小辣 A little bit hot
小辣 A little bit spicy
小蘇打粉 Baking soda
豆子 Beans
比利時鬆餅 Belgian waffles
餅 Biscuit
餑 Biscuit
苦腸 Bitter sausage
麥香 Breaded and fried
早餐 Breakfast
薄荷糖 Breath Mint
墨西哥飯包 Burrito
商業午餐 Business lunch
糕 Cake
餅 Cake
餑 Cake
糒 Cakes
脯 Candied Fruit
糖 Candy
穀片 Cereal
酪 Cheese
胵 Chicken Liver
紅辣椒 Chilli Pepper
涼拌類 Cold dishes
粥 Congee
糜 Congee
餅 Cookie
玉米片 Cornflakes
蟹肉 Crab Meat
酪 Cream
脆薯條 Crispy French Fries
脩 Dried Meat
脯 Dried Meat
柿餅 Dried Persimmon
糬 Dumpling
餃 Dumpling
餌 Dumpling
餛 Dumpling
水餃 Dumplings
湯圓 Dumplings
蛋捲 Egg Roll
蛋捲 Egg Wrap
蛋和培根 Eggs and bacon
肥豬肉 Fatty pork
麵粉 Flour
食物 Food
幸運餅乾 Fortune cookie
薯條 French fries
果菜 Fruit And Vegetables
大蒜 Garlic
胵 Goose Liver
穀片 Granola
肉汁 Gravy
杏仁粒 Ground Almonds
糜 Gruel
蛋堡 Hamburger Bun With Egg
可樂餅 Hashbrown
薯餅 Hashbrown
熱食類 Hot Dishes (Food)
熱食 Hot Food
酸辣 Hot and sour (flavor)
冰淇淋 Ice Cream
腸套腸 Intestines
炸涼圓 Jellied Meatballs That Are Fried Then Cooled
千層麵 Lasagna
瘦豬肉 Lean pork
皮蛋 Lime Preserved Eggs
蓮子 Lotus Seed
午飯 Lunch
魯貢丸蛋 Marinated egg
薯泥 Mashed potato
馬鈴薯泥 Mashed potato
飯菜 Meal
中辣 Medium hot (spicy)
瓜果 Melons And Fruits
膾 Minced Fish
脞 Minced Meat
膾 Minced Meat
薄荷糖 Mint
薄荷糖 Mint Flavored Candy Or Chocolate
蘑菇 Mushroom
不添加防腐劑 No added preservatives
核果 Nut
堅果 Nuts
老薑 Old ginger
蚵仔麵線 Oyster noodles
蚵仔煎 Oyster omelette
義大利麵 Pasta
餅 Pastry
花生 Peanut
柿餅 Persimmon Cake
開心果 Pistachio
芭 Plantain
田園 Ploughman's Style
蔥豬 Pork And Onions (Onions And Pork)
鍋貼 Pot stickers
薯餅 Potato Cake
可樂餅 Potato Croquette
馬鈴薯總匯 Potato Quiche
薯片 Potato chips
防腐劑 Preservative
防腐劑 Preservatives
蘿蔔糕 Radish Cake
葡萄乾 Raisins
紅辣椒 Red Pepper
糜 Rice
粿 Rice Cake
餈 Rice Cake
餺 Rice Cake
糢 Rice Snack
烤類 Roasted Dishes
迷迭香 Rosemary
沙拉 Salad
海味 Seafood flavored
芝麻 Sesame Seed
刨冰 Shaved ice
薑絲 Shredded ginger
蝦仁 Shrimp
鮮蝦 Shrimp
臠 Sliced Meat
雲南大薄片 Sliced Pork Head Skin
微辣 Slightly hot (spicy)
菠菜 Spinach
春捲 Spring Rolls
花枝 Squid Ring
清蒸 Steamed
饅頭 Steamed buns
燉菜 Stew
糯 Sticky Rice
壽司 Sushi
蕃薯 Sweet potato
糖 Sweets
擔仔麵 Ta-a Mi
擔仔湯麵 Ta-a noodle soup
擔仔乾麵 Ta-a noodles
擔仔湯米粉 Ta-a rice noodle soup
擔仔乾米粉 Ta-a rice noodles
仙草冰 Taiwanese style desert
芋圓 Taro Balls
泰式 Thai style
吐司 Toast
土司 Toast
豆皮 Tofu Skin
豆皮海鮮捲 Tofu Skin Wrapped Fresh Seafood
糒 Travelling Food
松露 Truffle
大辣 Very hot (spicy)
鬆餅 Waffles
核桃 Walnut
飩 Wanton
菱荇 Water Chestnuts
銀耳 White Mushroom
田園野菇 Wild Mushroom
冬瓜糖 Winter Melon Candy
餛 Wonton
餛飩 Wonton
酪 Yoghurt
雲味 Yunnan style
豆芽菜 bean sprouts
燙空心菜 boiled Kong Xin Cai
湯豆芽菜 boiled bean sprouts
燙菠菜 boiled spinach
燙地瓜葉 boiled sweet potato leaves
貢丸 meat balls
肉燥飯 minced meat on rice
紅醬 red sauce
小菜類 side dishes
地瓜葉 sweet potato leaves
魯蛋米粉 tea egg with rice noodles
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