成功處理預期和意外的能力 Ability to successfully handle both the expected and the unexpected
加速或減速 Accelerate or slow down
不經思考即有效行動 Acting effectively without thinking
旨在幫助我們在學習時實現盡可能的自主 Aiming to help make us as independent as possible when learning
使我們能夠及時行動 Allows us to act in a timely manner
雖然心智模型允許我們在不思考的情況下行動 Although mental models allow us to act effectively without thinking
雖然模型允許我們在不經思考的情況下有效行動 Although models allow us to act effectively without thinking
雖然模型讓我們可以在不思考的情況下有效行動 Although models allow us to act without thinking
以及改善建立它們的過程 And improve the process of building them
從而在影響我們身體其它部分之前就將任何變化消散 And so dissipating any change before it affects other parts of our body
從而減少對科技公司的依賴 And so reduce dependence on tech companies
並通過這些感覺到筆 And through these, feel the brush
從而隨時創建新習慣 And thus create new habits at any time
盆骨的任何移動都會透過這種張力傳遞到肋骨籠 Any movements of the pelvis are transmitted to the ribcage via this tension
至於更複雜的數學 As for more complicated math
盡可能平滑地 As smoothly as possible
除了幫助減少學習努力外 As well as helping to reduce learning effort
以及自己的網站、私人電子郵件和甚至是聯絡人名單的主機 As well as host for their own website, private email and even a contact list
以及自己的網站 As well as their own website
根據它們感知到的內容 Based on what they sense
因為不同的思考過程需要時間 Because the different thinking processes take time
因為我們已經足夠多次地進行了那些簡單的運算 Because we've done those simple operations enough times
因為我們已經學習並重複了足夠多次的必要步驟 Because we've learned and repeated the necessary steps enough times
在影響我們身體其它部分之前 Before it affects other parts of our body
但可以被視為盡可能地獨立 But could be thought of as independent as possible
但是如果沒有 But if not
但這並不意味著模型完全消除了思考的需要 But this does not mean that models completely remove the need to think
將任何變化消散 Causing change to be dissipated
將相關部位變成類似沙袋或床墊的東西 Causing the relevant parts to change into something resembling a sandbag or a mattress
掌握學習方法讓我們在學習內容及方式上有了更多選擇 Coming to grips with learning gives us more choices both in what we learn and how we learn it
完全獨立 Complete independence
切割事物使我們能夠學習系統的各個部分 Cutting things up allows us to learn the parts of a system
分解事物使我們能夠了解它們的各個部分 Cutting things up allows us to learn their parts
做高中數學時 Doing high school math
根據它們感知到的內容驅動行動 Drive actions based on what they sense
啟動選擇的力量 Enabling the power of choice
啟用選擇的力量 Enabling the power of choice
即使是我們從未經歷過的變化 Even when it is change that we've never experienced
即使在做數學這樣的事情時 Even with something like math
歷過 Experienced
從我們的感官 From our senses
從那裡我們學習這些部分如何相互作用 From there we learn how these parts interact
更善於處理變化 Getting better at handling change
更好地處理變化 Getting better at handling change
將這些元素分組 Group these elements
習慣和直覺 Habit and intuition
習慣是心智模型的輸出 Habits are the outputs of mental models
學過電腦系統的各個部分後 Having learned the parts of a computer system
如果實際系統有問題 If there is a problem with the actual system
如果我們掌握了學習方法 If we come to grips with the learning method
如果我們在建立模塊化模型方面變得更好 If we get better at building modular models
如果我們在建立模組化模型方面變得更加熟練 If we get better at building modular models
如果我們學會了如何學習 If we learn how to learn
如果我們將學習理解為建立和改進心智模型的過程 If we understand learning as the process of building and improving mental models
意味著這兩個系統可以通過這種接觸直接相互影響 Implies that these two systems can directly affect each other via this contact
改進模型及其建立過程 Improving models and the process of building them
在構建方面 In terms of construction
在上述活動中 In the above mentioned activities
但在此期間 In the interim
而不是必須思考如何 Instead of having to think about how to
而是我們專注於在流動模式中使用我們的感官 Instead we focus on using our senses while in the fluid mode
它允許我們將事物分解成清晰定義的元素並將這些元素分組 It allows us to break down things into clearly defined elements and to group those elements
它也使我們能夠選擇分解的規模 It also allows us to choose the scale of breakdown
它也使我們能夠選擇分解的規模並定義我們將元素分入的組 It also allows us to choose the scale of breakdown and define the groups we put elements into
