To participate, Participate , Participates , Participating , Participated , To take part in, Take part in, Takes part in, Taking part in, Took part in
can ˉ yuˇ moˊ xingˊ jianˋ liˋ guoˋ chengˊ
(Take part in, To take part) To take part in the model building process, Take part in the model building process, Takes part in the model building process, Taking part in the model building process, Took part in the model building process
yiˊ ge˙ ji ˉ benˇ jiaˇ sheˋ shiˋ woˇ men˙ keˇ yiˇ zhuˇ dongˋ huoˋ youˇ yiˋ shiˊ de˙ can ˉ yuˇ moˊ xingˊ jianˋ liˋ guoˋ chengˊ
(One basic) One basic assumption is that we can actively or consciously be part of the model building process
一, 個, 基, 本, 假, 設, 是, 我, 們, 可, 以, 主, 動, 或, 有, 意, 識, 地, 參, 與, 模, 型, 建, 立, 過, 程
Rhymes: an yu
rh: can ˉ yuˇ 參與
rh: canˊ yuˊ 殘餘
rh: can ˉ juˋ 餐具
rh: canˊ juˊ 殘局
rh: chanˇ qu ˉ 產區
rh: dan ˉ juˋ 單據
rh: danˋ luuˋ 淡綠
rh: danˋ quˋ 淡去
rh: fanˊ yuˋ 繁育
rh: fanˊ luuˋ 凡慮
rh: ganˇ yuˊ 敢於
rh: ganˋ yuˋ 幹預
rh: hanˋ yuˇ 漢語
rh: hanˊ xuˋ 含蓄
rh: hanˋ xuˋ 和煦
rh: kanˋ quˋ 看去
rh: lanˊ yuˇ 蘭嶼
rh: lanˊ luuˋ 藍綠
rh: manˊ xu ˉ 蔓鬚
rh: nanˊ nuuˇ 男女
rh: panˊ yuˋ 盤鬱
rh: sanˋ quˋ 散去
rh: shanˋ yuˊ 善於
rh: shanˋ yuˊ 擅於
rh: shan ˉ quˉ 山區
rh: tanˊ yuˊ 痰盂
rh: zanˋ xuˇ 讚許
rh: zhanˋ juˋ 佔據
rh: zhanˋ quˋ 佔去
rh: anˋ yuˋ 按預
rh: anˋ luuˋ 暗綠
rh: ban ˉ juˋ 般巨
rh: banˋ luuˇ 伴侶
Participate, Take part in, To participate, To take part
參< Participate, Take part in, Join, Attend, Recommend, Consult, Consider, (Cen1), Unequal, Uneven, Irregular, (San1), Three, 3, Alternate Number Form Used For Checks
Alternate number form, Attend, Consider, Consult, Irregular, Join, Participate, Recommend, Take part in, Three, Unequal, Uneven
與< And, Together with, Give, (Yu4), Take part in, Participate, (Yu2)
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