一條皮裙 A leather skirt
圍裙 Apron
臂章 Armband
印花大手帕 Bandana
泳衣 Bathing Suit
晨褸 Bathrobe
浴袍 Bathrobe
米色麻料西裝 Beige linen suit
襻 Belt
腰帶 Belt
百慕達短褲 Bermuda shorts
上衣 Blouse
緊身內衣 Bodice
打蝴蝶領結 Bow tie
領結 Bow tie
西裝 Business suit
袚 Buskins
斗篷 Cape
衵 Chemise
斗篷 Cloak
衣服 Clothes
衣著 Clothes
衣裳 Clothes
衣料 Clothing
衣著 Clothing
衣 Coat
衫 Coat
襖 Coat
外衣 Coat
衿 Collar
襟 Collar
衣領 Collar
領子 Collar
蓬裙 Crinoline
褲襠 Crotch Of Trousers
袖扣 Cuff link
舞衣 Dancing Clothes
牛仔布 Denim
牛仔裝 Denim
牛仔夾克 Denim Jacket
牛仔襯衫 Denim Shirt
晚宴服 Dinner Jacket
脫掉 Doffed
羽絨服 Down jacket
褌 Drawers
褲 Drawers
衣 Dress
洋裝 Dress
禮服 Dress
連身裙 Dress
耳環 Ear rings
晚禮服 Evening Dress
連身印花裙 Floral dress
連身印花裙 Floral print one piece dress
鬆軟舒適的浴袍 Fluffy bath robe
球衣 Football jersey
前面口袋 Front Pocket
衣 Garment
裾 Garment
外衣 Garment
眼鏡 Glasses
手套 Gloves
蛙鏡 Goggles
護目鏡 Goggles
衫 Gown
袍 Gown
裴 Gown
禮服 Gown
袍子 Gown
袚 Greaves
高帽 Hat
頭盔 Helmet
連帽外套 Hoodie
袞 Imperial Garb
褂 Jacket
襡 Jacket
襦 Jacket
外套 Jacket
夾克 Jacket
牛仔褲 Jeans
連身衣 Jumpsuit
實驗衣 Lab coat
蕾絲領子 Lace collar
衽 Lapel
衿 Lapel
襟 Lapel
衽 Lapel That Tucks Under Right Arm
皮衣 Leather Clothing
皮裙 Leather skirt
袷 Lined Garment
麻料西裝 Linen suit
長大衣 Long coat
裳 Lower Body Garment
襬 Lower Part Of Robe
長度到大腿中段的格子呢裙 Mid-Thigh Length Tartan Skirt
軍服 Military Uniform
袈 Monk's Robe
裟 Monk's Robe
領巾 Neckerchief
項鏈 Necklace
領帶 Necktie
睡袍 Nightgown
衽 Overlapping Lapel
襖 Padded Jacket
睡衣 Pajamas
褲 Pants
褲子 Pants
裳 Petticoats
罩裙 Pinafore
格子棉布短褲 Plaid cotton shorts
素色法蘭絨襯衫 Plain flannel shirt
褳 Pocket
褳 Pouch Hung From A Belt
保護衣 Protective clothing
皮包 Purse
雨衣 Rain Coat
襏 Raincoat
紅袍 Red Robe
紅臂章 Red armband
紅領巾 Red neckerchief
袈 Robe
袍 Robe
裟 Robe
襬 Robe
浴袍 Robe
連身裙的腰帶 Sash
校服 School Clothes
校服 School Uniform
衫 Shirt
襯 Shirt
上衣 Shirt
襯衣 Shirt
襯衫 Shirt
襡 Short Coat
褌 Short Pants
短裙 Short Skirt
短褲裝 Short-pants suit
褌 Shorts
短褲 Shorts
絲袍 Silk robe
褟 Singlet
緊身衣 Skin-tight clothing
裙 Skirt
裳 Skirt
裙子 Skirt
裳 Skirts
裙幅 Skirts
袂 Sleeve
袖 Sleeve
袖子 Sleeve
無袖 Sleeveless
袖子 Sleeves
罩裙 Smock
襪 Socks
洋襪子 Socks
眼鏡 Spectacles
帶刺頭盔 Spiked helmet
襪 Stockings
墨鏡 Sunglasses
連帽外套 Sweat Top
毛衣 Sweater
泳衣 Swimming Costume
泳衣 Swimming Trunks
脫下來 Take off (clothes)
格子呢裙 Tartan Skirt
厚襪子 Thick socks
領帶夾 Tie clip
羅馬長袍 Toga
長袍 Toga
脫了 Took off
高帽 Top hat
高禮帽 Top hat
襱 Trouser Legs
褲管 Trouser Legs
褲裝 Trouser suit
褌 Trousers
褲 Trousers
褲裝 Trousers
長褲 Trousers
襖 Tunic
衷 Undergarments
衷衣 Undergarments
褌 Underwear
褲 Underwear
襯 Underwear
內褲 Underwear
衷衣 Underwear
脫下來 Undress
制服 Uniform
軍服 Uniform
襌 Unlined Garment
背心 Vest
背心兒 Vest
背褡 Vest
背心 Waistcoat
白裙 White dress
白袍 White gown
白色蕾絲睡袍 White lace nightgown
衵 Woman's Underwear
羊毛褲 Wool Trousers
裘 fur coat
長袍 robe
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