
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 轉


Change the topic of conversation

huaˋ feng¯ yiˋ zhuanˇ

轉 zhuanˇ, zhuanˋ
Turn, Rotate, Revolve, Transport, Transfer, Convey, Move, Migrate, Indirect, Roundabout, (Zhuan4), Continually Rotate, Spin

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Phone , Tone


話鋒 huaˋ feng¯

一轉 yiˋ zhuanˇ

Words that rhyme with 話鋒一轉 (wa-eng)

Grouped by first phone

hua, gua

話鋒 huaˋ feng¯

Topic or subject of conversation

話鋒一轉 huaˋ feng¯ yiˋ zhuanˇ

Change the topic of conversation

花生 hua¯ sheng¯

Peanut, Peanuts

花生田 hua¯ sheng¯ tianˊ

Peanut field, Peanut farm

花生農夫 hua¯ sheng¯ nongˊ fu¯

Peanut farmer

花生醬 hua¯ sheng¯ jiangˋ

Peanut Butter

花生醬三明治 hua¯ sheng¯ jiangˋ san¯ mingˊ zhiˋ

Peanut Butter Sandwich

hua, gua

刮風 gua¯ feng¯


颳風 gua¯ feng¯

Windy weather

Grouped in tone pairs

41, 11

話鋒 huaˋ feng¯

Topic or subject of conversation

話鋒一轉 huaˋ feng¯ yiˋ zhuanˇ

Change the topic of conversation

41, 11

刮風 gua¯ feng¯


颳風 gua¯ feng¯

Windy weather

花生 hua¯ sheng¯

Peanut, Peanuts

花生田 hua¯ sheng¯ tianˊ

Peanut field, Peanut farm

花生農夫 hua¯ sheng¯ nongˊ fu¯

Peanut farmer

花生醬 hua¯ sheng¯ jiangˋ

Peanut Butter

花生醬三明治 hua¯ sheng¯ jiangˋ san¯ mingˊ zhiˋ

Peanut Butter Sandwich


丶-言 : > : > [話]-話鋒 : > [話]-話鋒一轉 >

人-金 : > : > [鋒]-話鋒 : > [鋒]-話鋒一轉 >

一-一 : > : > [一]-一轉 : > [一]-話鋒一轉 >

十-車 : > : > [轉]-一轉 : > [轉]-話鋒一轉 >

話鋒一轉 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 轉

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