
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 遠


Was still nearby

haiˊ meiˊ zouˇ yuanˇ

遠 yuanˇ, yuanˋ
Far, Distant, Deep, Profound, Remote, Keep at a distance(yuan4), Keep away from, Keep at a distance

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Phone , Tone


還沒 haiˊ meiˊ

Words that rhyme with 還沒走遠 (ai-ei)

Grouped by first phone

hai, bai, cai, dai, mai, sai, shai, tai, zai, zhai

還得 haiˊ deiˇ

Need to

還沒 haiˊ meiˊ

Not yet

還沒上手 haiˊ meiˊ shangˋ shouˇ

Hadn't yet started, Hadn't even started, Hadn't even began to

還沒嘔吐之前 haiˊ meiˊ ouˇ tuˇ zhi¯ qianˊ

Having not yet vomited

還沒怕到遺屎 haiˊ meiˊ paˋ daoˋ yiˊ shiˇ

Not even scared enough to shit

還沒恢復 haiˊ meiˊ hui¯ fuˋ

Not yet restored

還沒有 haiˊ meiˊ youˇ

Not yet, Hadn't yet, Still hadn't

還沒死 haiˊ meiˊ siˇ

Wasn't dead, Didn't die, Not yet dead

還沒種出來 haiˊ meiˊ zhongˋ chu¯ laiˊ

Not yet planted

還沒走遠 haiˊ meiˊ zouˇ yuanˇ

Was still nearby

海內外 haiˇ neiˋ waiˋ

At home and abroad

hai, bai, cai, dai, mai, sai, shai, tai, zai, zhai

白費 baiˊ feiˋ


白費力氣 baiˊ feiˋ liˋ qiˋ

Waste effort, Waste strength

hai, bai, cai, dai, mai, sai, shai, tai, zai, zhai

才沒用 caiˊ meiˊ yongˋ

Didn't use

才沒這麼大 caiˊ meiˊ zheˋ me˙ daˋ

Are not so big, Are not as big, Are not that big

hai, bai, cai, dai, mai, sai, shai, tai, zai, zhai

帶給 daiˋ geiˇ

Carry (e.g. in pocket) to, Bring to

hai, bai, cai, dai, mai, sai, shai, tai, zai, zhai

賣給 maiˋ geiˇ

Sell to, Sold to

hai, bai, cai, dai, mai, sai, shai, tai, zai, zhai

賽菲茵 saiˋ fei¯ yin¯


塞內加爾 sai¯ neiˋ jia¯ erˇ


hai, bai, cai, dai, mai, sai, shai, tai, zai, zhai

曬黑 shaiˋ hei¯

Tan, Sun tan

hai, bai, cai, dai, mai, sai, shai, tai, zai, zhai

台北 taiˊ beiˇ


台北市 taiˊ beiˇ shiˋ

Taipei, Taibei

臺北 taiˊ beiˇ


臺北市 taiˊ beiˇ shiˋ

Taipei city

泰北豬肉沙拉 taiˋ beiˇ zhu¯ rouˋ sha¯ la¯

Thai Style Pork Salad

太妃 taiˋ fei¯


太妃榛果那緹 taiˋ fei¯ zhen¯ guoˇ naˋ tiˊ

Toffee Nut Latte

太沒禮貌 taiˋ meiˊ liˇ maoˋ

Very rude, Extremely rude

hai, bai, cai, dai, mai, sai, shai, tai, zai, zhai

在黑夜裡 zaiˋ hei¯ yeˋ liˇ

In the dark

在黑暗中 zaiˋ hei¯ anˋ zhong¯

In the dark

在黑暗夜空中 zaiˋ hei¯ anˋ yeˋ kong¯ zhong¯

In the dark night sky

在黑暗的夜空中 zaiˋ hei¯ anˋ de˙ yeˋ kong¯ zhong¯

In the dark night sky

在黑暗的房間裡 zaiˋ hei¯ anˋ de˙ fangˊ jian¯ liˇ

In the dark room

在雷達上有獨特的信號調 zaiˋ leiˊ daˊ shangˋ youˇ duˊ teˋ de˙ xinˋ haoˋ tiaoˊ

Has a unique radar signature

在類似牙醫器材的靈巧機械臂上 zaiˋ leiˋ siˋ yaˊ yi¯ qiˋ caiˊ de˙ lingˊ qiaoˇ ji¯ xieˋ biˋ shangˋ

