ta ˉ men˙ yunˇ xuˇ woˇ men˙ tong ˉ guoˋ xiˊ guanˋ buˋ jing ˉ si ˉ kaoˇ youˇ xiaoˋ xingˊ dongˋ
(They allow) They allow us to act effectively without thinking through habits
它們 taˉ men˙
(Their, Them, They) They, Them, Their
允許 yunˇ xuˇ
(Allow, Allowed, Allowing, Allows, Consent, Permission, To allow, To assent, To consent, To give, To permit) Permission , Consent , To allow, To permit, To consent, To assent, To give permission, To give consent, Allow, Allows, Allowing, Allowed
我們 woˇ men˙
(Our, Ourselves, Us, We) We, Us, Our, Ourselves
通過 tongˉ guoˋ
(By means of, Confirm, Experience, Experienced, Experiences, Experiencing, Pass, Take, Through, To confirm, To experience, To pass, To take, To undergo, Undegoes, Undergo, Undergoing, Underwent, Via) By means of, Through, Via, To experience, Experience, Experiences, Experiencing, Experienced, To undergo, Undergo, Undegoes, Undergoing, Underwent, To take, Take , Takes , Taking , Took , To confirm an appointment, Confirm an appointment, Confirms an appointment, Confirming an appointment, Confirmed an appointment, To pass, Pass , Passes , Passing , Passed
通過習慣 tongˉ guoˋ xiˊ guanˋ
(Through) Through habit, Through habits
習慣 xiˊ guanˋ
(Accustomed To, Custom, Customs, Get used to, Habit, Habits, Usual) Habit, Habits, Custom, Customs, Usual practice, Get used to, Accustomed to
不經 buˋ jingˉ
(Without experience) Without experience
不經思考 buˋ jingˉ siˉ kaoˇ
(Without thinking, Without thought) Without thinking, Without thought
思考 siˉ kaoˇ
(Contemplate, Ponder, Ruminate, Think, Think of, Thought, Thoughts, To contemplate, To ponder, To ruminate, To think, To think of) Thought, Thoughts, To think, To ponder, To contemplate, To ruminate, Think , Thinks , Thinking , Thought , To think of, Think of, Thinks of, Thinking of, Thought of, Ponder , Ponders , Pondering , Pondered , Contemplate , Contemplates , Contemplating , Contemplated , Ruminate , Ruminates , Ruminating , Ruminated
有效 youˇ xiaoˋ
(Effective, Valid) Effective, Valid
有效行動 youˇ xiaoˋ xingˊ dongˋ
(Act effectively, Act efficiently, Effective, Take effective, To act, To take) Effective action, Effective actions, To act effectively, To act efficiently, Act effectively, Acts effectively, Acting effectively, Acted effectively, Act efficiently, Acts efficiently, Acting efficiently, Acted efficiently, To take effective action, Take effective action, Takes effective action, Taking effective action, Took effective action
行動 xingˊ dongˋ
(Act, Action, Actions, Activities, Activity, Get Going, Mobile, Operation, Operational, Operations, Take action, To act, To get, To take, To work, Work) Action, Actions, Operation, Operations, Operational, Mobile, Activity, Activities, To act, Act , Acts , Acting , To take action, Take action, Takes action, Taking action, Took action, To get going, Get Going, Gets Going, Getting Going, Got Going, To work, Work , Works , Working , Worked
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