xin ˉ zhiˋ moˊ xingˊ jiˊ qiˊ xiˊ guanˋ shiˇ woˇ men˙ nengˊ gouˋ zaiˋ chuˋ liˇ bianˋ huaˋ hanˋ chuangˋ zaoˋ bianˋ huaˋ shiˊ ziˋ fa ˉ de˙ xingˊ dongˋ
(Mental models) Mental models and their habits allow us to be spontaneous in handling change and creating it
心智 xinˉ zhiˋ
心智模型 xinˉ zhiˋ moˊ xingˊ
(Mental model, Mental models) Mental model, Mental models, A mental model, The mental model, The mental models
模型 moˊ xingˊ
(Miniature, Model, Models, Scale) Scale model, Miniature model, Model, Models
及其 jiˊ qiˊ
(And, And its, And their) And, And its, And their
習慣 xiˊ guanˋ
(Accustomed To, Custom, Customs, Get used to, Habit, Habits, Usual) Habit, Habits, Custom, Customs, Usual practice, Get used to, Accustomed to
使我們能夠 shiˇ woˇ men˙ nengˊ gouˋ
(Allow us, Allowed us, Allowing us, Allows us, Enable, Enabled, Enables, Enabling us to, To allow us, To enable) To enable us to, Enable us to, Enables us to, Enabling us to, Enabled us to, To allow us (to), Allow us, Allows us, Allowing us, Allowed us
我們 woˇ men˙
(Our, Ourselves, Us, We) We, Us, Our, Ourselves
能夠 nengˊ gouˋ
(Able, Am able to, Am capable, Are able to, Are capable, At least, Being, Being able to, Can, Can sufficiently, Is able to, Is capable, To be, To be able, Was able to, Was capable, Were able to, Were capable) Can, Able, To be able to, Being able to, Am able to, Are able to, Is able to, Was able to, Were able to, To be capable, Being capable, Am capable, Are capable, Is capable, Was capable, Were capable, Can sufficiently, At least
在 zaiˋ
Now, Located, In, At, On, By, Alive, Present, Presently
處理 chuˋ liˇ
(Deal with, Dispose of, Handle, Process, Take care of, To deal with, To dispose of, To handle, To process, To take) To handle, Handle , Handles , Handling , Handled , To take care of, Take care of, Takes care of, Taking care of, Took care of, To dispose of, Dispose of, Disposes of, Disposing of, Disposed of, To deal with, Deal with, Deals with, Dealing with, Dealt with, To process, Process , Processes , Processing , Processed
處理變化 chuˋ liˇ bianˋ huaˋ
(Deal with, Handle, To deal with, To handle) To handle change, Handle change, Handles change, Handling change, To deal with change, Deal with change, Deals with change, Dealing with change, Dealt with change
變化 bianˋ huaˋ
(Change, Conjugate, To change, To conjugate) Change , Changes , Conjugate , Conjugates , To change, Change , Changes , Changing , Changed , To conjugate (a verb), Conjugate , Conjugates , Conjugating , Conjugated
和 hanˋ heˊ heˋ huoˊ huoˋ
Together with, together with, Peaceful, Harmonious, Calm, Mix, Blend, Unify, Soft, Warm, With, And
創造 chuangˋ zaoˋ
(Create, Created, Creates, Creating, Creation, Invent, Invented, Inventing, Invention, Invents, To create, To invent) Creation, Invention, To create, Create, Creates, Creating, Created, To invent, Invent, Invents, Inventing, Invented
創造變化 chuangˋ zaoˋ bianˋ huaˋ
(Create, Created, Creates, Creating, To create) To create change, Create change, Creates change, Creating change, Created change
時 shiˊ
Time, At that time, Fashionable, Sometimes, Era, Season, Epoch
自發 ziˋ faˉ
(Take the) Take the initiative
自發地 ziˋ faˉ de˙
(Spontaneously) Spontaneously
自發地行動 ziˋ faˉ de˙ xingˊ dongˋ
(Act spontaneously) Act spontaneously
行動 xingˊ dongˋ
(Act, Action, Actions, Activities, Activity, Get Going, Mobile, Operation, Operational, Operations, Take action, To act, To get, To take, To work, Work) Action, Actions, Operation, Operations, Operational, Mobile, Activity, Activities, To act, Act , Acts , Acting , To take action, Take action, Takes action, Taking action, Took action, To get going, Get Going, Gets Going, Getting Going, Got Going, To work, Work , Works , Working , Worked
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