

buˋ tongˊ shen ˉ qianˇ

(Different depths, Different shades)

Different shades | Different depths

不同 buˋ tongˊ

(Different, Distinct, Distinctive, Diverse, Seperate, Various, Varying)

Different, Distinctive, Distinct from, Seperate from, Varying, Various, Diverse

深淺 shenˉ qianˇ

(Degree of, Depth, Intentions)

Depth, Degree of lightness or darkness in a color, Intentions


Infix, No, Non, None, Not, Not able to, Un, Without

No, Not, Non, None, Not able to, Un, Without, Infix Used To Indicate Inability

Alike, Equal, Have in, Same, Share, Similar, Together with

Share, Have in common, Same, Alike, Similar, Together with, Equal

Dark In, Deep, Meaningful, Profound

Deep, Profound, Meaningful, Dark In Color

Clear, Easy to understand, Insignificant, Light, Pale, Shallow, Simple, Slight, Superficial

Shallow, Superficial, Clear, Simple, Easy to understand, Pale, Light, Slight, Insignificant

Word chars

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