它還允許我們在我們的模型及其習慣處理細節時關注其他事物 It also allows us to focus on other things while our models and their habits take care of the details
它通過我們學到的任何事物建立模型 It builds models as a result of anything that we learn
它建立它們 It builds them
這是因為思考的不同過程需要時間 It is because the different process of thinking take time
對我們人類而言同樣重要 It is equally important for us as humans
它需要時間來弄清楚如何切割事物 It takes time to figure out how to cut things up
它旨在幫助減少學習努力 It's aim is to reduce learning effort
了解如何學習讓我們在學習什麼和如何學習方面有更多選擇 Knowing how to learn gives us more choices in what we learn and how we learn it
知道動作時 Knowing the movement
學習變得更加簡單和容易 Learning becomes simpler and easier
學會如何學習賦予我們選擇的力量 Learning how to learn gives us the power of choice
學習產生心智模型 Learning produces mental models
同樣打太極 Likewise practicing Tai Ji
為尚待書寫的內容留出空間 Make space for what is yet to be written
心智模型 Mental model
心智模型讓我們能夠明智行動 Mental models allow us to act sensibly
心智模型及其習慣使我們能夠在處理變化和創造變化時自發地行動 Mental models and their habits allow us to be spontaneous in handling change and creating it
心智模型是我們學習時的產物 Mental models are the product of our learning
心智模型與我們的感官和我們的反應能力相連 Mental models tie into our senses and our ability to respond
還需要更多時間來學習、練習或了解我們切割的內容 More time is needed to study, practice or learn what we've cut up
無論我們在學習什麼 No matter what we are learning
現在每當我們看到 Now every time we see
或者其部分 Or part thereof
或者說曾經是 Or rather it was
或我們自己內部 Or within ourselves
其他好處包括減少挫折感並使學習成為更愉快的經歷 Other benefits include reducing frustration and making learning a more enjoyable experience
我們感知變化和對其作出反應的能力 Our ability to sense change and respond to it
我們的心智模型可以負責回應 Our mental models can take care of responding
我們的心智資源是有限的 Our mental resources are limited
我們的模型並不總是正確的 Our models aren't always correct
在時間的流動之外 Outside the flow of time
練習或了解我們切割的內容 Practice or learn what we've cut up
私人電郵以及聯絡人名單提供主機服務 Private email and contact list
私人電子郵件和甚至是聯絡人名單 Private email and even a contact list
騎自行車或與伴侶共舞時 Riding a bike or dancing with a partner
可擴展 Scalable
可擴展的和可修改的 Scalable and modifiable
感知而非思考 Sensing instead of thinking
設置和調整內部環境變得尤為重要 Setting up and adjusting the inner environment becomes especially important
因此提前思考會有所幫助 So it helps to do the thinking ahead of time
使對方試圖對我們施加的變化被消散或偏轉 So that change our opponent tries to apply to us is dissipated or deflected
以便它為我們的肩膀和手臂提供基礎 So that it provides a foundation for our shoulder and arm
使他們能夠減少對科技公司的依賴 So that they would be less dependent on tech companies
以便我們能夠更好地體驗生活 So that we can better experience life
為了我們能夠更好地在上述活動中感知變化 So that we can better sense change in activities like those mentioned
以便我們能更好地理解它們 So that we can better understand them
以便我們能夠提高我們感知變化和對其作出反應的能力 So that we can improve our ability to sense change and respond to it
以便我們可以用零或最小的延遲時間對該變化作出反應 So that we can respond to that change with zero or minimal lag time
以至於我們有了它的模型 So that we have a model of it
以便當需要時我們可以在不思考的情況下有效行動 So that when the need arises we can act effectively without thinking
所以提前思考有其好處 So thinking ahead has its benefits
所以提前思考有助於我們 So thinking ahead helps us
所以我們減慢筆觸 So we slow down our brush stroke
還需要更多時間來學習 Still need more time to study
科技獨立性 Tech independence
能夠在不經思考的情況下行動 The ability to act without thinking
該文旨在幫助讀者建立並運行 The article aimed to help the reader set up and run
我們在測試和改進模型方面越是熟練 The better we are at testing and improving our models
我們的學習就越好 The better we learn
這篇文章著重於幫助讀者 The blog post focused on helping the reader
建立心智模型的想法是提前完成這些思考 The idea of building mental models is to do this thinking ahead of time
學習的想法 The idea of learning
該系統的心智模型使我們能夠在心目中訪問該系統 The mental model of that system enables us to visit that system in our mind's eye
我們在不思考的情況下行動就越有效 The more effectively we can act without thinking
重點不是在我們實際做事時思考 The point is not to think while we are actually doing
