keˇ kuoˋ zhanˇ de˙ hanˋ keˇ xiu ˉ gaiˇ de˙
Scalable and modifiable
Developable, Expandable, Extendable, Spreadable, Develop, Expand, Expanded, Expanding, Expands, Extend, Extended, Extending, Extends, Scale, Scaled, Scales, Scaling, Spread out, Spreading, Spreads, To develop, To expand, To extend, To scale, To spread, Modifiable, Alter, Altered, Altering, Alters, Correct, Corrected, Correcting, Corrects, Fix, Fixed, Fixes, Fixing, Modification, Modifications, Modified, Modifies, Modify, Modifying, To alter, To correct, To fix, To modify
可擴展 keˇ kuoˋ zhanˇ
Scalable | Expandable | Spreadable | Developable | Extendable
擴展 kuoˋ zhanˇ
To expand | Expand | Expands | Expanding | Expanded | To spread | Spread out | Spreads out | Spreading out | To develop | Develop/Develops/Developing/Developed | To extend | Extend | Extends | Extending | Extended | To scale | Scale | Scales | Scaling | Scaled
可修改 keˇ xiu ˉ gaiˇ
修改 xiu ˉ gaiˇ
Modification | Modifications | To modify | Modify | Modifies | Modifying | Modified | To alter | Alter | Alters | Altering | Altered | To correct | Correct | Corrects | Correcting | Corrected | To fix | Fix | Fixes | Fixing | Fixed
keˇ kuoˋ 可擴
ke ˉ luoˉ 科羅
keˋ luo ˉ 克羅
keˇ shuo ˉ 可說
ke ˉ suoˇ 科索
keˋ zhuo ˉ 課桌
keˇ zuoˋ 可坐
leˋ kuoˋ 肋廓
reˇ woˇ 惹我
reˇ guoˋ 惹過
reˇ huoˇ 惹火
seˋ suo ˉ 瑟縮
zheˋ huoˋ 這或
zheˋ shuo ˉ 這說
zheˋ zuoˋ 這做
zheˋ zuoˋ 這座
eˊ duoˊ 訛奪
eˊ guoˊ 俄國
eˊ huoˇ 訛火
eˊ luo ˉ 俄羅
ceˋ suoˇ 廁所
che ˉ huoˋ 車禍
deˊ duo ˉ 得多
deˊ guoˊ 德國
deˊ guoˋ 得過
de˙ guoˋ 的過
de˙ suoˇ 的索
geˋ guoˊ 各國
geˊ luoˋ 葛洛
geˊ suoˇ 葛索
he ˉ guoˇ 喝果
heˊ guoˇ 核果
heˊ huoˇ 合夥
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