
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 邊


White edge, White edges, White around the edge

bian¯ yuanˊ baiˊ baiˊ de˙

邊 bian¯
Side, Edge, Border, Margin, Boundary

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Phone , Tone


邊緣 bian¯ yuanˊ

白白 baiˊ baiˊ

白白的 baiˊ baiˊ de˙

Words that rhyme with 邊緣白白的 (yan-yuan)

Grouped by first phone

bian, dian, jian, pian, qian, tian, yan

邊緣 bian¯ yuanˊ

Edge, Fringe

邊緣白白的 bian¯ yuanˊ baiˊ baiˊ de˙

White edge, White edges, White around the edge

邊遠 bian¯ yuanˇ


bian, dian, jian, pian, qian, tian, yan

點選 dianˇ xuanˇ

Click, Click on

店員 dianˋ yuanˊ

Clerk, Shop staff

電源 dianˋ yuanˊ

Power, Power source, Electricity source

電源插座供電 dianˋ yuanˊ cha¯ zuoˋ gong¯ dianˋ

Power outlet

bian, dian, jian, pian, qian, tian, yan

健全 jianˋ quanˊ

Sound, In good condition, In good working order, Strengthen, Perfect, System that works flawlessly

bian, dian, jian, pian, qian, tian, yan

偏遠 pian¯ yuanˇ


bian, dian, jian, pian, qian, tian, yan

繾綣 qianˇ quanˇ

Entangled, Inextricable, Inseparable, Make love gently

前院 qianˊ yuanˋ

Forecourt, Front courtyard

bian, dian, jian, pian, qian, tian, yan

田園 tianˊ yuanˊ

Ploughman's Style, Farmers style

田園野菇 tianˊ yuanˊ yeˇ gu¯

Wild Mushroom

bian, dian, jian, pian, qian, tian, yan

厭倦 yanˋ juanˋ


演員 yanˇ yuanˊ


Grouped in tone pairs

12, 13, 22, 24, 32, 33, 42, 44

邊緣 bian¯ yuanˊ

Edge, Fringe

邊緣白白的 bian¯ yuanˊ baiˊ baiˊ de˙

White edge, White edges, White around the edge

12, 13, 22, 24, 32, 33, 42, 44

邊遠 bian¯ yuanˇ


偏遠 pian¯ yuanˇ


12, 13, 22, 24, 32, 33, 42, 44

田園 tianˊ yuanˊ

Ploughman's Style, Farmers style

田園野菇 tianˊ yuanˊ yeˇ gu¯

Wild Mushroom

12, 13, 22, 24, 32, 33, 42, 44

前院 qianˊ yuanˋ

Forecourt, Front courtyard

12, 13, 22, 24, 32, 33, 42, 44

演員 yanˇ yuanˊ


12, 13, 22, 24, 32, 33, 42, 44

點選 dianˇ xuanˇ

Click, Click on

繾綣 qianˇ quanˇ

Entangled, Inextricable, Inseparable, Make love gently

12, 13, 22, 24, 32, 33, 42, 44

店員 dianˋ yuanˊ

Clerk, Shop staff

電源 dianˋ yuanˊ

Power, Power source, Electricity source

電源插座供電 dianˋ yuanˊ cha¯ zuoˋ gong¯ dianˋ

Power outlet

健全 jianˋ quanˊ

Sound, In good condition, In good working order, Strengthen, Perfect, System that works flawlessly

12, 13, 22, 24, 32, 33, 42, 44

厭倦 yanˋ juanˋ



丶-辶 : > : > [邊]-邊緣 : > [邊]-邊緣白白的 >

𠄌-糸 : > : > [緣]-邊緣 : > [緣]-邊緣白白的 >

丶-白 : > : > [白]-白白 : > [白]-邊緣白白的 >

丶-白 : > : > [白]-白白 : > [白]-邊緣白白的 >

丶-白 : > : > [的]-白的 : > [的]-邊緣白白的 >

邊緣白白的 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 邊

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