但這結果可視為盡可能地實現自主 The result could be thought of as being as independent as possible
為自己的網站 Their own website
那麼變化就變成了信息 Then change becomes information
再從那裡傳遞到我們的手 Then from there it is transmitted to our hands
那對我們人類來說也可能相當重要 Then with respect to us as humans it's probably quite important also
這些好處可以通過理解我們可以隨時實施模型建立 These benefits can come about from understanding that we can implement model building at any time
這些感覺發生在力量產生 These sensations occur when force is generated
這些感覺發生在力量產生通過肌肉激活和傳遞通過結締組織張力時 These sensations occur when force is generated via muscle activation and transmitted via connective tissue tension
它們允許我們通過習慣不經思考有效行動 They allow us to act effectively without thinking through habits
它們可以是模組化的 They can be modularized
它們可以是網絡化的 They can be networked
它們可以在我們不需要思考的情況下驅動對我們所感知到的反應 They can drive responses to what we sense without us having to think
它們可以幫助我們直覺地解答系統問題 They can help us intuit answers to problems with the system
它們可以使思考以找到答案變得更容易 They can make thinking through to the answer easier
他們便能擁有自己的線上雲端儲存庫 They could have their own online cloud repository
他們就可以擁有自己的線上雲端儲存庫 They could have their own online cloud repository
它們通過習慣驅動行動和其他輸出 They drive actions and other outputs through habits
它們有輸入和輸出 They have inputs and outputs
它們具有智能或處理能力或某種選擇製作能力 They have intelligence or processing power or some choice making ability
它們理想情況下是使用兩個視角建造的 They ideally are built using two points of view
它們就處理來自我們感官的信息 They process information from our senses
它們已經成為了模型 They've become models
我們能夠感知的東西包括 Things we can sense include
思考本質上涉及對事物進行心理上的切割 Thinking basically involves mentally cutting things up
思考需要資源 Thinking requires resources
本書也擁有相似的目標 This book has a similar goal
這本書有著相似的目標 This book has a similar goal
這並不意味著模型完全排除了思考的需求 This does not mean that models completely eliminate the need to think
這並不意味著模型完全消除了思考的需要 This does not mean that models completely remove the need to think
這使我們變得更加獨立 This makes us more independent
這讓我們變得更加自主 This makes us more independent
這種張力然後將這種移動傳遞到我們的肩膀 This tension then transmits the movement to our shoulders
思考或直覺 Thoughts or intuitions
通過習慣 Through habits
從而使通過我們的聯繫傳遞和回應變化變得更加容易 Thus making it easier for us to transmit and respond to change through our connection
因此我們手的動作與我們盆骨的動作協調 Thus movements of our hands and movements of our pelvis are/ were coordinated
因此它們可以在我們不需要思考的情況下驅動對我們所感知到的反應 Thus they can drive responses to what we sense without us having to think
在不經思考的情況下行動 To act without thinking
能讓我們將事物分解成清晰定義的元素 To allow us to break things down into clearly defined elements
是使用兩個視角建造的 To be built using two points of view
定義我們將元素分入的組 To define the groups we put elements into
做所有這些事情 To do all of these things
做同樣的事情 To do the same thing
促使自發性 To encourage spontaneity
弄清楚我們需要做什麼 To figure out what we need to do
幫助我們在學習時盡可能地獨立 To help us be as independent as possible when learning
以改善我們建立和使用的心智模型 To improve the mental models we build and use
改善建立它們的過程 To improve the process of building them
改進它們 To improve them
保持其靜止 To keep it still
學習在不思考的情況下有效行動 To learn to act effectively without thinking
注意我們周圍正在發生的事情也是如此 To notice what's going on around ourselves
處理信息 To process information
重複了足夠多次的必要步驟 To repeat the necessary steps enough times
減慢 To slow down
參與模型建立過程 To take part in the model building process
測試我們的模型 To test our model(s)
測試我們 To test us
努力去感受我們移動時的身體 To work towards feeling our body as it moves
為了這個目標 Toward this end
透過我們的聯繫來傳遞和接收變化 Using our connection to transmit and receive change
我們也在感知變化 We are also sensing change
我們可以增加連接組織的張力 We can add connective tissue tension
我們可以調整我們的身體 We can adjust our body
我們也可以做到 We can also do it
我們可以通過清晰思考並確定我們需要做什麼來更好地處理變化 We can better handle change by thinking clearly and figuring out what we need to do
我們可以將我們正在學習的內容分解 We can break down what we are learning
