髂骨前上棘 ASIC
髂骨前上棘 ASIS
肩峰 Acromion Process
髂骨前上棘 Anterior Superior Iliac Crest
髂骨前上棘 Anterior Superior Iliac Spine
附肢骨骼 Appendicular Skeleton
中軸骨骼 Axial Skeleton
膂 Back Bone
二頭肌溝 Bicepital Groove
骸 Bones
跟骨 Calcaneus
頭狀骨 Capitate
肱骨小頭 Capitulum
腕骨 Carpals
頸椎 Cervical Spine
顴骨 Cheekbone
鎖骨 Clavicle
尾骨 Coccyx
髁 Condyle
喙突 Coracoid process
肋軟骨 Costal Cartilage
骰 Cuboid
骰骨 Cuboid
楔狀骨 Cuneiform
楔骨 Cuneiform
三角肌粗隆 Deltoid Tuberosity
篩骨 Ethmoid Bone
假肋 False Ribs
股骨頭 Femoral Head
股骨頸 Femoral Neck
大腿骨 Femur
股骨 Femur
腓 Fibula
腓骨 Fibula
浮肋 Floating Ribs
蹠 Foot Bones
蹠骨 Foot Bones (forward part of arch of foot)
橈 Forearm Bone
額頭 Forehead
額骨 Frontal Bone
坐骨大切跡 Greater Sciatic Notch
鉤骨 Hamate
腓骨頭 Head Of Fibula
胯 Hip Bone
無名骨 Hip Bone
胯骨 Hip Bone
髖骨 Hip Bone
臀骨 Hip bone
肱骨頭 Humeral Head
肱 Humerus
肱骨 Humerus
舌骨 Hyoid Bone
髂骨棘 Iliac Crest
腸骨棘 Iliac crest
腸骨棘 Iliac spine
迴 Ilium
髂 Ilium
腸骨 Ilium
髂骨 Ilium
無名骨 Innominate Bone
中間楔狀骨 Intermediate Cuneiform
坐骨棘 Ischial Spine
坐骨粗隆 Ischial Tuberosities
坐骨結節 Ischial Tuberosities
坐骨枝 Ischio-Ramus
坐骨 Ischium
臏 Kneecap
髕 Kneecap
淚骨 Lacrimal Bone
椎板 Laminae
外側楔狀骨 Lateral Cuneiform
外踝腓骨 Lateral Malleolus Of The Fibula
外側緣 Lateral Margin
跤 Leg Bones
坐骨小切跡 Lesser Sciatic Notch
股骨粗線 Linea Aspera
下角 Lower Angle
腓 Lower Leg
腰椎 Lumbar Spine
腰椎 Lumbar vertebrae
月骨 Lunate
下頜骨 Mandible
上頜骨 Maxilla
內側楔狀骨 Medial Cuneiform
內踝脛骨 Medial Malleolus Of The Tibia
內側緣 Medial Margin
掌骨 Meta-Carpals
蹠骨 Meta-Tarsals
無名骨 Nameless Bone
鼻骨 Nasal Bone
手舟骨 Navicular
舟狀骨 Navicular
枕骨 Occipital Bone
枕骨髁 Occipital Condyle
齶骨 Palatine Bone
頂骨 Parietal Bone
臏 Patella
髕 Patella
椎弓根 Pedicle
椎根 Pedicle
骨盆帶 Pelvic Girdle
骨盆的下側部份 Pelvic Girdle Lower Portion
髂 Pelvis
盆骨 Pelvis
腎盂 Pelvis
骨盆 Pelvis
指骨 Phalanges
趾骨 Phalanges
豌豆骨 Pisiform
恥 Pubic Bone
恥骨 Pubic Bone
恥骨嵴 Pubic Crest
恥骨聯合 Pubic Synthesis
恥骨結節 Pubic Tubercle
恥骨下枝 Pubo-Ramus
橈骨莖突 Radial Bone Styloid Process
橈 Radius
橈骨 Radius
肋骨籠 Ribcage
胸廓 Ribcage
肋骨 Ribs
肩胛棘 Ridge of shoulder blade
薦 Sacrum
薦骨 Sacrum
骶骨 Sacrum
舟骨 Scaphoid
胛 Scapula
髆 Scapula
肩胛骨 Scapula
肩胛棘 Scapular Ridge
肩胛棘 Scapular Spine
骸 Shin Bones
脛 Shinbone
胛 Shoulder Blade
髆 Shoulder Blade
肩胛骨 Shoulder blade
肩帶 Shoulder girdle
骸 Skeleton
骼 Skeleton
骨架 Skeleton
骨骼 Skeleton
骷髏 Skeleton
頭骨 Skull
骷髏頭 Skull
蠂骨 Sphenoid Bone
脊 Spinal Column
膂 Spinal Column
背脊骨 Spinal Column
脊柱 Spinal column
脊 Spine
脊椎 Spine
棘突 Spinous Process
胸骨 Sternum
莖狀突 Styloid process
恥骨上枝 Superior Pubic Ramus
上枝 Superior Ramus
距骨 Talus
蹠 Tarsals
跗骨 Tarsals
趺 Tarsus
跗 Tarsus
顳 Temporal Bone
顳骨 Temporal Bone
胸椎 Thoracic Spine
胸腰交界處 Thoracolumbar junction
脛 Tibia
脛骨 Tibia
脛骨粗隆 Tibial Tuberosity
橫突 Transverse Process
大多角骨 Trapezium
小多角骨 Trapezoid
三角骨 Triquetrum
真肋 True Ribs
結節 Tubercle
肋骨小面 Tubercle Of Rib
粗隆 Tuberosity
尺骨 Ulna
尺骨之莖狀突 Ulna Styloid Process
上角 Upper Angle
椎骨 Vertebra
脊椎骨 Vertebrae
椎體 Vertebral Body
椎孔 Vertebral Foramen
鋤骨 Vomer
犁骨 Vomer Bone
顴 Zygomatic Bone
馗 Zygomatic Bone
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