腹 Abdomen
腹部 Abdomen
腹壁 Abdominal Wall
主運動肌 Agonist
肺泡 Alveoli
肛門腺 Anal Glands
拮抗肌 Antagonist
肛 Anus
屁眼 Anus
肛門 Anus
胳膊 Arm
胳 Armpit
腋 Armpit
胳肢窩 Armpit
脅 Armpits
腋窩 Armpits
動脈 Artery
小腹 Belly
臍 Belly Button
大腳趾 Big toe
胱 Bladder
血管 Blood Vessels
骨頭 Bone
筋骨 Bones And Muscles
胸部 Breast
滑囊 Bursa
臀 Buttocks
髀 Buttocks
中樞神經 CNS
微血管 Capillary
軟骨 Cartilage
中樞神經 Central Nervous System
腮 Cheeks
胸 Chest
胸口 Chest
胸膛 Chest
胸部 Chest
下巴 Chin
腠 Connective Tissue
連結組織 Connective tissue
胯部 Crotch
骨幹 Diaphysis
十二指腸 Duodenum
胳膊肘子 Elbow
肌內膜 Endomysium
骨內膜 Endosteum
肌外膜 Epimysium
食道 Esophagus
眼睛 Eye
眼窩 Eye Socket
眼瞼 Eyelid
眼皮 Eyelids
腠 Fascia
肌膜 Fascia
快彈力纖維 Fast-twitch fibers
腺 Gland
胯部 Groin
鼠蹊 Groin
硬顎 Hard Palate
心肌 Heart
肝動脈 Hepatic Artery
腹股溝 Inguinal
腹股溝 Inguinal Groove
腹股溝韌帶 Inguinal Ligament
趺 Instep
跗 Instep
島葉 Insula
腦島 Insula
椎間盤 Intervertebral Disc
椎間孔 Intervertebral Foramina
喉頭 Larynx
韌帶 Ligament
嘴唇 Lips
嘴脣 Lips
腰 Low Back
肌 Muscle
鼻腔 Nasal cavity
脖 Neck
頸部 Neck
新皮質 Neocortex
神經 Nerve
神經傳感 Neurotransmitter
乳頭 Nipple
膫 Omentum
視神經 Optic nerve
齶 Palate
骨盆區域 Pelvic Region
陰莖 Penis
肌束膜 Perimysium
骨外膜 Periosteum
骨膜 Periosteum
腦下垂體 Pituitary Gland
眼瞳 Pupil (of the eye)
直腸 Rectum
眼網膜 Retina
視網膜 Retina
肋 Rib
脅 Ribs
齶 Roof Of Mouth
腎囊 Scrotum
肩 Shoulder
膀 Shoulder
膊 Shoulder
肩膀 Shoulder
肩頭 Shoulder
肩窩 Shoulder socket
骷 Skeleton
髏 Skeleton
骨骸 Skeleton
膚 Skin
髏 Skull
慢彈力纖維 Slow-twitch fibers
腠 Subcutaneous Tissue
腱 Tendon
肌腱 Tendon
筋節 Tendons And Joints
筋絡 Tendons And Veins
肌腱和韌帶 Tendons and Ligaments
軀幹 The trunk
髀 Thigh
大腿 Thigh
股溝 Thigh Groove
胸腔 Thoracic Cavity
胸 Thorax
喉頭 Throat
趾 Toe
氣管 Trachea
肱骨滑車 Trochlea
上胸位置 Upper Chest Region
上臂 Upper arm
大胸肌使力 Using The Strength Of The Pectoralis Major
產前 Vagina
臟 Viscera
肓 Vital Organs
聲帶 Vocal chords
腰 Waist
腰部 Waist
腰際 Waist
胞 Womb
子宮 Womb
脕 Wrist
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