A vassal of the Shang Court
Administrative divisions
After defeating Shang 商, Zhou 周 then
After the Jin dynasty
After the King of Zhou moved east
Age of discovery
Ancient China
Ancient China used the combination of heavenly stems and earthly branches to record the year
And had many exchanges with Shang 商
Anglo-French alliance
Armed conflict occurred
Attached great importance to the study of the classics
Beinan culture, a culture of the Taiwan late neolithic age
Being gradually corrupted through monopolization by the aristocracy
Bolster Centralization
Built a telegraph line as far as Fuzhou
By the end of the nineteenth century
Came under the protection of Han Chinese
Camphor exports
Camphor trees that are over a thousand years old
Camphor's importance
Camphor's importance was gradually supplanted
Cao Wei
Central Government Education
Central government
Chen Baozhen, a Qing dynasty official
Cheng Ming Hall (used as research academy during Han Dynasty)
Clashes become increasingly more violent
Confucian classics
Confucius' main ideas
Consolidate Imperial Rule
Continuing to the east, they established new Fiefdoms
Corrupted through monopolization by the aristocracy
Cost of buying camphor
Cost of buying camphor is increasing
Counties were set up below prefectures
Daoguan, seventh emperor of the Qing dynasty from 1820 to 1850
Dapenkeng culture, a northern Taiwan culture of the Neolithic age
Defeated the Shang
Du Fu (Tang Dynasty Poet)
Duke Xiao of Qin, A Ruler of the Qin during the Warring States period
During the Guangxu period of the late Qing Dynasty
During the Qing Dynasty
Early era state rule
Eastern Han
Eastern Jin
Eastern Wu
Eastern Zhou
Election of officials in the late Han dynasty
Emperor Han Hui
Emperor Kangxi, third emperor of the Qing dynasty
Establish new fiefdoms
Established the Zhou Dynasty
Establishment of centralized authority
Expansion of the National Administrative System
Facing a vast 廣大 and newly conquered 征服 land
Feudal state
Feudalism in the Early States
First Emperor
First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty
Five Dynasties
Five Dynasties and Ten Kindoms
From Feudalism to Centralism (From Distributed to Centralized Power)
From the Shang, Zhou, Sui and Tang dynasties
Government household registration
Gradually losing authority over other states
Han Dynasty
Historic record
Historical era
Historical explanation
Historical period
Imperial Examination
Imperial Examination System
Imperial rule
Items or rituals that can be used by each grade of nobility
Japanese invasion of Taiwan in 1874
Jiantu (Jin Wen Gong met there to pledge loyalty to the Zhou Dynasty)
Jiaqing, sixth emperor of the Qing dynasty from 1796 to 1820
Kangxi, third emperor of the Qing dynasty
Kangxi, third emperor of the Qing dynasty from 1662 to 1722
King Shang
King Zhou
King's capital
Late Han Dynasty
Late Qing dynasty
Late neolithic age
Laying a foundation for Qin to be prosperous and Strong
Li Bi (Tang Dynasty Poet)
Lin Shuangwen incident
Lin Shuangwen, Rebel against Qing dynasty rule in Taiwan
Liu Mingchuan, Qing dynasty governor of Taiwan
Lu Bu (Skilled archer and General of the Eastern Han dynasty) and Yi Liao (a skillful juggler)
Lu Lun, a poet of the middle Tang dynasty
Maintain 維繫 relationships with other countries
Ming dynasty
Monopolized or controlled by the aristocracy
Moving towards centralized power
National or State Administrative System
Neolithic age
Newly appointed King of Zhou
Newly conquered
Nine Ranks
Nine ranks of Government Officialdom
Nine states (euphemism for ancient China)
Nineteenth century
Northern Dynasty
Northern Song
Officials are mostly nobles or aristocrats
One of the channels for selecting officials
Open up barren wasteland for farming
Opium and textiles
Origin theory
Paleolithic age
People not of the ruling class
Period of Japanese occupation
Persuaded by generals
Political center of the Western Zhou dynasty
Post war Taiwan
Qianlong, fifth emperor of the Qing dynasty from 1735 to 1796
Qin Dynasty
Qin State
Qing Empire
Qing court's policy for ruling Taiwan
Qing dynasty
Qing dynasty soldiers
Revolt against the Qing dynasty and restore the Ming dynasty
Royal Library during Han dynasty
Select officials
Selection of officials
Selection of talented individuals
Shang Dynasty
Shang Yang, Warring States period statesman, chancellor and reformer
Shang and Zhou
Shang, located in the Yellow River valley
Shisanhang, a culture of the Taiwan metal age
Shu han
Sino-French war
Sixteen Kingdoms
Sixteen Kingdoms of the Five Barbarians
Some princes 諸侯 where unhappy with the King of Zhou 周王
Son of Heaven (Monarchical Title)
Southern Dynasty
Spring Autumn period
Sui Dynasty
Sui and Tang dynasties
Support the concept of a unified country
Tea, sugar, camphor
Ten Kingdoms
The Emperor's
The early era Chinese
The early era state
The influence of the People of Zhou 周人 developed over a long period of time
The modern day state
The relationships between the people of Shang 商人 and neighboring nations 民族 or countries 國家
The ruler of Zhou
They united with foreigners to capture the capital
Three Kingdoms
Three provinces
Through bloodline (relations) 血緣 or marriage 婚姻
Training officials
Transitioned from feudalism to centralized power
Uniting many countries, they defeated the Shang 商
Used force of arms for backup
Valuable enough for two countries to go to war over it
Various sized settlements
Warring States
Wei and Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties
Western Han
Western Jin
Western Zhou
What is history?
Year number during an emperor's reign
Yi Yin
Yin Tang (or Cheng Tang) established Shang dynasty after overthrowing the despot Jie of the Xia dynasty.
Yingzhen, King of Jin, the person who became the First Emperor of the Jin Dynasty
Yingzheng, birth name of the First Emperor of the Jin Dynasty
Yongzhen, fourth emperor of the Qing dynasty from 1722 to 1735
Yuanshan culture, a culture of the Taiwan late neolithic age,
Yue fu
Zhao Dynasty
Zhaozhen, alternate name of the First Emeperor of the Jin Dynasty
Zheng, King of Jin, the person who became the First Emperor of the Jin Dynasty
Zhou Dynasty
Zhou people
Zhou 周 was located to the west of Shang
Zhu Yigui
Zhu Yigui incident
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