

Imaginary voices or sounds


十-車 : > : > [轉]-轉進 : > [轉]-轉進 >

丶-辶 : > : > [進]-轉進 : > [進]-轉進 >

轉進 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 轉

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