On a dexterous robotic arm that was similar to a dentist's tool

再沒回來過 zaiˋ meiˊ huiˊ laiˊ guoˋ

Didn't come around anymore

在內 zaiˋ neiˋ


在那個當下 zaiˋ neiˋ ge˙ dang¯ xiaˋ

At that moment

在那邊 zaiˋ neiˋ bian¯

There, Over there

在那邊的抽屜裡 zaiˋ neiˋ bian¯ de˙ chou¯ tiˋ liˇ

In that drawer

栽培 zai¯ peiˊ

Cultivate, Cultivates, Cultivating, Cultivated

再陪我 zaiˋ peiˊ woˇ

Stay with me, Stick around

再陪我一陣子 zaiˋ peiˊ woˇ yiˊ zhenˋ ziˇ

Stay with me for a while, Stick around for a while

在這個狀況下 zaiˋ zheiˋ ge˙ zhuangˋ kuangˋ xiaˋ

In this condition, In this situation, In this state

hai, bai, cai, dai, mai, sai, shai, tai, zai, zhai

宅配 zhaiˊ peiˋ

Home delivery

Grouped in tone pairs

22, 12, 14, 23, 24, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

才沒用 caiˊ meiˊ yongˋ

Didn't use

才沒這麼大 caiˊ meiˊ zheˋ me˙ daˋ

Are not so big, Are not as big, Are not that big

還沒 haiˊ meiˊ

Not yet

還沒上手 haiˊ meiˊ shangˋ shouˇ

Hadn't yet started, Hadn't even started, Hadn't even began to

還沒嘔吐之前 haiˊ meiˊ ouˇ tuˇ zhi¯ qianˊ

Having not yet vomited

還沒怕到遺屎 haiˊ meiˊ paˋ daoˋ yiˊ shiˇ

Not even scared enough to shit

還沒恢復 haiˊ meiˊ hui¯ fuˋ

Not yet restored

還沒有 haiˊ meiˊ youˇ

Not yet, Hadn't yet, Still hadn't

還沒死 haiˊ meiˊ siˇ

Wasn't dead, Didn't die, Not yet dead

還沒種出來 haiˊ meiˊ zhongˋ chu¯ laiˊ

Not yet planted

還沒走遠 haiˊ meiˊ zouˇ yuanˇ

Was still nearby

22, 12, 14, 23, 24, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

栽培 zai¯ peiˊ

Cultivate, Cultivates, Cultivating, Cultivated

22, 12, 14, 23, 24, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

塞內加爾 sai¯ neiˋ jia¯ erˇ


22, 12, 14, 23, 24, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

還得 haiˊ deiˇ

Need to

台北 taiˊ beiˇ


台北市 taiˊ beiˇ shiˋ

Taipei, Taibei

臺北 taiˊ beiˇ


臺北市 taiˊ beiˇ shiˋ

Taipei city

22, 12, 14, 23, 24, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

白費 baiˊ feiˋ


白費力氣 baiˊ feiˋ liˋ qiˋ

Waste effort, Waste strength

宅配 zhaiˊ peiˋ

Home delivery

22, 12, 14, 23, 24, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

海內外 haiˇ neiˋ waiˋ

At home and abroad

22, 12, 14, 23, 24, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

賽菲茵 saiˋ fei¯ yin¯


曬黑 shaiˋ hei¯

Tan, Sun tan

太妃 taiˋ fei¯


太妃榛果那緹 taiˋ fei¯ zhen¯ guoˇ naˋ tiˊ

Toffee Nut Latte

在黑夜裡 zaiˋ hei¯ yeˋ liˇ

In the dark

在黑暗中 zaiˋ hei¯ anˋ zhong¯

In the dark

在黑暗夜空中 zaiˋ hei¯ anˋ yeˋ kong¯ zhong¯

In the dark night sky

在黑暗的夜空中 zaiˋ hei¯ anˋ de˙ yeˋ kong¯ zhong¯

In the dark night sky

在黑暗的房間裡 zaiˋ hei¯ anˋ de˙ fangˊ jian¯ liˇ

In the dark room

22, 12, 14, 23, 24, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

太沒禮貌 taiˋ meiˊ liˇ maoˋ

Very rude, Extremely rude

在雷達上有獨特的信號調 zaiˋ leiˊ daˊ shangˋ youˇ duˊ teˋ de˙ xinˋ haoˋ tiaoˊ

Has a unique radar signature

再沒回來過 zaiˋ meiˊ huiˊ laiˊ guoˋ

Didn't come around anymore

再陪我 zaiˋ peiˊ woˇ

Stay with me, Stick around

再陪我一陣子 zaiˋ peiˊ woˇ yiˊ zhenˋ ziˇ

Stay with me for a while, Stick around for a while

22, 12, 14, 23, 24, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

帶給 daiˋ geiˇ

Carry (e.g. in pocket) to, Bring to

賣給 maiˋ geiˇ

Sell to, Sold to

泰北豬肉沙拉 taiˋ beiˇ zhu¯ rouˋ sha¯ la¯

Thai Style Pork Salad

22, 12, 14, 23, 24, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

在類似牙醫器材的靈巧機械臂上 zaiˋ leiˋ siˋ yaˊ yi¯ qiˋ caiˊ de˙ lingˊ qiaoˇ ji¯ xieˋ biˋ shangˋ

On a dexterous robotic arm that was similar to a dentist's tool

在內 zaiˋ neiˋ


在那個當下 zaiˋ neiˋ ge˙ dang¯ xiaˋ

At that moment

在那邊 zaiˋ neiˋ bian¯

There, Over there

在那邊的抽屜裡 zaiˋ neiˋ bian¯ de˙ chou¯ tiˋ liˇ

In that drawer

在這個狀況下 zaiˋ zheiˋ ge˙ zhuangˋ kuangˋ xiaˋ

In this condition, In this situation, In this state


丶-辶 : > : > [還]-還沒 : > [還]-還沒走遠 >

丶-氵 : > : > [沒]-還沒 : > [沒]-還沒走遠 >

十-土 : > : > [走]-走遠 : > [走]-還沒走遠 >

丶-辶 : > : > [遠]-走遠 : > [遠]-還沒走遠 >

還沒走遠 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 遠

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