三次函數及其影像 Cubic functions and their graphs
指數函數及其影像 Exponential functions and graphs
幾何數列 Geometric sequences
線性排列 Linear permutations
排列與組合 Permutations and Combinations
線性不等式 Linear inequality
解指數方程式和不等式 Solving exponential equations and inequalities
函數的概念 The concept of functions
指數函數 The Exponential Function
離散隨機變數 Discrete random variables
極座標 Polar coordinates
數學建模 Mathematical modelling
線性方程式與數學建模 Linear equations and Mathematical modelling
計數方法 Counting methods
科學記數法 Scientific notation
多項式除法演算法 Polynomial Division algorithm
條件機率 Conditional probability
貝葉斯定理 Bayes' Theorem
諧波加法定理 Harmonic addition theorem
條件機率和貝葉斯定理 Conditional probability and Bayes' theorem
微分的應用 Applications of differentiation
線性方程式的應用 Applications of linear equation applications
圓的方程 Equation of a circle
平面方程 Equation of a plane
三維空間中的直線方程 Equation of a line in 3D space
標準形式的雙曲線方程 Equation of a Hyperbola in standard form
求標準形式的拋物線方程 Finding the equation of a parabola's standard form
依軌跡定義求標準形式的橢圓方程 Finding the equation of an elipse in standard form
空間中的向量和向量積 Vectors in space and vector products
橢圓的軌跡 The locus of an elipse
拋物線的軌跡 The locus of a parabola
雙曲線的軌跡 Locus of a Hyperbola
向量 Vectors
弧度測量 Radian Measurement of Angles
函數的極限 Limits of a function
數列和級數的極限 The limits of sequences and series
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