yuanˇ, yuanˋ
Far, Distant, Deep, Profound, Remote, Keep at a distance(yuan4), Keep away from, Keep at a distance
Word Links for words containing 遠 (sorted via character pairs)
從遠山 From distant mountains
遠山近水 Distant mountains and nearby water, Body of water against a backdrop of distant mountains, Beautiful scenery
遠水不救近火 Distant water won't extinguish a nearby fire
遠水不解近渴 Distant water won't quench impeding thirst
再走遠了 Go any further
差得可遠了 Hardly, Far from it
我不敢再走遠了 I dare not go any further, I'd better not go any further
根本還差得遠了 Not even close, Way off target
遠離 Away, Away from
遠離俗界 Aloof from the crowd, Hold oneself distant
遠離塵囂 Far from the annoying crowd
遠離烈酒 Stay away from alcohol
遠方 Distance, Off in the distance
流向遠方 Flow off into the distance
遠方傳來 From afar, From a distance, Far off
遠方的山 Distant mountains, The mountains in the distance
遠方的青山 Green hills in the distance, Distant green hills
望著遠方的青山 Looking at the green hills in the distance
遠超 Exceed, Far exceed, Far exceeded
遠超過 Exceeding, Far more than
遠超過你痛苦的門檻 Far exceeding your pain threshold, Well in excess of your pain theshold
疏遠 Alienate, Estrange
他早就和童年的朋友疏遠了 Had long ago drifted apart form his childhood friends
她早就和童年的朋友疏遠了 Had long ago drifted apart form her childhood friends
長遠 Long range, Enduring, Long-term, Chronic
長遠目標 Long term goal
走更長遠的路 Live longer, Walk A Longer Road
永遠 Eternal, Perpetual, Unfailing, Forever, Invariably, Frequently, Always
沒辦法撐到永遠 Couldn't take it for ever, Wouldn't last for ever
永遠不行 Never (allowed to)
永遠也不會 Never would
永遠走不完 Endless walk
永遠想像不到 Never imagine, Never imagined, Never envisioned
永遠查獲不到 Can never seize
猜想他永遠也不會 Surmised he never would
永遠沒去 Never did, Never got around to
永遠不知道 Never know
永遠分不出來 Could never tell the difference, Could never tell them apart
永遠沈入波濤 Sink forever beneath the waves
永遠不會離開了 Would never leave
他想要永遠待在那兒 He wanted to stay there forever
永遠查獲不到太多證據 Never find much evidence
望遠 Looking far, Telephoto
登高望遠 Climb high to look far
望遠鏡 Telescope
揮舞望遠鏡 Telescope-wielding, Wielding a telescope
無線電波望遠鏡 Radio telescope
遙遠 Distant, Far, Remote
遙遠的 Distant
希望人類能利用它到達另一遙遠的星系定居 In the hope that mankind can use it to settle in a distant star system
遙遠的煩惱 Distant worry, Distant concern
只是個遙遠的煩惱 Was just a distant worry
能利用它到達另一遙遠的星系 Can use it to travel to a distant star system
人類能利用它到達另一遙遠的星系 Mankind can use it to travel to a distant star system
希望人類能利用它到達另一遙遠的星系 In the hope that mankind can use it to travel to a distant star system
不遠 Close, Nearby, Not far
不遠不近 Not too far and not too close
不遠處 Not far from, Not far away
不遠的地方 Close by, Nearby
在離家不遠的地點 At a location close to home
你會被關在離家不遠的地點 You will be held at a location close to home
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