
xuanˇ baˊ guan ˉ yuanˊ guanˇ daoˋ zhi ˉ yi ˉ

One of the channels for selecting officials

Cat: History (One of the channels for selecting officials) Next

One of the

Selection, Official, Officials, Channel, Pipeline, Plumbing, One of

選拔 xuanˇ baˊ



官員 guan ˉ yuanˊ

Official | Officials


管道 guanˇ daoˋ

Pipeline | Channel | Plumbing


之一 zhi ˉ yi ˉ

One of


xuanˇ baˊ 選拔


yuanˇ daˋ 遠大


juanˇ faˇ 捲髮


quanˊ daˇ 拳打


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