腹 Abdomen
腹部 Abdomen
腹壁 Abdominal Wall
主運動肌 Agonist
肺泡 Alveoli
肛門腺 Anal Glands
拮抗肌 Antagonist
肛 Anus
屁眼 Anus
肛門 Anus
胳膊 Arm
胳 Armpit
腋 Armpit
胳肢窩 Armpit
脅 Armpits
腋窩 Armpits
動脈 Artery
耳廓 Auricle
小腹 Belly
臍 Belly Button
大腳趾 Big toe
胱 Bladder
血管 Blood Vessels
骨頭 Bone
筋骨 Bones And Muscles
胸部 Breast
滑囊 Bursa
臀 Buttocks
髀 Buttocks
中樞神經 CNS
微血管 Capillary
軟骨 Cartilage
中樞神經 Central Nervous System
腮 Cheeks
胸 Chest
胸口 Chest
胸膛 Chest
胸部 Chest
下巴 Chin
腠 Connective Tissue
連結組織 Connective tissue
肌束膜 Connective tissue sheath surrounding individual muscle fascicles
肌外膜 Connective tissue sheath that surrounds an entire muscle
肌內膜 Connective tissue that surrounds individual muscle fibers within a fascicle
胯部 Crotch
骨幹 Diaphysis
十二指腸 Duodenum
胳膊肘子 Elbow
食道 Esophagus
眼睛 Eye
眼窩 Eye Socket
眼瞼 Eyelid
眼皮 Eyelids
腠 Fascia
快彈力纖維 Fast-twitch fibers
屈肌 Flexor
眉間 Glabella
腺 Gland
胯部 Groin
鼠蹊 Groin
硬顎 Hard Palate
心肌 Heart
肝動脈 Hepatic Artery
腹股溝 Inguinal
腹股溝 Inguinal Groove
腹股溝韌帶 Inguinal Ligament
趺 Instep
跗 Instep
島葉 Insula
腦島 Insula
椎間盤 Intervertebral Disc
椎間孔 Intervertebral Foramina
膝蓋 Knee
喉頭 Larynx
韌帶 Ligament
嘴唇 Lips
嘴脣 Lips
腰 Low Back
咀嚼 Masticate
骨內膜 Membrane lining the inner surface of the bony wall and encapsulating the bone marrow
骨外膜 Membrane that covers the outer surface of bones
骨膜 Membrane that covers the outer surface of bones
肌 Muscle
鼻腔 Nasal cavity
脖 Neck
頸部 Neck
新皮質 Neocortex
神經 Nerve
神經傳感 Neuro-transmitter
乳頭 Nipple
膫 Omentum
視神經 Optic nerve
齶 Palate
骨盆區域 Pelvic Region
陰莖 Penis
腦下垂體 Pituitary Gland
眼瞳 Pupil (of the eye)
直腸 Rectum
眼網膜 Retina
視網膜 Retina
肋 Rib
脅 Ribs
齶 Roof Of Mouth
腎囊 Scrotum
肩 Shoulder
膀 Shoulder
膊 Shoulder
肩膀 Shoulder
肩頭 Shoulder
肩窩 Shoulder socket
骷 Skeleton
髏 Skeleton
骨骸 Skeleton
膚 Skin
髏 Skull
慢彈力纖維 Slow-twitch fibers
腠 Subcutaneous Tissue
腱 Tendon
肌腱 Tendon
筋節 Tendons And Joints
筋絡 Tendons And Veins
肌腱和韌帶 Tendons and Ligaments
軀幹 The trunk
髀 Thigh
大腿 Thigh
股溝 Thigh Groove
胸腔 Thoracic Cavity
胸 Thorax
喉頭 Throat
趾 Toe
氣管 Trachea
肱骨滑車 Trochlea
上胸位置 Upper Chest Region
上臂 Upper arm
大胸肌使力 Using The Strength Of The Pectoralis Major
產前 Vagina
垂直眉間紋 Vertical glabellar rhytides
臟 Viscera
肓 Vital Organs
聲帶 Vocal chords
腰 Waist
腰部 Waist
腰際 Waist
胞 Womb
子宮 Womb
脕 Wrist
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