我們可以選擇學習什麼以及如何學習 We can choose what to learn and how
我們可以在軀幹中創造長度 We can create length in our torso
我們可以將有限的處理能力和注意力用於注意事情發生的瞬間 We can devote our limited processing power and attention to noticing what is happening as it happens
我們可以因為學習騎乘時建立的心智模型而不經思考地做所有這些事情 We can do all of these things without having to think because of the mental models we built while learning to ride
我們可以不經思考地進行簡單的數學運算 We can do simple math operations without thinking
我們可以做同樣的事情 We can do the same thing
我們可以感覺到 We can feel it
我們可以感覺到筆尖剛剛接觸到紙上 We can feel when the tip of the brush is just touching the paper
我們可以專注於做它 We can focus on doing it
我們可以專注於做它們 We can focus on doing them
我們可以專注於感覺我們的身體 We can focus on feeling our body
我們可以專注於前方的道路 We can focus on the road ahead
我們可以專注於前方的道路及其上的事物 We can focus on the road ahead and what is on it
我們可以放鬆連接組織 We can relax connective tissue
我們就能選擇學習什麼以及如何學習 We can then choose what to learn and how to learn it
我們就可以專注於感覺我們的手臂和手 We can then focus on feeling our arm and hand
我們可以使用我們的身體以特定方式 We can use our body in particular ways
我們可以使用心智模型作為指南來找出問題的源頭 We can use the mental model as a guide to figuring out the source of the problem
我們可以努力去感受我們移動時的身體 We can work towards feeling our body as it moves
我們可以努力在不需思考的情況下處理意外變化 We can work towards handling unexpected change without having to think
我們可以努力在不需要思考的情況下處理意外變化 We can work towards handling unexpected change without having to think
我們大部分的思考都是提前進行的 We do most of the thinking ahead of time
我們通過這種切割不能獲得完全的理解 We don't get full understanding from this cutting up
我們通過這種切割並不能完全理解 We don't get full understanding from this cutting up
我們就不必花那麼多時間去弄清楚如何學習某事 We don't have to spend so much time in figuring out how to learn something
我們必須感受我們的身體 We had to feel our body
我們知道 We know
我們會習慣性地知道答案是 We know habitually that the answer is
我們可能會發現更容易應對意外的變化 We may find it easier to deal with unexpected change
我們可能會發現更容易應對意外變化 We may find it easier to handle unexpected change
我們利用我們的感官來察覺變化 We use our senses to notice change
我們學會了各種模型 We've learned the model
我們學會了各種使我們能夠在不需要思考的情況下控制摩托車的模型 We've learned the various models that allow us to control the bike without having to think
我們可以學習感受的是肌肉激活和結締組織張力傳遞的感覺 What we can learn to feel is muscle activation and the sensation of transmitted connective tissue tension
我們已書之物 What we have written
我們所書之物 What we write
當處理直接涉及我們自己的活動 When dealing with activities that directly involve ourselves
當墨水開始用盡時 When the ink begins to run out
當我們注意到變化並理解它的意義時 When we notice change and understand what it signifies
當我們注意到變化並理解它的意義時、那麼變化就變成了信息 When we notice change and understand what it signifies, then that change becomes information
在模型被用來代表複雜系統時 Where models are used to represent complex systems
無論有沒有專家或教練的幫助 Whether or not we have the help of an expert or a coach
無論這些系統是在我們自己之外 Whether those systems are outside of ourselves
同時提高我們使用模型成功處理預期和意外的能力 While at the same time improving our ability to use models to successfully handle both the expected and the unexpected
做瑜伽時 While doing yoga
同時為尚待書寫的內容留出空間 While leaving space for what is yet to be written
同時保持我們身體各部分之間的連接組織緊張 While maintaining connective tissue tension between the parts of the body
當繪畫中文字符時 While painting Chinese characters
雖然結果並非完全獨立 While the end result isn't complete independence
雖說最終成果不是完全的自主 While the end result isn't complete independence
有了心智模型 With mental models
無論有無專家或教練的協助 With or without the help of an expert or coach
關於我們的身體 With respect to our body
有了心智模型提供的自動化行為 With the automated actions provided by mental models
有了這個伺服器 With this server
我們自己內部 Within ourselves
而不是感到困擾或不安 Without getting flustered or upset
而不是感到慌亂或沮喪 Without getting flustered or upset
避免了思考所帶來的時間延遲 Without the time delay that thinking tends to incur
在不需要思考的情況下 Without thinking
而不經思考 Without thinking
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